Friday, December 31, 2010

gearing up

What am I gearing up for?? the second leg of this journey.

I was able to get 8 hours of sleep in before my day started on Wednesday, so that was a great start!! Yesterday and today were both very busy days! Yesterday I worked, did all the pets, worked some more, worked overnight and then got 3 hours of sleep, headed out to do some work at 2 different places today, plus a bunch of errands! I was just finishing preparing food for tomorrow...the day that is often the most lucrative of the year, New Year's Eve. 2 jobs planned for tomorrow, then the entire weekend off!

The last 2 days have I have felt even more out of balance, and have not been eating properly which makes me feel even more out of balance. The journey to a healthy lifestyle is different for everyone. For me, my ultimate goal is to learn how to have a more balance life. There was a great exercise that Jeanette Jenkins did on the cruise. She talked about many different areas in our lives and had us rate ourselves in each given area. (the entire thing was drawn on spokes of a wheel) Then, after we rated each area, we connected the dots. If you have a round circle, you are in balance, and if not, it will reveal where you may need to put your focus to balance out the cirlce. Most people are always out of balance in some area of their lives, but getting it close to being balanced is the goal. Some of the areas are personal life, spirituality, fitness, social life, family, etc. I will be sharing more with you about this in the coming days.

For now, just something for all of us on our journey to think about. The other big thing is goals. Not just what I want my ideal weight, BMI or pant size to be. It's not even about how far I can run or how much weight I can bench press, though goals for those are important too. I am talking about what do I want my life to look like. What are the ultimate goal I want for my life. This is important because if I say that one of my ultimate goals in life is to write a children's book about health and nutrition, then doing something day to day that is counter to that goal would be silly. So deciding on where I want your life to go is what is important. The best thing I can say is what I learned from the TEAM, specifically Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady: Define, Learn, Do!! Define what you want out of life, learn from those who have what you want, and do what they did to get there. That can apply to finances or a healthy lifestyle or any aspect of your life. So, my homework, and maybe yours too, is to define the lifestyle that I(you) would like for my(your)self.

okay, I know, strange last sentence, but you get the point, right? I told you from the beginning, I'm not all about grammar, punctuation or perfect sentence structure. I would like to get better at those, but the most important thing to me is getting the information down on the page, ya know?

Okay off to bed to get 7 hours of sleep before the busy days starts!!
2 days until I can do a regular work out at the gym, hopefully the hip will cooperate!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

the superstar....HOSS!!!!

Do you remember me talking about Hoss from the cruise? Well, he has a blog now, and he has been talking with Marco Borges and Jillian from the, you have to check out this post!!!

Hoss's web address to follow, I can't wait to read it!!

Today just the pets and a short work day and a bunch of errands. I planned on going to my team meeting, but unfortunately with this weather and the work schedule along with a location change, I didn't make it. When that happens, it puts me in a sad mood, and I wish that I was able to make it there. Instead, I have focused on writing here, letting you know what's going on with me. I went to whole foods and got a japanese egg plant that I grilled (on my grill pan) along with onions and potatoes. They were all a delicious dinner!!!

Well goodnight! Tomorrow will be another day that I am making sure I do something for me before I do a bunch of work. I will be goal setting in the next few days and will post them so that you can see. I will also need a lot of support and suggestions from all of you to help me reach those goals. My hip doesn't have much pain unless I sit for awhile. I will be starting slow with the exercise, but the food will be totally on track, and my meal times are already planned out with my new schedule. I feel that next week will be a great success. I know that this month has not been the greatest, and I feel that I have lost muscle mass, but I know that even though it will be like starting over with the exercise, but I know that I am up for the challenge and I know I will make my goals and dreams a reality!

Thanks for sticking with me on this journey, your feeback and encouragement has been more helpful than you will ever know!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

sleep, please, now..finally--weigh in #26

I got sleep..I think that is the most important thing of this day for sure!

I didn't weigh in because of the fact that I didn't come home. I will weigh in next week, and I don't plan on missing any more.

Tonight, after my nap, I went and checked in on the cats. Then I called my mom and we went for about 2 hours and looked at Christmas lights and ran a couple of errands. We ran out of time last year to look at the lights, and this year, no time before Christmas. I was excited to take her out because she doesn't usually get out in the evening, and it is something that she really wanted to do. I was so happy that I called her and we got to spend that time together!!! MY mom has done so much for me in my life, and to be able to take her out and do this for her made me feel so great!

I think that I'm writing about this because I usually just talk about the workout, work, calories in and out. I don't want to forget about living my life. The other things that are important in my life that I don't take enough time to do when I am focused on a goal. This is an area where I need to improve, this is where I need to put my energy also. FOr so many years, my biggest focus has been work. I'm not saying that I never did anything fun, but work came first. I love taking care of kids and helping families. Unfortunately, it was often at the expense of my own life activities. I know that this will change, and I am learning to put myself first, but taking time for the people in my life that I love is really important to me too!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

umm...sleep....where will I find you??? (26th/27th)

I slept in a little, but had to get over to check on the 6 cats. I got back home and prepared food for the next 24 hours, took a nap, a shower and headed out to work.

The first job was from 3-9 with 2 great little girls. Then took care of the 6 cats, we had fun playing, they were totally wound up!! AFter that, I headed to another house where I needed to check in on a bird and a fish. While I was there, I took a nap for about 30 minutes, then headed over to take care of the twins 11:30-6:30. The twins had a rough night, and I only got in about 2 hours of sleep. I went and took care of the 6 cats, got a jamba juice and headed to work with the 2 girls again, from 8-1. Are you exhausted?? I TOTALLY thought I would be. I have to admit, she got home early and I left at 12:30, and I was pretty happy. I actually managed okay until I got home, then I was really ready to sleep!!!!

I don't feel good about the lack of sleep, but I know that I will sleep better knowing that I will have the finances that I need to pay my bills.

I WILL catch up on sleep, but I know that it doesn't make it okay that I missed my sleep.

What did I learn...don't book things back to back to back, it's not in the best interest of my health!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Monday, December 27, 2010


Not a very exciting day, but it is the one day of the year that I don't think I have ever done child care work..maybe a couple of times, but I can't remember for sure.

Here's my usual Christmas routine....

Sleep in, not setting an alarm, go take care of any pets that I am pet sitting (in AM and later in PM), usually I see my mom, and I always go to a movie. I had no idea what movies were out and so I read a little online and decided on "how do you know" even though the reviews were sketchy. It was just what I needed to escape and relax. I did have popcorn and I did put some real butter on it..balance and it's a holiday. The unfortunate part is that I can't work it off. Luckily, the rest of my eating for the day was focused on veggies and protien.

Though I couldn't work out, I went crazy on house work after I got home from the movie and feeding the pets. My house has just a tiny bit left to do, and it will be great. the goal is to have all the donations done and the papers sorted and filed by January 3rd when my new work schedule begins! I think I ended up in bed at 5am..yikes, tomorrow will be a challenge!

Tomorrow will start a crazy 2 days of work, wish me luck, and Merry Christmas, I hope that you all enjoyed your day, however you spent it!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Christmas Eve!!!

This is the day that I celebrate Christmas with my family. I had a family call me last night and ask if I could come watch their children this morning because they had a family emergency. I also had 2 houses to go to for pet sitting, so it was a very busy morning! I had lots of fun with the kids and we did things around the house to get them ready for the holiday also. I left and got ready to leave for my mom's house, and headed over there.

It was such a great time with my family. My brother in law usually doesn't come on Christmas, only Thanksgiving, but he did this year, and it was so nice to have him there! My sister, Barbie, also came with her husband, and in the past she usually hasn't been able to make it, so I had fun catching up and getting to know them better. On this side of the family there are 7 of us(6 girls and 1 boy), we were all there except Catie..maybe next year we will all be there. A couple of years back, we started to "draw names" for buying gifts so we would each only buy for one person. This year my sister, Barbie, got my name. She was so incredibly generous and she got something I had mentioned to my mom that I would like and I KNOW I will be using and it will move me along on my fitness journey. She got me a "stair stepper", you know,the green one with the purple risers that go underneath? It will have multiple uses in workouts that I do, and my wii fit balance board fits safely on top, so when I do wii fit activities, I will be able to intensify my workouts with that. Heck, I can use it when I am watching a DVD and just step for the entire thing. I know there is a disc that goes with it too, so that will have some great workouts for sure! a couple of other things that I got that will be supporting me on my journey..a great water bottle along with some cool socks from a long time friend , Jillian's yoga meltdown DVD and a workout shirt from my mom! Oh, to add to my workout playlists..Barbie also gave me an itunes gift card. EVeryone is always so generous, and this year the gifts were so thoughtful too! THANKS ALL!!!

Barbie has run multiple marathons, it was neat to talk with her and get support from her and get knowledge about running from her too. That talk came at the perfect time and I can't wait to get back to running! I grew up across the street from 4 of my sisters, obviously before they became my sisters, and I remember watching Barbie play tennis against the garage door. She was so athletic and I just remember wanting to be like her. I was on the tennis team in jr. college, never competed just practiced with the team, but I always thought of her when I strange that now I'm running and she is such an incredible runner.

As far as food and getting sucked into holiday food challenges, I did well. I planned ahead and budgeted calories so that I could eat a small piece of gluten free pecan pie. I remember when Jillian was talking with Tara, and she talked a lot about not obsessing and making sure to have balance.

tomorrow is the day where I do the same thing almost every year...
Merry Christmas!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Thursday, December 23, 2010

almost Christmas...

