Friday, November 5, 2010

final try

really quick, got only 2 hours of sleep. I tried, but just couldn't sleep! I think it is because I haven't been working out daily and my body just isn't physically tired. I worked and ate and ran to the library to get some fitness dvd's and books, and requested some too. I got to take a nap, had some dinner and ate really well until I got home. Tomorrow I know will be better. Being home with nothing scheduled to do. I will be scheduling my work out time into my ever changing schedule, starting tomorrow. I work 2 jobs tomorrow but have 3 hour break in between, so I will be going to the gym in between. I will have my food prepared and then it will be fine. However, I know that is not the long term answer to this challenge. I think I am worried about the 5K. I made such a big deal about running the entire thing, and the one on the ship was so challenging..luckily I had Sabra there to support me!! Now I haven't been running and am worried. That changes tomorrow. I am about to head to bed and hope to get my 8 hours of sleep. If i don't get the hours that I need, I will be buying some tylenol PM tomorrow night to help me sleep.

I just did some push ups and crunches, just so I did something. It is so hard to do anything when i am not well rested. I feel like that sounds like an excuse, and part of it is probably, but seriously feel exhausted.

that's all for now..sleep is needed, adn tomorrow will be amazing!!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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