Saturday, December 11, 2010

roadblocks, struggles, pushing through

A big thanks goes out to Ellen for helping me work through some things that have been really bothering me.

I have not been working out at all which is a huge disappointment to me..a mini exception of exercise is that I did some jump rope with a little girl t his week, and "set the record" that she was trying to hit. It was 63 without missing of "speed jumping" as she called it. I could have kept going, but she wanted to know how many I could do before I missed. I wo uldn't consider that good for my hip at all, but totally forgot about it when I jumped, because I was having a good day as far as pain goes.

I have, for the most part, been on track with food. I tried a new food that came in my Farm Fresh fruit/veggie delivery last week. It is called Romanesco. It was so amazing!! It would have been a disaster, but luckily a recipe came in the box! It said to preheat the oven to 375 and separate the florettes, add olive oil, salt and pepper(I left out the pepper). cook for 45 minutes, stirring every 15...yum!!!

I have also been very focused on getting the sleep that I need, so that is really good!

Some of the road blocks that I am having are my hip injury. I still feel pain, and it's bothering me, but it is mainly just when I have been sitting awhile. I notice it most after driving to a job, sitting down to work on the computer or sitting down with kids to do homework or play games with them and having to get up. So, that is a huge road block to fitness. It has made me frustrated and apprehensive to do anything because I don't want to make it worse. I ran out of the Mona Vie ACTIVE blend, and that set me back quite a bit. I have been on it for 4 days, and though my hip is still a little sore, like I mentioned, it is not major pain like before.


1-Staying motivated to do anything because I feel like I can't do anything with my hip injury. Does that make any sense?
2-I need to learn to work with the injury that I have and move forward.
3-As I have talked about the other struggle is financial. Financially, with Christmas here, I know that I will not be able to get people gifts like I usually do. In talking to people, I am finding that is a challenge for so many of us. Because of what I was able to do in the past, I think others will have that "expectation" of how much I will spend or do for them. I am learning that the important thing is that I care about them, and if they love me, the gifts won't matter.
3-Struggling to get work. I have been working hard toward finding jobs. I have decided to find a permanent part time job because I have noticed that I spend so much time each day looking for work to fill my schedule. Usually December is my busiest month, and in November I am already turning work away for December. I have applied for numerous jobs, and done a few interviews, and hope to have everything solidified before the first of the year. That will allow me to get focus better on food and really put energy into physical activity in whatever form I can possibly do.
4-cutting expenses.. I have gotten a cheaper internet company which is 1/4 of the cost of the old one, and just put some things on hold. Uggg..I'm trying to figure out how to word things, and I realize that if I am trying to figure out how to say something, then I am trying to cover something up. That is really hard to admit, but this blog is about me and being honest and revealing things and how I got through them so that I can learn from them, and hopefully as a result, help someone who reads this. So, here's the deal...I had internet service that cost about $65. In order to bring it down, I could get cable and it would be about $10 cheaper to have both cable and internet. As I have talked about, I don't really watch TV. I love to watch TV, but I notice that I have always used it to escape from my life. If I'm escaping from my life, then obviously, I'm not too happy with my own life, right? So, I need to change something!! WEll, I did switch internet, like I mentioned, and there will be no cable and thus, less escaping from the reality that is my life. I'm not saying all TV is bad, but for me, it is destructive to me attaining my goal. It distracts me and I get sucked in. For me, I need to not have it around. I will go back to watching the 3 shows that I enjoy online IF i hit a goal to do so. I have not been doing that, and it has gotten in the way of me working hard to reach my goal, and it is frustrating to me!

With all of that said, tomorrow is a new day. It reminds me of my two favorite quotes that are on my bathroom mirror..i'm mentioned them before, I'm sure, but I am never going to stop repeating them.

1-"The door to the past is shut and the key thrown away, you can do nothing about tomorrow, it is yet to come. However, tomorrow is, in part, determined by what you do today, so make today your masterpiece, you have control over that"

2-"adversity doesn't develop character as much as it reveals it"

Well, it is 4:40am and it is today. I will be sleeping for about 7 or 8 hours and then helping my mom, and then headed to a leadership seminar. It is a new and exciting day, and even with all of the challenges and struggles that I am having, I am thankful for the people in my life, for having a body that, for the most part, is strong and able to do what I need it to do, a working car, and a place to live.

I hope that your weekend is just wonderful!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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