Just a quick major activities, obviously, but have been walking more and even did "laps" around the tennis court while the kids were riding thier bikes in on the court. I even ran down the driveway to my car at a job I was doing. didn't hurt, but didn't want to push it either. I can not believe I am goign to say this but I can't wait until I can run again!!

my eating has been okay, but not totally on track. It is okay, and with the stress of Christmas, work and getting some junk out of my place, I am a bit scattered!

My bodybugg needs to be renewed, and so I am waiting until January 1st to renew because the schedule and plan will be set and I will be able just really focus!! I am excited to share the journey with all of you, and can't wait to learn more from all of you too!

Oh, a wonderful family that I worked for was so thoughtful!! They gave me some gifts, and one was a gift card for a spa so that I could pamper myself. Well, my goal for 70 pounds is a massage, so that is when I will use it! IT's nice to have a goal set and not have to think about the cost of that goal. Thanks Lisa and Matt!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Monday, December 20, 2010

weigh in #24 and #25

it has been 9 days since i posted and I feel disappointed in myself. However, tonight I will have a longer post than this to delve into why it has been so long!!

weigh in #24 was disappointing...I was at 199.6 which was +4 pounds!!!

today, weigh in #25, was much better!!! 196, -3.6 for a total of -46 pounds. I have 5 to go to get to my pre-cruise weight.

okay off to do Christmas shopping and then to work from post will follow. I appreciate you all reading, but I'm sorry that I haven't posted in so long. Maybe noone is reading anymore, who knows. I will be writing each day, even if it is just to show some stats.

enjoy your day!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Saturday, December 11, 2010

roadblocks, struggles, pushing through

A big thanks goes out to Ellen for helping me work through some things that have been really bothering me.

I have not been working out at all which is a huge disappointment to me..a mini exception of exercise is that I did some jump rope with a little girl t his week, and "set the record" that she was trying to hit. It was 63 without missing of "speed jumping" as she called it. I could have kept going, but she wanted to know how many I could do before I missed. I wo uldn't consider that good for my hip at all, but totally forgot about it when I jumped, because I was having a good day as far as pain goes.

I have, for the most part, been on track with food. I tried a new food that came in my Farm Fresh fruit/veggie delivery last week. It is called Romanesco. It was so amazing!! It would have been a disaster, but luckily a recipe came in the box! It said to preheat the oven to 375 and separate the florettes, add olive oil, salt and pepper(I left out the pepper). cook for 45 minutes, stirring every 15...yum!!!

I have also been very focused on getting the sleep that I need, so that is really good!

Some of the road blocks that I am having are my hip injury. I still feel pain, and it's bothering me, but it is mainly just when I have been sitting awhile. I notice it most after driving to a job, sitting down to work on the computer or sitting down with kids to do homework or play games with them and having to get up. So, that is a huge road block to fitness. It has made me frustrated and apprehensive to do anything because I don't want to make it worse. I ran out of the Mona Vie ACTIVE blend, and that set me back quite a bit. I have been on it for 4 days, and though my hip is still a little sore, like I mentioned, it is not major pain like before.


1-Staying motivated to do anything because I feel like I can't do anything with my hip injury. Does that make any sense?
2-I need to learn to work with the injury that I have and move forward.
3-As I have talked about the other struggle is financial. Financially, with Christmas here, I know that I will not be able to get people gifts like I usually do. In talking to people, I am finding that is a challenge for so many of us. Because of what I was able to do in the past, I think others will have that "expectation" of how much I will spend or do for them. I am learning that the important thing is that I care about them, and if they love me, the gifts won't matter.
3-Struggling to get work. I have been working hard toward finding jobs. I have decided to find a permanent part time job because I have noticed that I spend so much time each day looking for work to fill my schedule. Usually December is my busiest month, and in November I am already turning work away for December. I have applied for numerous jobs, and done a few interviews, and hope to have everything solidified before the first of the year. That will allow me to get focus better on food and really put energy into physical activity in whatever form I can possibly do.
4-cutting expenses.. I have gotten a cheaper internet company which is 1/4 of the cost of the old one, and just put some things on hold. Uggg..I'm trying to figure out how to word things, and I realize that if I am trying to figure out how to say something, then I am trying to cover something up. That is really hard to admit, but this blog is about me and being honest and revealing things and how I got through them so that I can learn from them, and hopefully as a result, help someone who reads this. So, here's the deal...I had internet service that cost about $65. In order to bring it down, I could get cable and it would be about $10 cheaper to have both cable and internet. As I have talked about, I don't really watch TV. I love to watch TV, but I notice that I have always used it to escape from my life. If I'm escaping from my life, then obviously, I'm not too happy with my own life, right? So, I need to change something!! WEll, I did switch internet, like I mentioned, and there will be no cable and thus, less escaping from the reality that is my life. I'm not saying all TV is bad, but for me, it is destructive to me attaining my goal. It distracts me and I get sucked in. For me, I need to not have it around. I will go back to watching the 3 shows that I enjoy online IF i hit a goal to do so. I have not been doing that, and it has gotten in the way of me working hard to reach my goal, and it is frustrating to me!

With all of that said, tomorrow is a new day. It reminds me of my two favorite quotes that are on my bathroom mirror..i'm mentioned them before, I'm sure, but I am never going to stop repeating them.

1-"The door to the past is shut and the key thrown away, you can do nothing about tomorrow, it is yet to come. However, tomorrow is, in part, determined by what you do today, so make today your masterpiece, you have control over that"

2-"adversity doesn't develop character as much as it reveals it"

Well, it is 4:40am and it is today. I will be sleeping for about 7 or 8 hours and then helping my mom, and then headed to a leadership seminar. It is a new and exciting day, and even with all of the challenges and struggles that I am having, I am thankful for the people in my life, for having a body that, for the most part, is strong and able to do what I need it to do, a working car, and a place to live.

I hope that your weekend is just wonderful!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


slept for a total of 8 hours! other stats:
calories burned: 3055
calories consumed: 1901
calorie deficit: 1154

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

weigh in #23

First, I have to say, sooo back on track and so happy that I did great with food today and though I didn't go to the gym, I did 30 wall push ups while I was at a job. I don't know what happened later in the day. I spent a bunch of time trying to figure out how to put a slide show of all my pics on the blog, and it shows up, but then only will show one picture! I did add pictures to the bottom of this blog for now..more to follow, but hopefully in slide format!

Also, I went back and finally did the blog on my first 5K in Monterey, CA. I don't know why it took so long, but it did. If you want an even cooler description, or another perspective on it, check out Joslyn's blog:

I didn't do a weigh in this morning because the positive attitude I had when I woke up made me totally not think about it. Then I ate, and moved on with my day. I thought about weighing in tuesday, but the last time I weighed in not on my regular day, everything started to go downhill. So, weigh in #24 will be next week.

Tuesday will be litte activity day, but these allergy things are causing me to be very tired. I got 8 hours of sleep last night, so that was waaay cool! other stats:
Calories burned:2291
calories consumed:1970
calorie deficit:321
not great numbers, but I am just waaay happy that i had a deficit with as little activity as I had! The goal for tomorrow, is more activity!!

I need to do get to the gym and do something, even slow walking, swiming would be good, but my breathing is a bit challenged because of the allergy thing, but i can do weights. Tuesday is a busy day, but Wednesday I have a big block of time!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

the "second leg" and the past week

Yeah, I've been MIA all week. I feel that way in my life this week too.

I went to the chiropractor

Monday, November 29, 2010

Weigh-in #22 and the "second leg"

Will post more later, but is't 4:15am, and I need sleep.

weigh-in: +.6 pounds
ran .63 miles, walked .37, then did some weights, 30 wall push ups, and applied for about 50 jobs online.

off to bed, will explain "second leg" tomorrow.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Spectacular Sunday!

What a spectacular day!!

I slept for about 7 hours, so what a way to start the day!! I had a nice breakfast, and did a couple of things around my apartment, and then off to take care of the twins for about 4 hours. They are about 4 months old now, and much more active than when I watched them overnight, but we took a nice walk and hung out a bit at the house too.

After I left I headed to Santa Cruz to see Grace and Charlotte! Did I ever mention who they are, I'm sure I did, but just in case, let me explain. I was a nanny for them for 4.5 years. When I started, I just had Grace, Charlotte came along about 6 months later. I love these girls so much!! Well, I got there, and was greeted with many hugs and kisses, it was wonderful! I used to get that 4 days a week for 4.5 years roughly, and I really miss it! The girls didn't know what they wanted to go and do, so we just started out reading stories, Charlotte was excited to show me her soccer trophy and other things in her room. Grace was very excited about decorating the Christmas tree with her mom, so she didn't come up. We finally decided to go out and get a Jamba Juice. I had planned on taking them to dinner at Fresh Choice, but it didn't work out that way, which was completely fine. I wanted to get a Jamba Juice so badly, but I didn't, and felt completely fine about it too! My eating habits have been so out of whack that it felt like a little victory today. More things with the girls, but you don't really need the details, right? I guess I wanted to give you a little taste of it so you could maybe understand a bit of how I feel when I am with them.

I think that I wanted to share that with you because it was a mood lifter for me. Though it is always hard to leave them, I felt so "up" and energized when I left!

I ran to 2 stores to pick up a few things, but have to go back out tomorrow because I couldn't find everything that I needed. When I got home, I sprung into action. I knew that I needed a "fresh start" like when I began this journey. There were just things that needed to be taken care of in my apartment so...4 loads of laundry, 2 loads/unloads in the dishwasher, and really cleaned the entire apartment! When I write it out, it really doesn't sound like much, but believe me, it was! It is such an amazing feeling!!

