Thursday, November 25, 2010

weigh in #21

Okay, another disappointing week as far as weight goes. +2.2 for the week. I am not upset, frustrated or angry or confused about it at all. I know why and I know what to do to change it!

Monday I got up early and went to the dentist. I had the plan for the day set, and then, I got home and my good friend, Jon, called and could meet for lunch, so I did. I got to visit with him for about an hour, so that was great!! Then, I called and was able to get into the chiropractor. It worked out really well to see him. He did a great adjustment on my hip and explained that the pain I was feeling, was where the quad muscle attatched to my hip basically. He said I could have injured/strained it when I did the Monterey 5K with the incline. I spent a bunch of time thinking about the running. As I think I have said, I don't love runing. I don't hate it either. I do want to be able to run a 5K without jumping for joy that it's finally over. I want to keep challenging myself and growing so I came up with a plan! I decided to run it past my chiropractor and see what he thought of it. My idea was to just runn 1 mile per day, every day. I would gradually increase speed and incline, hopefully move it up each week. Then, once every 3 to 4 months, do a 5K. Maybe once every few weeks run 2 miles. My thinking was that it wouldn't be as hard on my joints, but it would still keep my conditioning up with running and then get stronger as time progressed too. My chiropractor thought it was a great idea! So, I will be starting this Friday.

Unfortunately, I got tired and then became a total lump on the couch. Food was a bit out of control and I hope that I am able to improve tomorrow.

that's about it for the day

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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