I was able to burn over 3100 calories, and am really looking forward to Monday. As you can see, no gym activity. My hip is so incredibly sore, but it is mainly after I have not been using it, like sitting/sleeping. I'm actually not super thrilled about the weigh-in, but when you read tomorrow's blog, you will understand why am am so thrilled about it.

It is now about 3:20am, and I am finally tired and need to get some sleep if I am going to meet my goals tomorrow. Tomorrow's blog is going to really to be some great new stuff.

Learning and Growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Sore Saturday and time with Grant

Today I needed to "move out" of where I had been pet sitting. I got a walk/run in with the dog, got everything packed and cleaned up, then headed home to unpack just the food. On the day that I leave any sort of "overnight gig" with pets or children, it is a bit hectic for me, but it's usually hard to leave, but happy to get home too.

Have I mentioned Grant before? I had the privilege of being Grant's nanny from the time he was 2.5 months old until he was about 7, with about an 18 month break around the time he was about 2. Durnig that time I also got to take care of his amazing sister, Elizabeth. This was my first nanny job, and they both taught me so much, it was one of the greatest gifts in my life to take care of them. Whenever I think about it, I feel so fortunate!!!! I often thing about Elizabeth on this journey because she was a gymnast until high school, then played softball and as an adult has biked more than I can possibly communicate to you. She was an extraordinary athlete and thinking of the work she did really inspires me. Elizabeth, feel free to comment and tell everyone about your journey on the bike. Grant is an extraordinary athlete too, in many sports, and he is so encouraging to me on this journey too!

Why did I tell you about them..well, November 17th was Grant's 18th birthday, and we were fnally able to get together today to celebrate. So, I ran and got rice and vegetables from Jack in the Box for me, and got In and Out Burger for Grant. The thing that Grant has always loved to do is go to the airport and watch the planes, so that is what we did. We have been going to the airport since Grant was very little. Our usual thing is to go to the top of the parking garage, eat our meal and then play catch with a football, and play yahtzee...of course, we are always watching the planes too. Even though we only had about 2 hours, this is what we did. I don't know that I could have asked for a better way to celebrate with him. Well, that's not completely true, over the years, I made plans for his 18th birthday. Unfortunately, due to this crazy journey that I am on, and the tight finances, those grand plans haven't materialized yet. I know that he says that it doesn't matter, but I do feel sad about it. I love the time that we got to spend together, and I look forward to his high school graduation in May when hopefully his birthday/graduation gifts will be completed.

From there, I headed to a job at a wedding, watching a variety of children of different ages. I payed my dues by standing out in the cold for over an hour waiting for them to decide what to do with me. Then I was brought up to the room where the children would be dropped off, then I read and finished my book. NO children for awhile, and I was feeling a bit guilty. Basically, all of this to say that no activity really at all.

I got home and headed to the gym to do my 1 mile run. OMG, my hip was really sore. I did run for almost a half mile, but had to stop. I rode the bike for about 5 minutes, but then just decided to lift some weights. Not a spectacular day as far as calorie burn, but I did my best.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Friday, November 26, 2010

finally friday

Another early day at work, and was there for about 7.5 hours. Did great with food, and a bit of activity with the kids, but not much. No yard to play in really, but it was so cold, we probably wouldn't have done much more than what we did.

I came home with really big plans. The place where I am pet sitting has a treadmill, and a bike. So, planned to take care of pet sit duties including a walk/run with the dog. Then, do my mile on the treadmill, about 45 minutes on the bike, then, about 45 min later eat dinner, blog, then my push ups, crunches and maybe more bike. Well, here's how it turned out: Pet sitting duties and the walk/run with the dog..then it started to fall apart. I got on the treadmill and was doing my warm up walk. The treadmill, but the belt kept like slipping/sliding. It was sort of scary, I kept walking a bit longer, but it continued, and I wasn't feeling safe on it, so I couldn't do my run. I decided that I would do the bike, and the seat wasn't really stable...really??? you're kidding me!!! I had the motivation, and my hip wasn't feeling terrible. I did contemplate going to the gym, but dinner was already baking, so couldn't just leave it. Also, I had been away from the pets for the majority of the day, and to me, it wasn't fair for me to leave them alone again. I did my crunches and push ups. Now that I think about it, I could have done the wii, but I think that everything happens for a reason, and today was no exception.

I ate my dinner and went online to blog, answer email and just take care of some thing online. During that time, I had 2 instant message conversations that are pretty cool, so i'm going to share with you. One was from a friend that is setting up accounts for "fresh to you". It is organic produce delivery to your house or work. I had something like this before, but it just always seemed like too much. This service you could customize so much more, and the cost, convenience and health benefits really made sense. So, now my produce will come to me every week. It doesn't mean that I will never have to buy produce at the store, but this will make things much easier to be certain that I always have some fresh fruits and veggies and won't have to keep going to the store every couple of days(if i buy too much, it just goes bad since I am the only person eating it).

The next instant message conversation is what I think is the main reason for things not going according to my plan. Remember me talking about Hoss from the cruise? Okay, he IM'd me, and we had a wonderful conversation about so many things. It sounds like he has an amazing wife and family that supports him in his journey towards a healthier life. He shared some info with me that just really blew me away. He has worked so hard and is so positive and supportive to me and others that are working on the same type of goals, it's amazing!! I asked him if I could share this next bit of information with all of you that are reading this, and he said yes. Hoss said that he used to be apprehensive about sharing this information with people but due to support from so many people, he feels more confident and so I thought that I would share a few of the successes that he shared with me: Hoss started at 400 pounds. He is now at 310, and his overall goal is 210 pounds. He also told me that he went from a 62 suit jacket to a 52 and a 52 waist to a 42. I think those stats are correct, but Hoss, please comment and correct if they are not..OR if you have anything to add. I think I have said it before, but I have to say it again..Hoss is a huge inspiration to me and his positive attitude is amazing. I can't wait to keep following Hoss and learning from his successes that he has!!

Well, that took a bunch of the evening, so I'll take one last nice bath, and then I"m headed to bed. I have a big day tomorrow!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

thanksgiving 2010 and silicon valley turkey trot

Let's see if I can paint the picture for you...
35 degrees, bulky gloves, frost on the car windows, 2 pair of socks, long sleeves, t-shirt, sweatshirt...BRRRRRR I was FREEZING!!!! Oh, I forgot to mention, sore right hip too.... what is this a picture for you ask? Well, my second 5K in San Jose, CA. It was the silicon valley turkey trot at 8;15 this morning. I was so cold, was worried about my hip and if my lungs could handle it, and with 15,000 people running, walking, wheelchair, I wasn't sure that I could run the entire thing. I didn't put a ton of pressure on myself, just figured I would do what I could. Here are my stats for the race:
Overall: 3347 out of 6992
Women: 1735 out of 4120
F 40-44: 185 out of 436
Age/Grade: 35.46% Place: 3318
Finish: 43:44 Pace: 14:05
Tag Time: 43:44

So, not quite as good as my first 5K in Monterey a couple of weeks ago, but I did run the entire way, and the conditions were much colder and it was earlier than in Monterey, so I feel good about it!

My friends did it too! Sharon, Stever(Sharon's brother), Jon and Kathy all came and did it! Jon was also able to run the entire way!! All of them beat my time, and they did a great job!!!!

I got back to where I was pet sitting and took the dog for a walk, then a long bath and a nap before heading to my mom's for Thanksgiving get together.

The thing I always hear about Thanksgiving meals is that people are going to eat until they are stuffed and ready to explode. Well, it's never been that way for me. It's a regular meal for me, but I get to eat it with other people, which is rare. I enjoyed some walnuts, 2 servings of broccoli and 2 servings of my stuffing. It is so is gluten free bread cubes, dried cranberries, wild rice...mmmm. As you know, I don't each much sugar, but I decided to buy a gluten free pecan pie. I had one piece, it was incredibly sweet, and it tasted great. the remainder is in the freezer so I can enjoy it on Christmas day.

Not much other activity, except a dog walk but I burned 3500+ calories . Early day planned for Friday, so want to get some good sleep!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

much more activity!!!

the day started with a dog walk where I am pet sitting, then packed up food and off to a job by 8:30 I was there until about 4pm, then planned to go to a TEAM meeting, but with the traffic the day before Thanksgiving and everything it just couldn't work. I ran got a couple of things from home and then back to walk and run the dog! I finished getting things ready for Thanksgiving and the early morning turkey trot! I am very apprehesive about the run tomorrow. I went to the light rail station to double check the route and times. While I was out there, I was so cold, and it was going to be colder than that in the morning. I haven't been able to run in super cold weather, so that is a concern, not only for my lungs, but overall cold too. As you know, I haven't been very active and running much at all since the last 5K, so that is a concern too. I have decided that if I do need to stop and walk, then that is the way it needs to be, and not to stress about it. Of course, I will be thrilled if i am able to run the entier thing, but I am not feeling too confident that will happen.

Learing and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


I got 10 hours of sleep after a pretty lazy day on Monday. I know that I haven't run and I have the 5K on thursday and my hip is still sore. Dr. Hoffman told me to not run Monday after his adjustment, and to take it easy. He also mentioned that when I do the 5K that I need to listen to my body. If it hurts too much, don't push it. I was feeling a little under the weather. I wasn't sick, but my nose was a bit stuffy and I felt just sooo tired! I spent the day napping and not eating all that great, but not terrible. I have not been good about tracking food since I got back from the cruise. I am often told that I put too many pressure on the mini goals, but I guess my thought is that if I miss one component, then it breaks down the process, even if it is just mentally. I got out of the habit of crunches and push ups after the cruise also. The crunches I stopped mainly because Jillian made a comment on the cruise that in retrospect, I think I misinterpreted. I think that what she was saying was that you can't just do crunches to get rid of belly fat, that will help tone and develop the muscles, but you need cardio to get rid of the fat on top of the muscles. I figured this out when I happened to watch that TV show, THE DOCTORS. They talked about this issue, and I heard the guest say this, and it dawned on me that that was probably what Jillian meant...ugggg, my silly brain. Well, I get it now, and those things will go back on my daily list of things to do.

The plan is materializing and I will push some new goals this week.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Thursday, November 25, 2010

weigh in #21

Okay, another disappointing week as far as weight goes. +2.2 for the week. I am not upset, frustrated or angry or confused about it at all. I know why and I know what to do to change it!

Monday I got up early and went to the dentist. I had the plan for the day set, and then, I got home and my good friend, Jon, called and could meet for lunch, so I did. I got to visit with him for about an hour, so that was great!! Then, I called and was able to get into the chiropractor. It worked out really well to see him. He did a great adjustment on my hip and explained that the pain I was feeling, was where the quad muscle attatched to my hip basically. He said I could have injured/strained it when I did the Monterey 5K with the incline. I spent a bunch of time thinking about the running. As I think I have said, I don't love runing. I don't hate it either. I do want to be able to run a 5K without jumping for joy that it's finally over. I want to keep challenging myself and growing so I came up with a plan! I decided to run it past my chiropractor and see what he thought of it. My idea was to just runn 1 mile per day, every day. I would gradually increase speed and incline, hopefully move it up each week. Then, once every 3 to 4 months, do a 5K. Maybe once every few weeks run 2 miles. My thinking was that it wouldn't be as hard on my joints, but it would still keep my conditioning up with running and then get stronger as time progressed too. My chiropractor thought it was a great idea! So, I will be starting this Friday.

Unfortunately, I got tired and then became a total lump on the couch. Food was a bit out of control and I hope that I am able to improve tomorrow.

that's about it for the day

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Thursday, November 18, 2010

putting together the pieces

I wish that I had better news to report.

It is Monday, 22nd, and I have been working on putting the pieces together. I will do a post to tell you about today, but the past days that I haven't posted I have been working to figure out why I am at a stand still. I have been having some trouble with my right hip. Even with that, on Friday, I ran a mile, biked 2 miles and did 2500 meters on the row machine..all at the gym. Unfortunately, that is all that I have done physically besides work. I hae just been trying to put together the pieces, but this is getting pretty old. As I type this I think to myself..what's the big deal. you have made the decision, you know what you want and what to do to get it, so just do it. hmmm..wonder what is blocking me from thinking logically about it all.

okay, that's all for now.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

where did Wednesday go??

You will not believe this day.
6:45-8:45--job #1
nap in car
11:20-2:30--job #2
nap in car
4-8--job #3
returned emails, dishes, laundry, made bed, and ten totally CRASHED. Sooo tired. Looks like I will get about 6-7 hours of sleep!

I'm sure you are wondering why all the naps,right? I only slept 1.5 hours of sleep last night. I'm just not on track. My food is off, probably due to being tired, but I think it is also just bad planning with my overall schedule and finances. I also know that my goals need to be reset. The "funk" is sort of still around, and I keep thinking about all of you reading this, this blog and my overall journey. There is a guy from the cruise, Hoss, he has hit 90 pounds--no, I'm not about to make a comparison--he posts on facebook and gives us his updates, it's great! I am inspired by him, but haven't been able to put it into action. I am not stressing about this, but I am hoping that tomorrow is better. I am formulating thoughts and goals and working my way through it. I'll let you know what i figure out...any suggestions???

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tough Tuesday

It has been a tough day. After gaining 2 pounds again this past week, not enough sleep, strange eating patterns and no activity for 2 days, my mood was down. I worked just for a few hours today and got home and had no energy or motivation. I am not sure why I didn't take a nap. My focus was to get in a run today before going to my meeting, but I just couldn't.

I texted Allison. What a blessing she is in my life. Even though she had a very busy day with her boys, she took time to text me back before she headed to bed. Just a few words, "It happens, just don't give up. Sometimes you just need to refocus and change things up." That's what I needed. She just got sponsored and signed up for RPM training. I am so incredibly proud of her, she has been working towards that, so it's great news! I am so fortunate to have so many supportive people in my life that encourage me when I am struggling and also when I am doing great too. thanks to all of you!

I also have to thank Lynda at my meeting tonight. She ran the half marathon in Monterey on Sunday. She has been a wealth of knowledge in all this running that I am doing. She said that for her, sometimes she can do very little for a few days, and then her body is doing great, and she is back up and around. She said to just give my body a break and rest if I need to. Thanks for the tip..good to know!
So, off to my meeting, blogging and getting to bed. I have a 3 job work day. I hope to hit the gym in the evening, but a good walk or work out between gigs might happen also.

On my way to my meeting, I called my nephew who will be 18 tomorrow. I think this is part of the "funk" that I am in. I was his nanny for the first 7 years of his life(with a bit of a break when he was about 2) and he means the world to me. I have always had big goals and ideas of what I would do with him and give him for his birthday AND where I would be in my life at this point. I just am disappointed in myself and where I am and my lack of an amazing birthday gift for Grant. It is a big year with graduation and everything, I just want it to be a year to remember and it isn't what I wanted to contribute to his important day. I am sure that this is part of my "funk" that I am going through. I did a bunch of crying today, and am just trying to figure it all out so that I can grow into a healthier me and be a better example to those around me. Like I have said before, it is important for me to figure out why I am doing certain things, so that I can make changes so that I can work through this part of my journey.

That's about it for today.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Weigh in #20

The second week in a row that I am +2 pounds. I did the 5k and walked amost 3 miles over the weekend, but the week was not filled with very much activity, my food was way strange all week and not enough sleep each night. So, I can't say that I am surprised.

I am feeling pretty drained and want to work out, but just don't seem to have the energy to do much of anything after working 11:30-6. I did absolutely nothing. I did my best not to stress about doing nothing. Unfortunately, my apartment is suffering, and helped a friend, via text until the early hours of the morning. I am thinking through all of this. I really need to rewrite my goals and post them on my wall so that I know what I am working towards. One thing that I am working towards is another 5K. Sharon and I both signed up to do the silicon valley turkey trot on Thanksgiving! Joslyn might do it too, so that would be great!! I am excited, but will need to run Tuesday since I didn't today.

Can't think of anything else too noteworthy :)

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

still moving, Sunday!

I got up after about 8 hours of sleep, and right away got started changing the sheets, doing the laundry, cleaning the kitchen, and got out and walked for 2.87 miles in teh park by my house. It was great!! I hit a couple of stores to do some returns, then went to Whole Foods and had some lunch then did some grocery shopping and really explored the new store. I got home and continued with the house stuff, but then just collapsed. I was tired and was just done being active. I guess taking a nap after the walk might have been a better choice. After my next 5K, I will know better. My eating was awful too. It's a tired thing, I'm sure. I will have a ton of work to do before Thanksgiving!

I just need to recover from the run and walk, I think.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Monday, November 15, 2010

Run Forest Run 5K

It's race day!! I woke upat 6:30, after about 9 hours of sleep, it felt great! I did some stretching, made some breakfast, got ready to go and packed up the car. I was feeling so calm yet excited about the day.

The timing of everything went perfectly. Meeting up with Sharon and Kathy(a friend that came to support us, but not run), then meeting up with Sharon's brother. We had time for a walk, took some pictures and got lined up for the race. I couldn't believe the way I was feeling!

I was thinking back to when I started the C25K program. I remember thinking "oh no, I have to run for an entire minute!" Then I did the entire minute of running and it was crazy, I was so out of breath, then I did the walking for 90 seconds, and the whole time I was trying to regain my breathing, and kept thinking.."okay, you can do this, you can run for another minute." Then, I did it, and kept repeating rotation that for 20 minutes. It was so difficult and hard to imagine ever running for 30 minutes or a 5K when I started, and now, today, I was going to run my first official 5K!

We did a countdown and we were off! My iPod started with the Brady Bunch singing "Keep On". STOP's a song that makes sure I pace myself when I start out...and I LOVE it!!! :) Well, people too off really fast and they were flying past me! I had the urge to go faster, but knew I had to just keep at my pace. I moved as far right as I could and let people just go by me. The race started out flat, but just a little into the race there was a very steep hill. Other runners were still flying past me, but I got up to the top of the hill and really had to regain my breathing. I didn't feel like stopping at all, but knew I needed to get my breathing back, so I slowed a little and got my breathing back to normal. During this time, I saw a lot of people that had run past me, and they were now walking, so it sort of gave me a bit of reassurance that I was on track. It was a gradual incline the first 1.6 miles, and I felt good! The songs that I picked really came at the right time too! We then turned around and went back the same route, this time more downhill, so that felt good! I knew that I was starting to feel tired, but had no desire to quit. I only saw one mile marker and knew that the turn around was 1.6, but I really had no idea how much more we had to go. My songs were timed so perfectly, I got to this one song, and knew that I had to be at about 2.6 miles, so I was feeling so excited that I was getting close. I looked a bit ahead and saw a sign that pointed to the aquarium and knew I was even closer than I thought!!! I got to that steep hill, though now I was going to get to go downhill, so I was pretty happy about that. I got to the bottom of the hill and saw the finish line, I got so excited! I actually decided to pick up my pace until I finished. It was strange though, I kept looking up and was thinking, "umm, why is the finish line still not here?? come one, get there!" LOL Well, I did finally get there, and it felt great!!!

My official time was 41:07. Sharon ran and beat my time, I think she was about 37 minutes, but not totaly sure. I was so proud of her, she had just 7.5 weeks to train, and she ran the entire thing and faster than me. It was a great day, and we both felt so great!

After, they all got some food and I drank a ton of water. I turned around to someone calling my name. It was Joslyn Baca, and she recognized me from facebook. Have I mentioned her yet? In case I haven't, she was on the Jillian cruise, and we never connected before or during the cruise, only afterwards when so many people were "friend-ing" each other from cruise, and I think it was me who said that I was running the 5K, and she lives in Monterey and she was going to be doing the 5K also. So, we were going to try and find each other, and she found me. She is amazing and we have a ton of things in common. She is much younger than me, she just lost about 30 pounds(I think that was the amount that she said), she has been blogging, this was her first 5K, she's a vegetarian..crazy, but waaay cool! I look forward to many more races with her and striving to work hard to reach more goals. She is a great motivator for sure!!

On the way home, I called Allison, and she was so great and supportive on the phone. She reminded me to stretch, so I pulled off the road half way home and stretched. Then, I talked with Sabra, and even more support, it was great to catch up with both of them!! I stopped by to see my mom and step dad, Ed. They got the camera and took a picture of me in my running clothes with my bib and everything. It was nice to see they were proud of what I had done. I showed the pictures and headed home.

TEAM seminar in the evening, and everyone that was so supportive there was a real boost too, it felt really good.

Overall, the support and recognition from everyone feels wonderful, but the sense of accomplishment that I felt, the knowing that I was able to do it. I set the goal, and I accomplished it, even though I didn't feel ready or confident about it!!! I know the motivation has to come from within and that I need be proud of my accomplishments, that's most important for me to continue on my journey to reach my goal. But, I really, really appreciate all of the feedback and support from everyone!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Friday-5k bib pick up!!

It has been quite a busy weekend! It is Late Sunday night, and I am just catching up on this now

The sleep went downhill Thursday night too! Thursday night I worked until 10:30pm. I realized that I had to work at 7:15am, and I had to pack my bag up for the overnight, plus pack food for the day, and Saturday for 2 meals! I also wanted all of the blogging up to date(except for the cruise) before I left for the 5K. So, I just got home and got to work on everything I needed to do. I also realized that I needed to do all the dishes and a load of laundry, so crazy, but fun!

I got to bed in time to get aboutg 2.5 hours of sleep! I woke up tired, and actually drank a cup of green tea on the way to my job. I had a ton of fun with the 2 girls that I was watching, and they were having fun playing on their own for a lot of the time, so I did a bunch of straightening and organizing, so that kept me active. I love being able to help a family out by organizing areas to help them out!

I left there early at about 11:30 and headed to Monterey. It was a beautiful drive up there, only a little traffic, and then it was such nice weather when I got there! So, I got picked up shirts and racing bibs for me and Sharon. I wanted to see the course and walk it, but was too tired, so I just drove it. It had some inclines, but nothing too extreme except at the beginning of the race. I ran to whole foods to pick up some dinner for later and then went to Heidi's to unpack. I did a little there, but decided to take a short nap. Then I got to go and pick up Isabelle, the girl I used to nanny in Carmel. We had a great time and did some Wii and had a great visit.

I was not feeling worried, but I was feeling very anxious. I didn't know what to expect at all.

I stayed true to my plan, took a nice bath to relax, and then I was in bed by 9:30!!

my calories burned was:3270
steps: 13324

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Friday, November 12, 2010

getting it done today

Got only about 4 or 5 hours of sleep. But I had the day planned down to the minute and the day went fairly close to the original plan.

Up at about 5:15am, ate a great breakast and got to work by 7:30am. It was pretty active and that felt great! I knew that I had a tight schedule for the rest of the day, and unfortunately my boss got home late. I had to get 3 things done at 3 different places and then headed home to run!! I ran in the park at my apartment complex! I knew that I needed to run on the street before the 5K on Saturday, but I knew time was very tight. I started out very slow, but it picked up a bit as I progressed. What I realized is that I really need to do a longer warm up and on Saturday, I will make sure that I do. I only was able to run about 1.5-1.7 miles before I had to go and get ready to go to the second job of the day. It felt good to get that much of a run in, and I feel much better about the 5K on Saturday. I know it will still be a bit of a struggle, but it is going to be great!!

I worked and then got off early which was so amazingly fabulous! I got home, did some laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, and packed my bag so that tomorrow I will be able to head to Monterey right from the job that I have from 7:15-noon. I'm just going to head there and register for the 5K and get my "race" bib. Then I plan to walk the course that we will be taking on Saturday. At the very least, I will take a walk on part of it, and go drive the course so that I will know what to expect, because I know that I will feel more comfortable with it then. Then a very relaxing evening and an early bed time.

I have to say that I am acting like this is some major thing, like a marathon or something. I know that to so many of you, it is just an afternoon work out or a fun run in the morning. For me, it's what I have been working for. I am not stressed about it or worried, just ready mentally for it. Physically, I know that it will be challenging and not super fast, but it won't stop me from doing it. There are people that tell me, "well, if it gets tough, you can always walk it, don't worry." They aren't following my blog, the progress that I post on facebook, whatever. That's totally okay, but they don't understand that I'm in this to run the entire 5K. I am not saying that I wouldn't walk under any circumstance, but it is something that is not really entering my mind at all. It is something scary to me, but in a good way. Does that make any sense?

Okay, I won't be getting 7 hours of sleep, as it is almost 2am, and I need to be up by about 5:30. that's okay, and I am not happy about it, but I am ready to get the sleep that I need and have Saturday be a spring board for the next leg of this journey.

Off to bed.
Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

I know that I am so behind on blogging, and I will put it all in. I know I keep saying that too, but I am really just trying to focus on the 5K that is coming up this Saturday!

So, today started with a job at 8:30am until 12:30am. Not much activity there, but great kids to be with, and hopefully they will ask me back an the kids will be interested in going outside next time! The awful part is that I grabbed food to bring to eat at that job, but forgot it on the counter! It actually worked out better, because my meal included nuts, and one of the kids is severly allergic, so I wouldn't have been able to eat it anyway. So, I chose to eat about 1/2 cup of apple sauce to tide me over. I was excited to check out the grand opening of the new Whole Foods here in San Jose, and it was close to where this job was, so I headed over there after work. It was a mad house, which is what I expected, but finally found a parking spot and took a look around inside. I expected bigger and better than the one in Cupertino(about 20 minutes away), but it really wasn't bigger. It may be different when there aren't so many people, we'll see. I am still thrilled to have it so close, and thier gluten free selection was great! I got some lunch there and headed home.

I goal was to try and do my run before the second job, but my whole foods trip took a bit longer than planned. so, did a few things at home, but felt tired due to not enough sleep last night.

Worked another not so active job from 3:30-7:30, then headed home and did my are the results... treadmill...3.21 miles...42:39 minutes
That beats my time on the cruise!!! But outside on Saturdday with a ton of people and incline, I'm sure, it might not be so good, we'll see. I am feeling much more confident about Saturday, and I anticipate one more run tomorrow and then on Friday, I am going to do a walk. Possibly walk the whole course when I pick up my race bib and stuff on Friday afternoon.

Headed to bed in a few! I need a battery for my scale, so not doing perfect on tracking food, and today was a bit difficult to track, but have been doing much better this week compared to last. I am just giving my stats for calories burned: 3165 . I only got about 4 or 5 hours of sleep which is waaay not good. the next three nights will be better. tonight I expect about 6, but the next 2 will be 8 or more!

okay, off to bed!
Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Trying Tuesday

I got GREAT sleep, actually. I got 10 hours of sleep, but unlike most people that feel refreshed and well rested after 10 hours of sleep, I was groggy and still felt tired. I got a slow start and then went to a job from 3-6:30 and then changed clothes and headed to my TEAM/Mona Vie meeting. It was about 2 hours away in Vacaville. Seemed crazy because I knew that I had to be at a job at 8:30 on Wednesday morning. I knew that getting the information from a millionaire that has a lifestyle that is closer to what I want than what I have. I also knew that the people there would inspire me and support me. They don't judge and they honestly care about me as a person. I cherish all of them and would do anything for them too. They are a family that I am blessed to be part of, and we all have the same goal in mind, to help influence and change the world into a better place. Of course, all of that must start by changing ourselves, right? The things that I learn and have learned from the TEAM are things that have guided me in this journey and will continue to hep me throughout my life for sure! Sometimes I don't know why I ramble about stuff, but think that someone must have needed to hear what I had to say.

I went to the meeting, and I battled traffic, wasn't able to work out, and didn't get enough sleep. However, after being there for 5 minutes, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I made the right decision. The love and support I felt was amazing, and the information that I learned to help me in in both this journey and my journey with my financial future goals too!

I am feeling much stress about the 5K on Saturday and about not having the blog up to date with the cruise information. Sunday the plan is to recover rom Saturday (5K and TEAM seminar), and to give you every detail I possibly can about the cruise. I won't schedule a job that day, and I will be goal setting too. The next few months are going to be awesome!!!

calories burned: 2632

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

monday, weigh in #19

Basically, I am +2 pounds this week. I am not worried about it and know why, so I am not stressing about it at all. After the 5K this week, I will be refocusing and setting new goals. I am feeling so much pressure internally about whether I will be able to do the 5K on Saturday. I know that I did one on the cruise, but I also know that it was different on the cruise, and I haven't run much since returning.

I finished the job at 10am, came home and slept for only a couple of hours before having to go to a job from just 3-6. I got done with work, and was so tired, I did very little, and got some sleep.

It seems that my body knows that sleep needs to be the thing to get before working out. So strange to me because I have always said that if I could take a pill and never have to sleep, I would. I still feel that way, but unfortunately, not going to happen in my life time. So, I think that as much as I don't like it, I have resigned myself to the fact that sleep is very important in proper health, healing and actual functioning, and that I will strive to get at least 7 hours every night.

Oh, last night I got about 4 or 5 hours of broken sleep, and it stinks. I want to make sleep a focus, but I do have to pay the bills, so I do have to take the work that I am offered.

Thanks so much for reading!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


Grand plans for the day, but well, things happen. I actually am worried about the 5K and not staying on task about when to run inside/outside/early in the day/morning. With that said, I don't regret anything that day at all!

I got to see my mom, finally!!! I have talked to her numerous times since the cruise, but I haven't seen her at all! So, it was so great to see her. I missed her so much, and it was a great visit, though it was too short.

From there I went to see a great friend, Barb. I spent a couple of hours there catching up and talking about caring for her son in the coming months. I hope that we can make things work out for both of us!

Then, packed up some stuff and headed to an overnight job. It was from 6pm to monday at 10am. The boy was up most of the night and I got only broken sleep for about a total of 4 or 5 hours. Thought that I might be able to do some working out with resistance band or push ups or something, but no such luck.

dreading weigh in tomorrow, food and exercise has been waaaay messed up this week!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Satisfying Saturday

Whoo hoo!!!! Sleep, sleep is good!! What stinks is that I know that, and I haven't been doing things that prevent me from getting sleep, I have been getting to bed to get sleep and haven't been able to. However, after getting my thoughts down, preparing for the day and honoring the commitment that I have made not just to all of you, but to myself...I was able to get 7+ hours of sleep.

I got up a little later than planned, but my phone alarm was still set and woke me at 5am! Luckily, I was able to get back to sleep very quickly. I got ready for work and made a protien smoothie and was off to the first job of the day. Only worked for a few hours, and really didn't want to go to the gym..BUT, I did!! I really wanted to run a 5K, but time was getting short because I had another job to get to. So, I ran for 20 minutes, just 1.5 miles. Then I did 2 sets on the leg press and 2 calf sets calf press too. Then, got cleaned up and headed to my second job. I had lots of fun with the kids and we took two short walks. I knew that I wanted to work out again tonight, but I wasn't sure what exercise to do. Then, I decided that I would do the Wii at home. I did the Wii for 60 minutes. I was really hungry, but didn't want to eat if my calories were high, so I figured all of my calories and sync'd my body media. GREAT stats today!!

7+ hours of sleep
calories burned: 3539
calories consumed:1284
calorie deficit: 2255

I get to watch the Biggest Loser since I hit a 1900 calorie deficit..whoo hoo again!!

So, as you can see, I was able to add some food..need to wait another 30 minutes so that I can go to bed. How great is it that I don't need to set an alarm, and that we gain an hour because of the time change!!

I looked online for a bike on craigs list last night. I think that I will put an add on and see if I am able to get one for free.
okay, off to get some things set up for tomorrow, I am going to see my mom and a good friend during the day, need to fit in a work out, then I work at a job from 6pm overnight to 10am. I plan to bring my laptop to finish the cruise blog and I am bringing a resistance band to do some working out too. I hope that I am able to get some sleep tomorrow night too. Not sure what to expect at this job at all.

Okay, gotta get some sleep!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Friday, November 5, 2010

final try

really quick, got only 2 hours of sleep. I tried, but just couldn't sleep! I think it is because I haven't been working out daily and my body just isn't physically tired. I worked and ate and ran to the library to get some fitness dvd's and books, and requested some too. I got to take a nap, had some dinner and ate really well until I got home. Tomorrow I know will be better. Being home with nothing scheduled to do. I will be scheduling my work out time into my ever changing schedule, starting tomorrow. I work 2 jobs tomorrow but have 3 hour break in between, so I will be going to the gym in between. I will have my food prepared and then it will be fine. However, I know that is not the long term answer to this challenge. I think I am worried about the 5K. I made such a big deal about running the entire thing, and the one on the ship was so challenging..luckily I had Sabra there to support me!! Now I haven't been running and am worried. That changes tomorrow. I am about to head to bed and hope to get my 8 hours of sleep. If i don't get the hours that I need, I will be buying some tylenol PM tomorrow night to help me sleep.

I just did some push ups and crunches, just so I did something. It is so hard to do anything when i am not well rested. I feel like that sounds like an excuse, and part of it is probably, but seriously feel exhausted.

that's all for now..sleep is needed, adn tomorrow will be amazing!!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

kids and food

I was inspired by my friend, Shelly, tonight when she posted on facebook about a dinner that she had made that her kids wouldn't touch. I posted a few responses. They are a bit wordy and not too polished, but I have posted them below, I hope that they help. If you want more details on some of these ideas, let me know, I LOVE to help with this aspect of helping kids with their eating challenges, because I had so many when I was a child, and the result was never feeling like I was being heard about what I liked and didn't like, I was just told I had to eat it. (a note here that my biggest struggle with food was with my dad. I don't fault him for anything, because I know that he was doing all he knew to help me and he was doing it all out of love to get me to be healthy)

The biggest thing to remember with kids and food is that if they are hungry, they will eat and they don't need to be bribed with junk or a dessert to get them to eat their brocolli. Also, making food a into a battle or a power struggle, EVERYONE loses.

One thing I learned while working in an afterschool program that is so true, was this:

"you are responsible for providing healthy and balanced meals, but you are not responsible for how the child's body turns out"

Here are some of the things that I replied to my friend on facebook:

POST #1:
you might have them help prepare dinner, go shopping with you, or have each one plan dinner one night a week. On that night, they help prepare the meal. they will get more excited about the food, and you know they will eat it one a week. you can make sure of the requirements for dinner with things like "you dinner must have a protien, veggie, fruit, complex carb" know, whatever your requirements are. you can put a "pyramid" on the kitchen wall so that they understand the different food groups and then talk about why it is important to have food from each. In the long run, not only will they end up eating more healthy meals, they will understand (through cooking with you) the effort that goes into preparing a meal, and will value it more...especially when people don't eat what they prepared on their cooking night. they will better understand your challenge. This would be a great topic at family home evening, right? You can have a calendar up and then assign 1 day a week to each child. throughout the month, they can go to their day and start to add things that they think will start to see them add things from other meals eventually.

POST #2:
in my 30 years of watching children, they often have these challenges. a study showed taht it can take up to 48 exposures to a food for a child to even try it. another thing that can often... help kids..let's say you are having mac and cheese with brocolli and applesauce. they eat all the mac and cheese and want more..they can have as much as they want, and let them know that, providing that they try another food group first.

you can also puree broc and cauliflower and add to cheese sauce, spaghetti sauce, there are a million ways to add veggies into things

POST #3:
a little praise goes along way, and don't ever make it an issue. Just put dinner on the table and have everyone come to the table. they need to stay there until EVERYONE is done eating. don't make a bi...g deal about trying to get them to eat, just have the food on the table, let them serve themselves what they want..give them the power to choose their food, and if they don't try anything, or eat anything, don't say a word. the thing to remember is that you provide the healthy food, don't make a deal about suggesting or pushing, and if they eat, they eat, if they don't, they don't..they will eat when they are hungry.

****never make food a punishment or a negative experience. Food is meant to be enjoyed, but more than anything, it is meant to fuel our bodies so that they can function.*****

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Body image and Portia De Rossi

Just a quick note before I get to information about Portia De Rossi...

One thing from me about body image. I think that all of us have a part of our body that we don't love. I was just talking to Jon on Sunday about this and my image of myself in high school. I don't recall people making fun of my to my face or making my life difficult. I seemed to have an idea of what my body was supposed to look like. Noone really told me how my body was supposed to look. I had great friends, and I would see them eat junk, not that I never did, but they ate waaay more than me and they had very thin bodies. Or, they had bodies with a different shape than me. I didn't have friends that had my shape, and I didn't grow up in a house with my mom, who has the shame body shape that I have, after I was about 10 years old. My step mom and step sisters didn't have my body shape, so I saw something wrong with it. I look back at high school pictures, and I looked fairly thin. Jon said that he didn't consider me overweight in high school. However, I felt I was overweight ever since 4th grade. I think that it is important to make our children feel safe with whatever their body shape is. Even little comments that we make, however innocent, can stay with a person for life. I even watch what I say when I lift a child up. Saying "oh, you are so heavy, I can't carry you up the stairs" can lead a child to believe they are overweight. All that was meant was that the child was growing and I wasn't strong enough to lift the child. Throwing something in like "wow, you have so many muscles in your body, I'm not strong enough to lift you". Generally they don't really care about being carried anyway, they just want some affection, hugs, kisses or just some quality time snuggling and reading some stories.

Just something I think about often.

On twitter I saw that Portia De Rossi was going to be on Oprah and Ellen this week, promoting her new book. I recorded both of these on my VCR and watched them today. Why am I brining it up here? Because it is her story, with noone else's words, just hers, sharing from her heart about the challenges that she had with her weight. It is from her point of view, not from a person that thinks they understand what she must have been going through. Her sexual orientation was a factor in some of her challenges, but she believes that even if that wasn't a challenge in her life, she would have suffered from anorexia. I can't wait to read this book. Based on what I have heard and read about the book, it is for anyone who has struggled with their weight or body image. The book is called "Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain" by Portia De Rossi.

You can copy and paste this link to see more about it:

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Challenging Day

Okay, are you still laughing at that ridiculous song?

Well, the eye mask helped me sleep more hours, which is good. Unfortunately I took it off, and even though I did it slowly, it was so bright and very hard for my eyes to adjust, things were even blurry for a couple of hours at home afterwards. I had a headache too. Very strange to me. I don't know if I will try it again tonight, but I highly doubt it.

I didn't feel very good all morning, did some business things, some job search things, prepared breakfast of eggs, toast and spinach..yum!! Still, I wasn't feeling great when I left home.

I worked only 5 hours today, and the entire time I was bothered with a headache and was very tired. I have been drinking a lot of water, so don't think it is dehydration, but anything is possible. Now that I am thinking about it, which the foods that I ate in the last couple of days, maybe my body just needs more water since those foods were so salty..arg. Off to get more water now :) I cancelled plans to see my mom and go to the gym. Had hoped to take a nap or just go straight to sleep, after I ate my dinner, but couldn't sleep.

This blog is supposed to be everything that is going on with me, truth, what's real. That way, someone who is going through the same thing can maybe not feel so alone, or for you to help me work through what is going on with me. So, here it is...I ate well at breakfast and "lunch", but when I got home, I was famished, and my headache was more intense. I feel like I have been eating since I got home. I don't understand all that is going on with me. I have been eating more than I need to eat for the last 3 days. When I am eating, I know I don't NEED to eat, physically. But I just wasn't feeling satisfied. Now, my headache is now nearly gone, and I will be headed to bed in a few minutes, since I need to be up by 5am for a 5 hour job tomorrow.

I have had trouble getting this blog done each night, even though I have been awake and able to. I think that until today, I have been feeling guilt for not getting the stuff about the cruise up. my friend, Ellen, helped me with this earlier. She said that she could understand why I hadn't done it yet, and I totally agree with her. She said that because I felt so much about the cruise, and that I really want to make sure that I convey everything about the cruise so that all of you can really get how I felt about it and what I got out of it. I also haven't run since the cruise for more than about 3 minutes, and that is worrying me too. I had weighed myself, even though it wasn't my weigh in day, and it showed a huge gain in weight. Yes, it is midweek, but I know what I have been eating and how little I have been working out, and it is stressing me out. Stress is not good for getting to an ideal weight or maintaining an ideal weight. I also know that the overall goal is not to worry so much about the number, but understand why my body is craving things, why I might not be feeling motivated, how to achieve the balance that I really do want in my life.

I think that not having the day to day goal of something like the push ups or crunches. But as I found out from Jillian, she doesn't want people to just focus on, I'm not doing a million crunches unless it's part of an overall workout where i'm doing more like circuit type stuff. All of you trainer friends, if this is totally wrong, please let me know, I want the feedback.

so no stats, because I don't know how accurrate it will be.

I hope that this wasn't too much of a downer to all of you. Out of all of these weeks that I have been on this journey, this has been the worst and most challenging one yet. Tomorrow, I will be better.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

"Belly Fat"

Here is what I was talking about in my last post from Wednesday...

Last night while having a really challenging time getting motivated to do much of anything and then weighing myself just to see how I was doing with my journey after eating too much the last few days, the song "Smelly Cat" popped into my head(the one that Pheobe sings on the TV show, FRIENDS)..I must have heard it on TV while watching election results or something, and it struck me funny that belly fat and smelly cat sounded so similar. So, I created this song. It’s a little longer than the original, and doesn’t totally copy the one from Friends, but it was fun to do.

Belly fat, belly fat, what am I feeding you?
Belly fat, belly fat, it’s not your fault.
Chex mix, potato chips are so bad for you
Ice cream and pizza why did I buy these two?
I’ll do cardio and some weights
After swimming I will feel great
no eating a late night feast
I will get 7 hours of sleep at least
Belly fat, belly fat, what am I feeding you?
Belly fat, belly fat, it’s not your fault.
Belly fat, belly fat, I will shrink you down
Belly fat, belly fat, good bye and get out of town!

Okay, stop laughing, it wasn't that silly, was it???

Learning and growing(and often laughing) into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


My sleep is still strange. I am waking up after just a few hours of sleep. I just don't know why. I planned to go and meet my friend today at 11, and she needed to cancel, which is totally fine. But I just sort of shut down and watched DVD's and ate more food than I physically needed. I talked to my friend, Ellen, and I guess what I told her was basically that if I have a busier schedule, and have to do more planning with my food and work out times, then I stay more on track. I also think that I used to have such an incredibly busy schedule all the time that when I had a day off, I just sort of collapsed. Now that I have more time and flexibility, I don't need to do that, I can use my time for working out, or reading, or whatever, but I just revert back to old habits. I did take a step forward last night and posted on craigs list for a work out partner and another one for a racquetball partner too. Hopefully I will get some response there, if not, I will try and post somewhere else too.

So today, Wednesday, I did virtually nothing, didn't even write this blog until tonight, thursday night. I did go to the gym and did 2500 meters on the rowing machine, did about half mile walking/running on the treadmill. I am worried, I couldn't run, my body just wouldn't have it. The next few days I really need to focus on the running. I also rode 15 miles on the bike at the gym too. Also, I did have a great moment midday and continued in the evening. My next post(title: Belly Fat) will talk about it.

After so many nights of waking up after about 5 hours of sleep, I started to try and figure out why. While I was working tonight, I thought that even though it has never been a probem in the past, maybe the sunlight is waking me up. I remembered that I had an eye mask, so decided that I would use that at bedtime tonight, and see if it will work to help me sleep more hours straight.

Okay, no stats because they won't be accurate.

I need to figure out why I am having trouble moving forward after the cruise..More mental homework to do for sure!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


After a magnificent weigh-in, I can't say that today was magnificent. I am trying to figure out this sleep thing and really working to just figure it out and get the sleep I so desperately need! My eating was totally off and I can't even tell you why. I feel stressed and out of control, not working out, it's been just strange! I haven't felt this way to this extent nor have I eaten like this at any part of the journey that I can remember.

I worked at a new job and then headed to my TEAM meeting. I planned to work out afterwards, but was totally exhausted, so came home and slept.

I have been compiling a list of books and work out DVD's to get at the library, but just can't find my library card. Need to go take care of that this week for sure. One is Jillian's cookbook and there are some workout DVD's of hers and Jeanette Jenkins too.

That's about all for the day. No big developments at all. I felt tired and sluggish all day. Aiming for the gym in the morning or midday.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

magnificent Monday-weigh in #18

Still going through this crazy thing of waking up at about 5 or 6 hours. I had gone to bed at about 3:30am, and planned to wake up about 11:30am. I was able to go back to sleep for a couple more hours, so that was great!! Got up and got ready for work and had a protien shake for breakfast. It is the second time I did it, and it was sooo good!! It is rice protien with a banana and chocolate milk. I didn't have veggies with it, and surprisingly, I felt like I was missing something. So, I will make sure that I have veggies in the morning for sure!!

I had a 5 hour work day today, I changed sheets on 5 beds, folded 4 loads of clothes, picked up and hung out with kids, unloaded a dishwasher..crazy busy day. Off to buy a wok today because making my stir fry in that small pan again is just sooo challenging and messy! I didn't want to spend the money, but I know that one of the reasons that I don't make this stir fry more often is because of the challenge and mess. Now I can try other wok recipes too! I stopped at whole foods to get some organic produce, and decided to just browse a bit because I never really get the time to do that. There were some beautiful globe artichokes there. They weren't organic which I usually try to get, but occassionally, that's okay, so picked a couple up so I could have one for dinner. I got home and just totally went to town where I finished putting away luggage from the cruise and dishes and just stupid little things that I never really take time for. I cooked one of those amazing artichokes and an Amy's Bistro burger with grilled onions..that was an amazing dinner for was at 10pm, which was strange, but since it's now 1am on Tuesday, I know it's, am going to do a mini work out as soon as I blog today :)

I know that I have said it before, but really, I have never realized how much my body responds negatively to lack of sleep. I also know for a fact, and have known for years, that I do better in the late evening hours than the morning hours. It has me worried about the 5K at 9am on the 13th, but I know that I will be able to do it, just need to prepare, right?

Last night when I was at the gym with Jon, I realized how much I really like biking. I don't have a bike and will be looking on craigslist and to fine one to get. I also have been realizing that as excited as I am about doing the 5K, I don't anticipate doing a longer one like 10K anytime in the near future. I had originally talked about registering for a 10K before I even did the 5K so that I would have a goal to work towards. However, I think the plan will be to keep improving my speed and doing more 5K's with different terrain. I think that after this 5k in November, I am going to focus on biking and swiming.

Weigh-in #18.....after a disappointing weigh-in when I returned from the cruise, I was hopeful for today. I moved 2.8 closer to my goal (from wed to today) for a total of 52.8 pounds closer to my goal! Last night, Jon asked me my goal weight, and I realized that I haven't really ever mentioned here on the blog my actual weight, just how many pounds I am moving towards my goal and what my actual goal is. So, my goal weight as of now is 140. With that as the goal, I have 48.6 to go to reach my goal.

7 hours of sleep
calories burned: 3259(and that is without going to the gym)

Oh I forgot...when I got home, I put on my ankle weights on, I figure it will burn a few more calories when I am running around my apartment. Every little bit helps, but it is never as good as a work out that will boost your heart rate, right?

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

so much fun--Halloween

no work scheduled today, just things around the house and off to see Charlotte and Grace, the girls that I used to nanny. The goal is to complete the blog tonight and get some working out in too.

My big debate, if you followed it on facebook you already know, was what to do about giving things out to trick or treaters. I didn't want to give out candy and knew that I was going to be gone for part of the trick or treating hours. I figured that it would be good to have something just in case. I didn't want to be the lady who gave out toothbrushes or pennies so, I got some all natural fruit leathers. Then, no trick or treaters. The good thing is that I can eat those and will have them when I feel like I need something sweet.

So, here's what happened....
got up, did a ton around the house and then went to see the girls. Grocery shopping to get a few things so that I could make stir fry and then home. I made an incredible stir fry at about 8. It was so good and I just wanted to eat a ton of it. I added cashews and asparagus to it which I have never done before, and it made it even better than before. Then, met my good friend, Jon, at the gym. I biked for 60 minutes about 15 miles. We did some weights and then headed home. I felt like I could run when I got home, but decided not to overdue it and just did some weights in the gym at my apartment complex and then in my apartment did some rhythm boxing and 30 minutes of stepping on the Wii. I did a ton online, made some gluten free chex mix--it's pretty high in calories to have often, but it's nice to have for an occasional treat. I didn't finish the cruise info on the blog though..arg. Monday night I need to get it done!! I keep saying that, and I really want to get it done and share the info about it with all of you, but don't just want to give a couple of details, so I know it will take a bit of time to do.

about 8 hours of sleep
calories burned:
haven't been good about entering food, just been crazy.
** goal for this week is to make sure that I enter all food correctly so that I can use the body media appropriately to monitor everything so I can reach my goals.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Monday, November 1, 2010

slow start Saturday

I got about 8 hours of sleep and that felt good. I wanted to meet my friend, Sharon, at 8:15 at the gym, but it was important that I got sleep, so missed my time at the gym in the morning. I got a ton of energy about an hour before I had to leave for a job. At the job I had a ton of energy, did things around their house and had fun playing with the kids too. I got home and as much as I didn't want to work out and felt tired, I went to the gym. I was only there for about an hour, and it wasn't super high intensity, but after feeling sort of defeated and not getting to the gym on Friday when I had a ton of time, it was good to just make the commitment and get there.

Not much else to report really except that Sunday I will be making stir fry and working out! I will be working on posting all the cruise details and planning for the week too!

I know that Sunday will be a better day. I feel much more on track, and ready to get pumped up for the weigh in on Monday.

8 hours of sleep..finally
calories burned:2433--i had the band off for 1.5 hours when I was active, but didn't add in the activity because it was just random things around the house.
calories consumed:
calorie deficit:

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Saturday, October 30, 2010

frustrating Friday

An early job, and walking the dogs again. Then grand plans for a great dinner and workout. Unfortunately, things just sort of started to weigh me down.

For what I think was the first time in this journey, I did some emotional eating. I was starving after walking the dogs which was a terrible mistake. I ate a huge dinner and then added things after eating that. I knew what I was doing, but when stressed, normally I have been just shutting down and doing nothing and being a slug at home, watching DVD's or whatever. This time, I ate, and it is frustrating. I wasn’t sure where that came from, until I thought about it more last night when writing to "coach Sabra". Here's what I started to realize: last week I didn't move as close to my goal as I anticipated, I have I hit a half way goal, went on the cruise, and now comes the real work of completing the second half of my journey.

The cruise introduced me to so many different people, the ones that I connected with were so incredibly fit, they were amazing and inspiring! They all made me excited to know where I was going physically, and gave me the support that I needed to visualize me in the same physical shape! However, I think that it scared me a bit knowing what I will physically be doing to get in better shape and reach my goals. It is sort of like how I felt when I started the C25K program and when I saw that I would be running 20 minutes, and increasing it until I could run a 5K. I think that I needed to work through it mentally. As I have said before, this is so mental. I think that the reason that I haven't gotten to my goal and maintained it is because I do the "work" with food and exercise, but haven't done the mental homework in examining myself and how I am feeling.

In retrospect, the thing that probably would have made all the difference would have been to have a small meal, walk the dogs, go to the gym and then a bigger dinner. So, even though today was a bit of a physical set back, I have moved forward mentally.

got about 5 hours of sleep
calories burned: 2438
caloris consumed:
calorie deficit:

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

non stop

Today was a very challenging day to get to get to the gym, which wasn't good, since I haven't been to the gym since returning from the trip. I planned my food the day before, luckily! I also prepared it all fairly quickly in the morning which was really helpful since my first job was at 7:45am. Okay, what is so scary and funny is that I looked at my calendar to see where I was first, and I see the person's name and it took me 5 minutes to figure out who she was...that shows how crazy the day was :) . Well, the woman was late getting home by 30 minutes which was just NOT a good thing because everything was timed very tight all day. The stress I felt when she wasn't there was so high because of the scheduling issue. Stress is never good, but when you are trying to lose weight, even worse. I drove from there to go and take 2 cute pups for a walk, right by my house, then back to the city I was just in for the morning job to do the next job I had scheduled. That job was great, but part way through it, the nanny agency textd that they needed a nanny for an evening job at a hotel. So, after leaving my job at 6, I went to the last job of the day from 6:30-10:30. I got home at about 11:30 and was in bed soon after that..I was totally exhausted!!

Here is was was great about the day and the lessons that I learned. Planning made sure that I had the food that I needed for the entire day and didn't have to go buy something that didn't fit into my calorie budget. However, I didn't have enough water for the day, so need to plan better for that. I don't usually buy bottles of water, I just use my refillable bottles. So, I think that I may need to buy a couple of bottles to have on hand just in case.

I got about 7 hours of sleep
calories burned:3089
calories consumed:
calorie deficit:

will be entering the other info by tomorrow night and all blogging will be caught up too. I am ready to get back on track!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Really back to reality

Well, as you can see, I haven't posted for the past week. On the cruise I was able to write in my journal a bunch, and you will be able to get the details soon.

As for today, well, it was really back to reality. I woke up and really didn't have any good food to make for breakfast and to bring for my dinner at my job. I had healthy food, but all was in the cupboard or freezer, there was no produce in the house at all. So, breakfast was an easy english muffin and gf veggie sausage patty and my mona vie active blend. I had a snack of choc milk, nuts and an apple. I had a great dinner though! I stopped at whole foods on the way to my job and got some green beans with oregano, olive oil and shallots. I brought some quinoa pasta and chili to go with it. It was such a great dinner! I have never had a shallot in my life, but knew that it was like an onion. It had some great flavor, it was soo good!

I had to do 4 loads of laundry to fold, finish getting unpacked, ya know, all of that stuff. I did that in the morning, along with setting up some jobs and things like that. In the evening after work, i stopped at whole foods and got a ton of produce, and can't wait to cook this week! I had some great things on the ship, and need to find some recipes to make them. I think they were all in Jillian's cookbook, so they will be healthy..need to check it out at the library for sure!

very tried now, and have 2 jobs and a dog walk planned for tomorrow, along with a work out in the evening! I think that there is a yoga class at my apartment complex at 7pm, so I might check that out too.

as far as stats:
last night I got 7.5 hours of sleep.
calories burned:2624---very surprising to me..hmmm
calories consumed:1342
calorie deficit:1282

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Finally home

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

back on land :(

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Day at sea, 5K and me!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Great Stirrup Cay

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Day 1 of Jillian Michaels Ultimate Wellness Cruise 2010


Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Wednesday...and so it begins....

busy busy day getting ready for the cruise...

It is October 31st, and just posting these now. I had recorded in my handwritten journal and just transferring online now.

It is about 10pm, and I am sitting here on the plane, we are in the air @ 37,000 feet, it is time for me to sleep. I have tried with music, without music, watching the movie, not watching the movie and I just can’t sleep!! It dawned on me that maybe the problem is that I have things to write in my blog for the last few days, and I haven’t, so maybe I’ll write my thoughts down now.

I think that maybe the last day that I wrote was last Sunday, and that is stressful for me and makes me mad at myself for not doing the post every day. When I return from the trip, by the end of the week, I will have everything updated. I know that this is mainly for me, but getting out of the habit causes me to feel defeated and not as motivated.

So, here’s what I wrote for Wednesday….
I woke up on my own by 8:40am, good thing too, I set, but forgot to turn on my alarm! Since I planned my day before I went to bed last night, it made it much easier to get everything done. It all pretty much went according to the original plan so that was great! I am sooo glad that I didn’t take a job for the day!! I saw my mom, did some last minute exchanges and purchases, and then to Kinko’s to print some pictures to do my door decorations for the cruise.

I decided to try a something new to eat, a protein smoothie. ( I may actually invest in a “magic bullet” blender if I continue with them or something similar). It had vanilla rice milk powder, 1 cup chocolate milk, and 1 banana. It tasted so great, I was really surprised and it was about 25 grams of protein. I wasn’t hungry at al not even a twinge until my next meal time!

more to follow...

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou