Tuesday, September 28, 2010

weigh in #14...just another manic Monday

Weigh-in results... I moved 2.2 closer to my goal for a total of 42 pounds. I oficially have a "1" in front of my weight now, and not a "2" anymore.. whoo hoo!! So, I earned a movie this week, as soon as I can find time for it.

A little update...
I owe 325 crunches from Sunday and today crunches go up to 350, knee push ups go to 40 and wall push ups to 110.

Now, I have to continue with what is going on with my overnight job. Just fed one baby, waiting for the other one to wake up, maybe he will sleep through the night, that would be amazing! So, like I mentioned yesterday, I am doing an overnight job each night this week from 11pm-7am with 3 month old twins. I needed to work, and this was available, and it will open up more options for this type of work with the nanny agency, so I thought It would be a good thing to do. Unfortunatly, it means many concerns for me regarding when to eat, when to sleep and things like that. Last night I did a couple of 20 minute naps. Tonight, I debated having some iced tea to give me a caffeine push, but decided against it. I haven't slept yet, and since I don't have to be anywhere until 7:45PM Tuesday, I might just not sleep here at all, have a snack at 6am, go to do my run at 7:30AM, shower adn go to sleep for 8 hours...you have any feedback on this or for the week? The other days, I have work from 2ish-7ish each day. My biggest thing is that I don't want my body to go into a mode where it decides that it needs to store food, because that will just mess up my system.

Today, after I left the overnight job, I came home, showered and slept for 4.5 hours, nap before coming back to work. However, I figured that sleep was more important than the run today, since I could do it tomorrow, so I got home at 7:45 and headed to bed. I couldn't sleep!! so frustrating. I got up and prepared my dinner to be ready to cook at 9:30, then went back to bed..still couldn't sleep. I sort of regreted not going to the gym, but figured that if Jillian were here, she would say that I needed to sleep.

So, again, I ask, do any of you have any suggestions regarding this?

Okay, exciting news. I made the final payment on the Jillian Michael's Wellness Cruise!! It is official, I have my plane ticket, the cruise paid for and transportation to and from the airport is arranged!! I have worked hard for this, and like I mentioned before, I will be able to get the information that I need from the people who have the results that I want. More thoughts about this on previous post "Thursday...lots of driving" on 9/18.

Tuesday I will do my last 30 minute run for the C25K challenge, and then I will begin increasing speed and incline gradually and increase my time also, so that I can do an entire 5K on the treadmill before the cruise.

my stats:
sleep..4.5 hours from 8am-12:30pm
calories burned: 2859
calories consumed:1910
calorie deficit:949
all of these will be entered Tuesday since the stuff to do it is at home.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Monday, September 27, 2010

surprising sunday

9.5 hours of UNINTERRUPTED sleep..whoo hoo! I made sure that my phone was off, and, it was amazing!! I got up, did some laundry(all of these work out clothes sure are creating more laundry time)unloaded and loaded the dishwasher to run again.

I knew that I had to work from 3-8 for a new family. I had to pick up a key for a pet sitting job this coming week too. Then I checked my voicemail from when I was sleeping, and there was a message for a job in the evening from 11pm-7am that I had applied for. I called that family and they wanted me to come Sunday night at 10:30 and do the job overnight.

Well, I did the job and got the key, then headed home, made a great dinner with the taco soup and an artichoke, it was soooo good. I did a load of laundry, folded 2 that had been sitting around, and then started to take things out of the closet that are too big. I have a pretty big stack going on, and I will feel great when it is time to get rid of it all.

I am at the overnight job right now, and my eyes are getting tired, so i will sign off now and finish later..

...it's now monday night, back at the overnight job, and will be here t,w,th,f nights also. So, to continue from last night...

I didn't get any sleep except maybe a coupld of 20 minute cat naps. I did fine, but was tired when I got home. While I was here, I did my 100 wall push ups and my 35 knee push ups, but they have hard wood floor, so I didn't do my crunches, unfortunately will have to do Monday night(tonight).

At about 4am, I ate a protien type bar, about 210 calories, and since I knew that I wouldn't go to bed until 8am(ish), I figured it was fine.

here are the stats:---need to enter food still-the list is at home, and cable to sync arm band is at home...will update Tuesday night, ...
calories burned:
calories consumed:
calorie deficit:

Morning weigh in coming up!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


Got my 8 hours of sleep, and had a surprisingly great work day. I moved around quite a bit for part of the work day, but lots of it I spent sitting, which was strange for me.

When I got home, I knew I had to go to the gym and work out. I actually got to the gym way earlier than normal for me, and then did so many weights. I even did that assisted chin up again, it was great! i did day 2 of the C25K run. It was actually easier than it was on thursday, so that is promising!

calories burned: 3206
calories consumed: 1449
caorie deficit: 1757

not really sure how I didn't hit my calorie deficit the only thing that I can think of is the sitting at the job. Unfortunately, not much that I can do about that though. maybe my work out at the gym could have been longer. I did weights, and I did all the crunches and push ups for today and Friday, so I am sort of at a loss.

learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


All that I can say about Friday is that I was very unproductive and even though I worked, it was only for a few hours and I was not active at all. I even got off earlier than planned, and though mentally I told myself to go to the gym, I was not up for it.

I brought food to the job, as usual, but I had to take the kids out to dinner. The cool thing was that they were having milk shakes, and though I never really ate them frequently, they looked sooo good, but I really wasn't craving to have one or feeling super sad that I couldn't. When I got home, I didn't do much of anything. I still needed to finish unpacking things and puting them away, along with dishes in the kitchen. I did a little of those things, but that's about it. Not even my push ups or crunches. It was a sorry sight for sure. I ended up getting to bed with enough time to be able to get in 8 hours of sleep, so that was good.

It just dawned on me. I knew that Saturday was a 9 hour work day, with a family that I had never worked for. I was unsure about the job because of certain challenges that the children had. In addition, one parent would be there with her 3 children, I would be responsible for the other 3. Obviously, I would help all the kids if needed, but the situation was quite different than what I am accustomed to. I guess that might explain part of my day on Friday, but I'm not sure.

calories burned:2212
calories consumed: 1270
calorie deficit:942

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Friday, September 24, 2010

30 min run and new machines too!

My interenet connection was down last night, so I am posting now. I wanted to post last night because I was so excited about my day.

I was able to sleep in on Thursday and get a little bit done in the morning, then off to work. Not too active at work, but was also mentally gearing up for my first 30 minute run. I did get some great news though, my friend, Sharon, did day 2 of the C25K challenge!! I am so proud of her and I hope that we can run together on Saturday night after I get off of work.

After work, I headed to my moms to help out with something, then home for some dinner. I thought it would be fun to work out with someone so posted on facebook, and the person that I am doing the 5k with said she could meet me! Well, she isn't doing the C25k like me, but she has done a 5K. Tracey is a skating coach, so she is pretty active, so she just decided to do whatever I did for my run. Well, we did it!! I ran for 30 minutes @4.5 for a total of 2.75 miles(with the 5 min warm up and cool down). I have 2 more of these runs to complete before Monday, then I up the speed and incline a bit. Afterwards, I needed to do weights. Tracey joined me, so it was kind of fun having someone to talk with during weights. I actually did my regular arm weight work out, but upped my weight on a couple of them. In addition, I did a few of those knee lift things that I did way back when with my friend, Jon. The ones where you stand on this machine, put your back against the pad and support your weight on your forearms and lift your legs. I only did 3, but that is 3 more than I did the day before, right? then, we had been watching these two guys using the machine that always looks so intimidating to me. Tracey and I were talking about it and how to do the machine. I decided to just ask those guys, and they were really nice and told us how to set the weight and adjust it accordingly. It is the assisted chin up machine. Basically, you put the weight about at your weight, step up and kneel on a pad and grab the chin up bar. I did 3 sets!! The first one was with close to my actual weight, but the second 2 sets, I lowered the weight(that makes it a harder to do the chin up, it's the opposite of regular machines). It felt great that I could do it and now I will add it into my regular work out.

The gym was a great time and I felt so good that I was able to accomplish the run and some new things on the machines.

I got home from the gym and did my 100 wall push ups, 35 bent knee push ups and 350 crunches. They were tough tonight, but after the arm work out, I could understand why.

Oh, the stats:
calories burned:3154
calories consumed:1226
calorie deficit:1928

I went to bed by 1, and got almost 8 full hours of sleep.

Oh, a little note from Jillian...I heard about this recently, but was going to research it a bit before I mentioned it. Then, Jillian tweeted about it the other day, so thought I would make sure you knew. You know how we talk about "high fructose corn syrup"? well, now there are companies that will be using the name "corn sugar" instead, to make is sound more appealing or something different. so, keep that in mind when buying things, okay?

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Weary Wednesday..and a new recipe!

I had a great start to the day by getting about 7 hours of sleep. Then I went and saw my mom and step dad and helped them with a couple of things. I really needed some produce and my friend, Ellen, gave me a recipe that would be high protien, virtually impossible to mess up, and can cook in the crock pot.

Then, I hit a wall. I think that all the traveling, strange schedule and everything just kind of hit a wall. I originally had a job tonight, but it got cancelled, and so I did a bunch of napping today, no gym, but I did laundry and straightening up my apartment and unpacking from the trip. I did make the new recipe. It is called Taco Soup. It is so easy to do, I used canned beans because I wanted to see if I enjoyed it before soaking beans for hours and then not enjoying the recipe. 3 cans of beans, crushed tomatoes, a package of taco seasonings and an chopped up onion. Ellen tops it with cheese and sometimes some chopped up corn chips. I decided to put mine in a taco shell with onions, lettuce and sprouts. It was soooo good!! I haven't figured out the total calories/serving, but will add in my food later.

You may have noticed that I haven't posted anything about crunches or push ups. Well, with the travel on Monday, I got behind, and then last night, I forgot until I was in bed. So, today I did 1050 crunches, 300 wall push ups and 105 bent knee push ups. I obviously didn't do them all at once, but I did them. I don't want that to happen again. I need to make it a daily thing to create the habit, the travel really put me behind.

I got plenty of sleep, but haven't entered my food for the day, so all I can tell you is that my calories burned was: 2184

so, I am off for now.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Tuesday and C25K progession

Tuesday was a busy day, but in a good way! I got home late from oregon, and wanted to sleep in, which I did, it was great. I had very little food in the house since I had been gone, but I did have eggs and bread, so that made a tasty breakfast, and it was something different than the last few days.

I had a couple of appointments, shared a business plan, and then back home to do a little. I was tired, but had to empty some other things out of the car still, and had to work at 2:30, then directly from there to my TEAM meeting. I had grabbed clothes to change into, a pair of slacks and a blouse. I had worn the pants, and they were a smaller size, but the shirt I hadn't worn before, so I tried it on before I left. I was excited because it was a smaller size too, and I hadn't worn it in quite awhile, over a year, I'm sure. When I put it on that night, I realized that it was even bigger than I thought. Not sure that I can actually wear it again. Kind of exciting, but now I am realizing that I need to go through all of my clothes again. When I did my huge clean out and reorganization back in April, I got rid of clothes that were too small for the most part, but I kept a few pair of pants, shirts and blouses in each size that I had. So, for now, it is good, because I don't have to spend money on new clothes.

The meeting was so amazing, and my energy was so high after I left! That was such a good thing, because I needed to do week 8, day 3 of C25K. I got home and really didn't want to go out and run, but I knew that I wanted to finish the entire C25K challenge by sunday, so I needed to make sure that I ran. I did it!! I finished the 28 minutes, and this run was a bit different than other ones. I started to run, and had the usual twinges in my knees, but I felt strong. I felt great throughout the entire run, and even took the advice of a personal trainer who said to increase my speed to 5 for 1 minute, then back to 4.5 for four minutes and keep doing that. I only did it one or two times, but it felt good to challenge myself and succeed.

I have to add something about my friend, Sharon. We have been friends for over 30 years, and she has supported me in so many things, including this part of my journey. She and I had a great talk on the phone, once we had a good connection, and we talked about the C25K program. Well, since she doesn't have a smart phone, I typed out what week one of the program is. Today, Tuesday, she tried it and did it!!! I still haven't talked to her about the details, and I think she is going to do day 2 on Thursday, so hopefully I will get an update and see how it went for her. I just wanted to share this for those of you that wanted to hear another story of someone who doesn't like to run, but gave it a try. I am so proud of her!! Even if she doesn't decide to ever run a 5K, she decided to try to run, and that is so cool to me!

I was tired afterwards, but had a bunch of nervous energy too. My goal was a 1900 calorie deficit in order to watch the biggest loser season premiere. So....here are the stats:
calories burned: 3348
calories consumed:1412
calorie deficit: 1936

So, I actually did a few things around my apartment, did some research on the computer and watched Biggest Loser. It was really neat to see the challenges that they had the people do to try and get on the show. One of the things is that 3 people had to compete by racing to see who could do 500 steps onto a step that had 2 risers under it. The other challenge for some of the groups was that they had to complete one mile run or walk, but the first 2 people to finish would go to the biggest loser ranch, the third person would go home.

Each week there will be challenges on the show, and I hope that I can take on some of those challenges in my own work out. I don't know how I would have done with the step and mile challenge in the beginning, but I am pretty confident that I would have been able to complete both. I was already able to walk a mile fairly quickly and I had been doing 3000 steps, though on a lower step, since the beginning of the challenge.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Monday weight in #13

I had a very long day Monday, and got hoe at 1:30am and unpacked my car and went to bed. So, I didn't post, obviously. So, first things first, for my weigh in, I moved 1.4 closer to my goal for a total of 39.8 pounds.

My plan was to take care of the kids all day in Oregon, leave by 5ish, head to the gym, then head home. Well, Evan had such a hard time with me leaving, I just hung out longer to try and help him see that it would be okay. So, I ended up leaving about 6 instead. At about 12:30am, I was feeling goood and thought wow, I have about an hour left, and I think I'll be able to hit the gym!! fast forward 1 hour..umm...NO, I was all of a sudden tired and basically unpacked my car, showered and went to bed.

Though I am not happy about my weigh in, I am very happy that I moved closer to my goal, and I am very happy that even though I wanted to hang out with my friend over the weekend, I chose to go to the gym, I chose to do my crunches and push ups, I chose to plan my meals for the for days that I was there and to eat the right foods.

I didn't do my crunches or push ups, and though my sleep from last night was 8 hours, I don't have all of my food input, so I can't tell you that, but my calories burned for the day were 2772.

That's all for now.

Learning and growing into a heathier me!
~Cindy Lou

Monday, September 20, 2010

help from a great friend

Another fun filled day in Oregon. I felt pretty tired today, but not really sure why. I got to go see my friend's new store then I got to hang out with the kids for the day. It was a very low key day with the kids, just hanging out with the kids and saw a friend and her kids that live here i met her through Ellen and visited with her. She is very supportive of my journey, and it was so thoughtful of her to listen and catch up too. I planned to just work out using the Wii tonight since Ellen needed to get a huge amount of work done. However, she ended up getting back earlier and put the kids to bed so then I went to the gym in the evening for an hour, I forgot my knee braces and my ipod, and I had a slight headache, but I did walk and run for about 15 minutes and then that machine "nustep" for about 15 minutes and then did the bike for about 15 more. I ran an errand and then came back and did free step on the Wii for an hour then did my push ups and crunches. It was so nice of Ellen to do that. She could have just done other things, and instead, she knew that I had a commitment to this and she cut her time short. Thanks, Ellen!

I got about 8 hours of sleep last night, but did wake up about 3 times.
my stats:
calories burned: 3316
calories consumed: 1491
calorie deficit: 1825

So, I am off to go to get some sleep. Weigh in #13 in the morning and last day here, then I plan to go to the gym and do my last run in week 8 (28 minutes) and some weights before I head back home.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday and 5K clarification

Today was a great day! I got much better sleep, but still got up a few times with the mask. I got about 6.5 hours of sleep, still not great, but I couldn't sleep any longer. I will be getting a full 8 tonight for sure.

Basically, at 10am, I started haning with the kids. We did lots of organizing projects and going through books and games and things that they no longer needed. We broke it up with board games, alone time for them in their rooms, science projects, and lunch and snacks of course! We then met their mom for dinner, where I stayed close to within my calorie allowance, which was great!

We finished dinner and she took the kids home to put them to bed. Then, I went to the gym!! It is so funny, my deal with 24 hour fitness is $99 per year. To pay for a guest pass at this club, it cost me $12-that's $3.75 more than I pay a month!! Since I get such a great deal normally, it doesn't kill me to pay this if I travel and need a gym, it's just noteworthy to me, and a bit funny. So, when I was there, I got my run in. I thought that with my cold, it would be really difficult to run, but my sinuses were so clear when I started to move! This treadmill was amazing, no pressure on my knees, glided smoothly(unlike the leg press I tried later), it even had a fan you could turn on! Then, I went to the area with weights. I did weights for awhile, but wasn't too intense with it. My main goal was the run. However, I saw this machine that I hadn't seen before called nustep. It is like a stair stepper, but you sit, and it has the step pedals and handles that move back an forth, so you are getting a work out, but it doesn't have the same impact on your knees. I still felt it in my calves, legs and butt so I knew it was working. I did it only for 10 minutes because the gym was getting ready to close at 9pm. That is such a switch for me since I usually don't even get to the gym by time.

5K clarification: The 5K that I registered for is attatched to the Big Sur marathon. However, the marathon is on the 14th, and the 5K is in Monterey on the 13th(my group is at 9am). I am getting excited about it, surprisingly. I am sad that it is in the morning, but with runs, this is how they are, I know. If any of you want to join me, I will post the link on the right. you go to that link and click "half marathon" then it takes you to a page where you can choose along the left menu "events" then click on "Run Forest Run 5K". $20 for youth/military and $30 for adults. Would love to see some of you there!

Got back and did my 325 crunches, 90 wall push ups and 60 bent knee push ups and have been catching up on the blogs. I will be getting to bed soon, and plan to go back to the gym in the morning before I watch the kids.

So, here are the stats:
calories burned:3506
calories consumed:1690
calorie deficit: 1816

So glad that I went to the gym. I feel great that even though I felt like I didn't want to go because of the nasal congestion, I did it!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday..fun with the kids!

Well, about 6 hours of sleep, and it was broken up because I am using a diferent, more cumbersome mask for my CPAP. Oh, the sore throat is totally gone, just have a bit of nasal congestion.

I got no work out in, but felt with being a little under the weather, that would be good. I ran errands with the kids and got my hair trimmed to keep it healthy while I grow it out to donate. Then, was just active in the house with Evan and Charlotte!

Nothing much to report, really, with the rain, we didn't even get outside!

So, here's the stats:
Calories burned:2888
calories consumed:1380
calorie deficit:1508

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Thursday..lots of driving

Thursday..lots of driving

Howdy from Grants Pass, OR(on Friday night). I came here to actually take a job caring for my friend's two children. It has been a bit hectic on my end with work and packing to come here for 4 days. Originally I had a leadership convention to attend in Wisconsin this weekend. It was incredibly difficult not to go, but realized that all the teachings of the TEAM are that you have to have a laser focus on what your goal and dream is. Though my long term goals all have to do with the TEAM and Mona Vie, this short term goal(and continuing these habits the rest of my life), is where I am laser focused. In order to get to where I need to go with my health, I need to be consistent and persistent until the goal is met. Going to the leadership convention would have created obstacles(work out time, adequate sleep each night, and food and eating schedule) to my health goal and right now, I feel that is more important to my life. Jillian Michael's wellness cruise has been a goal in this journey since the beginning. Not only as a goal for hitting 60 pounds, but because I need to get more information from someone that has the results that I want and the person/people that I can get that from will be on the Cruise.

I woke up after 8 hours of sleep, I think, packed up my car for a 9 hour day at work and then headed off to work. It was an active day with the kids, so that was great! Since the drive to Grants Pass is about 7 hours, I knew that I wouldn't be working out. So, when the kids went to bed, I finished straightening up, then did my 325 crunches, 90 wall push ups and 60 bent knee push ups. Then I started to just sort of walk laps to keep active. I ended up having a cup of green tea since I thought I might need the caffine to keep me going. In addition, my lack of sleep on Monday and Tuesday nights, has caused me to have a little bit of congestion, causing me to sleep with my mouth open, causing my throat to be very irritated. I planned a snack on the drive, but decided to go with my mom's long time cure for a sore throat, a bag of corn chips. Yes, I measured them, and I barely went over my calories consumed for the day and that was the honey I used in my green tea more than anything. I also drank a ton of water so that was good for the symptoms too. On the drive, I even did "punches" alternating arms to keep moving and active. Not much calorie burn, but it was better than sitting like a lump. I arrived in Grants Pass about 5:15am, and was able to sleep for about 6 hours or so.

Here were my stats for the day:
calories burned:3072
calories consumed:1637
calorie deficit:1435

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Biking, the new obsession..and 5K

So, today was another bad sleep night, because I got home from my meeting, and couldn't fall asleep and I had to be up at 4:30am for a job with the twins again. I packed up my food for the time there, and had fun with the girls, but only one walk, so my activity level was low and I was feeling run down too. However, I knew I needed to get my oil changed and my tires rotated. So, ran over to do that,and they couldn't fit me in then, but could later. So, I left and went home to tackle a few things. First, lunch, then I took a nap. The lack of sleep was getting to me for sure, and I didn't want to get run down and sick either! The auto place was going to call when they were close to fitting me in, so my sleep was choppy, but I did get a good nap.

I got the call, dropped off my car and then walked over to the mall. I had to get 2 things at target, and check on a problem with my cell phone, so that was the perfect time to do it. I also did a bunch of walking around too, so that felt good. Finally the car was done, and I headed home.
By this time, it was dinner, and I had it a bit late, but it worked out fine. Then, I made a menu of all my meals for Thurs-Monday, and measured and packed up everything that I needed in the fridge, freezer and then a bag of all the non perishables. I got all of my clothes laundered and sorted to go in the suitcase, and did my usual job searches on 3 different sites. I knew I had to go to the gym but was still feeling tired. Since I ran yesterday, didn't want to run, but really didn't have the energy for swiming either.

I stretched and while I was, someone was doing bent knee push ups, so I did mine there too..it felt good to get those out of the way. Then I decided maybe I would just walk on the tread mill. That totally was not what I wanted to do. So, I said to myself, it's not as big of a work out to do the bike as it is to run or to the elliptical, but you used to bike on a realy bike a lot, juts go do it. So, I headed over to the bike. I had to enter the "level" and the amount of time, and so I contemplated how long and just said, "okay, 60 mintues"..I figured I would just go at a slow pace and it would be boring, but I would do it. Well, after 10 minutes, I was just sort of thinking, gosh, an hour of this, okay, whatever. So, I upped the level to 3, and actually got a little more into it and started pedaling even faster. I was looking right at a mirror, and I don't know about you, but I don't look my best when I am working out, so, I just closed my eyes and pedaled. I actually visualized a trail, people riding next to me, in front of me, I saw the finish line to a race, people I love cheering me on. Well, the most important thing is that I did an entire hour! Now, how far did I go? that's also cool to me, it helps me guage if I am improving and pushing myself harder each time. I still have to confirm that it was measuring miles, not Kilometers, but to my knowledge, I did 21.6 miles in 60 minutes. I have no idea if that is slow or fast or normal, but I did it and that is the best part!

Then, I did some weights, but was feeling very tired, so went back, did my crunches and wall push ups then took a shower and went to bed.

calories burned:3199
calories consumed:1910
calorie deficit: 1289

so, not exactly the right place, but moving forward. I feel great about the progress!

Oh, last, I have someone who mentioned on facebook that she is doing a 5k in November. SO...I registered to do it!!! There is a bit of confusion about the date, so I have emailed the organizer to find out if the 5K is on 13th or 14th. I will keep you posted! I can't believe it!! New things to write on the calendar next Monday when I update with the Oct 5 goal of 50 pounds, the cruise goal of 60 pounds, and the cruise itself, now the 5K goal..whoo hoo!! clipping along at a good pace, now to pick up my pace in the running by November..can't wait!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

28 min run and new pants

Well, the day started out with watching 4 month old twins at 6am. When i got dressed this morning, I decided to pull out a pair of pants, the next size down from what I have been wearing. Well, they fit!!! I was feeling pretty good about that! I was able to take them for 2 walks, which was great for the girls and for my goal! Even though I was done at 1pm, I knew that I had 2 more big obligations and no way could I work out at night.

So, I left the first job and changed right away and went to the gym. I had to do Week 8, day 1(5 min warm up, 28 min run and 5 min cool down) At minute #2 of the run, I wanted to stop. My knees were fine, my hips were having a bit of trouble, but mainly, I just felt like it was so hard. Yes, I checked the incline, I learned my lesson on that one! Due to the time limit, I didn't go to 24 hour fitness and use the great treadmill, I used the one at my apartment complex. It works, but just doesn't go as smoothly. Well, this run was one of the biggest struggles that I have had since I started running. I was checking the countdown every minute or so. I wanted to quit, but I had told someone that by the time I saw them this week, I would be at 28 minutes. I also heard Jillian's voice, "really, you're going to quit because it's hard, seriously?" I also started thinking about Jillian's workout that she will be doing with us on the cruise and realized no chance of quitting. It was all mental, and I worked through it and did it! I even did a 7.0 sprint during the cool down.

then I had a job and a buiness meeting to go to. The job was very sedentary, and it was difficult to stay in the apartment for 3+hours. Sitting at the meeting was tough also. However, at the meeting, I talked with someone and basically, I have set a new "mini" goal. By Oct 5, I will a total of 50 pounds closer to my goal. Then I will be half way to my goal!!!

When I got home, I was really tired, but knew I had to do my push ups and crunches. So, I did them and went to bed. Still late, and another early morning on Wednesday.

Stats for the day:
Like I mentioned yesterday, not much sleep.
calories burned:3484
calories consumed:1825
calorie deficit:1659

I was bummed when I saw that I didn't stay under in consumed calories, but I made a veggie wrap with a store bought gf tortilla. It tasted great, and would have been fine, but I added a serving of tortilla chips. I was just so hungry after the run, but clearly taht wasn't the right choice. If I wouldn't have had those, I would have been just under 1600, and thus my deficit would have hit only 100 away from my goal.

Have a bunch planned, to get done today, I might take a nap and then work out later, because the way I feel now(wed morn) I could not physically do it. it will be early to bed tonight also.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Weigh in #12

HI! I totally thought I posted this yesterday, but I guess i just posted on facebook and twitter. Well, I moved 3.4 closer to my goal for a total of 38pounds!

As of last week, I was up to 300 crunches per day, 80 wall push ups and 25 knee push ups, and running for 25 minutes, 3 times per week. When I look back when I started each one of these "challenges", I think about how hard it was to even think about doing and I feel great that I have come so far. Clearly I am not where I want to be, but I am happy that I am moving closer to my goal every day.

I worked with 3 kids today. In this house, I love it because the kids are a ton of fun, and they like to do a variety of things, including just hanging out and doing art or board games. In addition, I do some household duties, so it keeps me moving and burning calories.

I finished work at 7pm, ran a couple of errands and went to see my mom. While I was there, I realized that I had to work at 6am the next day!! So, basically I left. I realized that sleep was more important than going to the gym and I could go to the gym on Tuesday instead(between jobs). However, when I got home and tried to sleep, I wasn't tired at all, and ended up getting laundry and dishes and things done around the apartment, so that was good. I also remembered what it was like when I put off the daily challenges, so of course I did 325 crunches, 90 wall push ups and 30 knee push ups too. I planned out my meals for Tuesday, whoo hoo! I am starting the week off great!

Okay, so here's the big thing that I did. I booked my flight to florida for the Jillian Michaels Wellness Cruise! Thursday I pay the remainder of the cruise cost and I already have the time off of work. I am soooo excited and can't wait to be inspired and hopefully focused on the next set of goals from that point forward. I am afraid of not being ready for the workout that she will be leading, which makes me want to do even more to get to the 60 pound goal that I made for myself by the cruise. The week before I will be doing an overnight nanny job, so I won't really get my gym time in the evening like I do now, but I will be able to go late morning, I think. In addition they do have some equipment I think I can probably use while I am there.

I know that last week was terrible as far as me blogging, and my jillian tips were totally lacking, so I thought that I would give you this little tip today:

Look in all of your cupboards, pantries, refridgerators and freezers..any anywhere else you might have food, and read the label. Each day I will give you one more thing to look for. Today, look for HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP if you see it on any label, toss it. I'm not asking you to toss anything with sugar...yet :) just this ingredient. Jillian really explains it well in her book, but if you want to look online, just search "high fructose corn syrup dangers" and you will find a ton of information. Again, the way Jillian explains it in her book is the best explaination that I have found.

Good luck with that one, and let me know what you think about the exercise or what you found out about HFCS.

only got 3.5 hours of sleep from monday to tuesday morning. not good!!!
other stats:
calories burned:2964
calories consumed:1336
calorie deficit:1628

not too bad for not going to the gym. SOrt of mad at myself for doing stuff at home instead of the gym. If I would have gone to the gym, I would have hit my deficit goal, then showered and gone to bed and got more sleep than I did. I guess my body knew that I didn't work out, so it didn't want to sleep.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Monday, September 13, 2010

don't put it off...ugg!!!

Well, it is now 3am, I did all the blog entries to bring me up to date, and I am going to try and make this fast because I am tired and have to get my 7 hours of sleep in!! I work at 1pm, but have a couple of errands to run, so it will be cutting it close!

Okay, went to a "working interview" today from 10-1:30. The family is great, and I look forward to spending time with them. It is not a permanent or semi permanant job at all. Basically when dad is traveling, that is when he needs coverage. So he figures 1-2 times a month!! Came home for a quick snack and 30 minute nap. Then, I did that 45 min drive, 30+ min of work, 45 min drive home. Went to bring my mom some treats, then hung out and chatted and helped her with some things too. Got home, dinner was great! I had some corn on the cob, so I used my grilling pan! It tasted so good with my artichoke and chili!

Well, if you recall, fri and saturday I didn't talk about the crunches and push ups. Well, that is because i kept putting it off when I was tired. So, at 9:30, I started with my push ups and crunches, would rotate through the ones I needed to do for a total of 160 wall push ups, 50 bent knee push ups and 900 crunches!!!!!!!!! yes, you read that right. they were broken up throughout the night. I then left for the gym to do day 3 of the C25K! 25 minutes of running. I got on, and it was great! Thursady was a bit challenging because of the time betweeen running work outs, then on Friday, it was really easy because I had done it the day before. Then, a ton of upper body weights, and then home.

I did some clean up here, some other job search things, and then doing all of this blogging!

I can honestly say this about the week. I didn't eat when I was feeling overwhelmed, but I did shut down sort of. I will be working on that for sure! I also learned that I need to not skip a night of push ups/crunches, because the whole point is to get into a habit of doing it, right?

Tomorrow is weigh in #12. After the week I had, we'll see how it goes.

Oh, stats for the day:
not enough sleep
calories burned:3182
calories consumed:1725
calorie deficit: 1457

okay, I am off to get some sleep and have a great week!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

slow down day-Saturday

It is Sunday, but this is my post for Saturday, what a very inactive day. The day started out getting up at 6:30am, with only 6 hours of sleep, and I knew that it would be a long day. I wrote out my meals last night, so when I got up this morning, it was pretty easy to get everything done before leaving to get to a job at 8:30am. I decided to drink some green tea to give me just a little boost.

I ate a breakfast that was NOT protien rich, and I seemed hungry all day, but I'm sure that's why. Not too active at the job, unfortunately. Then, after getting home, having an early dinner, then a long drive, and a leadership seminar which meant more sitting. I don't know why I didn't do my cruches or push ups when I ran home before leaving for the seminar. When you read Sunday's blog, you'll understand why I said that!

I know that in general, I am used to being active, even if I am just working. So, when I got to the seminar, it was really hard to just stay in my seat. I ended up doing some pacing in the back, but right about 9:30, my need to do something was killing me. I couldn't do anything about it, and then I had another hour+ ride home. I wanted to work out then, but knew that I had to get up by 7:30, so the work out idea couldn't work. Luckily, I was tired and I fell right to sleep.

Here are my stats for this very boring day:
calories burned:2702
calories consumed:2001
calorie deficit:701

see, just pitiful!!!

tomorrow I still won't have a ton of time for working out because I have 2 different jobs to do.

Jillian tip:

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Saturday, September 11, 2010


As you could see, tues, wed and thursday are basically blank, but I wanted to do today's entry and will throw the others up by sunday. they are basically written out, just not entered online. However, I am already late for bed, and have to get up for a busy day tomorrow.

So, today was the last day that I needed to call in for jury duty. You'll see in the other posts just how challenging this week was for me. However, with the decisions that I made last night, I slept great, and got up with a renewed energy.

I will give you even more by sunday, but need to get sleep. It has been an incredible week with lots of ups and downs, but thanks to chats with my mom and a great talk with Ellen, it all came together last night, and I am feeling sooo great about the direction things are going!

have a great and healthy Saturday!

my stats:
calories burned:3164
calories consumed:1701
calorie deficit:1463
Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


stats to come and more info too

okay, last night, I called into jury duty at 5, they told me to call back at noon on thursday....have I mentioned how frustrated I am? Then, at noon, they said to call back at 5pm. I am not trying to blog about my frustration and whine about it, I think that I am just trying to show that getting bogged down will happen. It's not really the same as an excuse or an obstacle. It is just an overwhelming feeling like I am stuck and can't move forward until things have solidified a little bit. Does that make any sense to you?

Well, today, like the rest of the week, no work because of the jury duty thing. Another day of job searching, sending in some applications online, things around the apartment. seriously, no idea what I did, until about 3. I did a job that I had to drive 45 minutes to, spend 15 minutes there, and then 45 min drive home. So crazy!! I had eaten 2 meals, and then planned to go have my 3rd "meal" at the movie theater. I know, that sounds crazy too, huh? Well my 30 pound "reward" was to go to a movie. I ate 2 great meals earlier in the day, and that allowed me to be able to eat popcorn. no, it wasn't the most well balanced meal, but it was okay.

So, like I have mentioned before, a movie is a complete escape for me. Tonight was no exception to that rule. I left the movie and felt amazing, more clear. In addition, I talked with my friend, Ellen, and worked through a lot of the job stuff. I made a decision!!! I gave notice at my tuesday/wednesday "semi-permanent" job. In addition, the job that was taking 1-2 mornings a week, I declined their offer to make it permanent. Now, with all the money chaos I have been talking about, you may be thinking.."what?!" but basically those jobs were not making me happy, and I can get more work if I have all day free, because the nanny agency usually needs all day for a temp job, not just a morning or just an afternoon.

Oh, at 5pm, I called in for jury duty, they told me to call back Friday at 11am. I am really hoping that this will be the end of the jury duty process.

did crunches and push ups whoo hoo!!

oh, 6 or 7 hours of sleep..woke up on my own, couldn't go back to sleep.

calories burned:2391
calories..forgot to enter the rest of the food..arg!!

I did go for a run at the gym, after the movies. I didn't do anything else at the gym, but needed to go do day 1 Week 7 of C25K!! I hadn't run at all since either sunday or monday, I can't recall. So, when I ran, it was really challenging, but I did it!! just a 5 min warm up, run for 25 minutes and then 5 min cool down.

tomorrow will be such a wonderful day, everything is settled, and I can move forward with plans!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


stats to come and more info too

..well, I have to call in for jury duty at noon, so until then, what will I do. Grand plans for the gym, but didn't do any of them. I am feeling very defeated, not about fitness, it seems that the stress and frustration is really getting to me. I am glad that I am not stress eating or anything like that, but I just feel like I just can't get up and do anything because I am freaking out about the financial obligations that I have.

The boy I take care of on Wednesday afternoons was home sick, and the mom asked me to go in at noon, so I did. Since I got no hours the day before, adding a couple more was very exciting news!! The unfortunate thing was that because he was home not feeling well, basically, I did a few things at the house, but mainly, I sat. When I left there, I ran a couple of errands for the job, and my self, then felt no energy at all. Oh, I called in for jury duty again at 5..call in tomorrow at noon..UGGG. I do realize that this is my duty, and I have always wanted to see what it is like to do it, but this waiting game is terrible!!

I did go to the gym, but just walked and then came back home. my spirits are low, and feeling like I don't have any idea what to do with work, and feel like I just need to get through this week, and things will get better.

Oh, I did do some wall push ups at work, then at home my crunches and my knee push ups.

I was in bed for more than 7 hours, but woke up on my own at about 6.

Stats for today:
calories burned:2760
calories consumed: never recorded food, can't believe it!!
calorie deficit: no clue

okay, what did i learn today....umm...to get off my butt and do something. no, seriously, I think that I learned that I need to figure out a way to work through certain things in a more productive way. I am being proactive in looking for work, doing interviews, but this state I am in is just ridiculous!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me! (well, slowly this week, but still learning)

~Cindy Lou


stats to come and more info too.

well, the above note has been sitting all week with nothing added to it. So, it is Sunday night/Monday morning,1:45am, and it is catch up day, so I want to make sure that all of my blog entries are done. So, I will do all of the ones that are not done before I go to bed. I do appreciate you reading, and I have not been responsible in following through with my commitments this week, especially entering my blogs.

Sleep last night, 4 or 5 hours, because I had to be at work this morning at 6am. I am on call for Jury duty this week, and when I called they told me to call back in today at noon. I had an adventure of watching 4 month old twins today, until noon. But, I was able to take the twins out and take a walk, so that was some good exercise to keep me going. I left there and found out no jury duty, but my afternoon job cancelled on me, because she didn't need me. I was so tired, I took a nap, and did my 300 crunches, 80 wall push ups and 25 bent knee push ups. I did things around the house, searched for jobs online, and just sort of tried to figure out what it is that I am going to do in order to meet my financial obligations and make sure that I have the money to pay for the cruise. Not being able to go into work, or book jobs that come up, is so incredibly frustrating!!!

AFter that afternoon, I had a meeting at 8pm. After that, I came home and ddid very little at home and then went to bed. no blogging, just looked online again for work, and applied for many jobs. have to call in for Jury duty again at 1pm tomrrow.

stats for today:
calories consumed:2854
calories burned:1637
calorie deficit:1217

I didn't burn enough calories to meet my goal, but this is an odd time for me. I will keep trudging along and try and focus on my fitness goals.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Thursday, September 9, 2010

tuesday, wednesday, thursday

What has happened to my posts?!?!? Oh, I didn't write them. It has been a stressful, frustrating week, and I have just felt overwhelmed. To be perfectly honest the other reason is that I just haven't hit any of my calorie deficit goals, and the only reasons that I could have written would all be excuses, and I didn't want to give excuses. I wanted to figure out why I was having so much difficulty getting motivated to do what I need to do. Not only at the gym, but with other things in my life. I have been "on call" for jury duty all week, which resulted in basically very little work all week. It's not like a typical job where I could work, call in and if they need me, leave my work and go in. With nanny work, the families obviously need to make sure that the kids are taken care of, and so in most cases this week, I couldn't take temp work, and I got replaced at some of my jobs because I wouldn't know until noon if I needed to go in for jury duty. The finanical loss right now is huge, and really making me reexamine my work and if I need something permanent, or can continue temp work. Continue with the jobs that I have or leave them an do something different. It also has me thinking about my business and all of the financial obligations. Do you see why I haven't posted??
But, with challenges come big decisions, and I will be focused on following through with all of my commitments, not only to my weight, but hitting my goal and going on Jillian's cruise, and making all of my financial commitments. If the dream is big enough, then the obstacles just don't matter, and they need to overcome with new solutions. Obviously persistence and determination are going to play a huge part of it.

My brain has just been trying to focus on all of this, and I have been making sure that I get the sleep that I need. I have been eating within my goal. I will post stats a little later tonight, but for now, I am off to go and work out at the gym. I went to a movie tonight (my 30 pound reward) and I chose to have movie theater popcorn. Might not have been the best idea, but I think that I still stayed within, or close to my calorie goal. I will see tonight. Oh, no, it wasn't "stress eating". I PLANNED that as a "meal" for the day. I need no more food tonight, and had 2 meals earlier today.

So, off to the gym for now. thanks for reading and supporting me. I look forward to your input and ideas!

...i just looked back at the older blog posts and saw that just 1 week ago I had a calorie deficit of 2023, kind of motivated me a bit to see that I can do this and hit my goals!! okay, off to the gym!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

lead feed

Okay, I didn't get as many walks in at the job as I anticipated getting. Mainly because the little girl was wide awake and wanted to play. didn't get crunches, which are now at 300, or knee pushups, now at 25, or wall push ups, now at 75. so, today will be double!!! I don't really know when or how I will get them in, but I will. I left work, went to a friend's house, had my dinner, shared some business things with her and then headed home. I got home, got ready for the gym, even though I was really tired, and then went. I got on the treadmill, and it was like I had huge weights on my feet..lead feet! I tried running, it was sooo hard, did 2 minutes and with a heavy heart, I stopped. I couldn't believe that going 4.7 instead of 4.5 would be that much more difficult! Well, the last person on the treadmill had it at an incline of 4.5!!! I had been walking awhile, so just continued the walk for 25 minutes, headed home and to bed by 9:20. I fell right to sleep and never sync'd my arm band, so can't give you stats, but I imagine that they were very bad.

So, lesson that I learned was to ALWAYS check the incline before I run or walk! It's like checking your mirrors when you drive, you just have to remember to do it every day, you can't assume that noone has bumpbed them, you have to check.

I will come back and add a tip for you but need to grab the book, and now one of the twins that I am watching has woke up.
Jillian tip:

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Monday, September 6, 2010

weigh-in #11

A quick check in to tell you that weigh in #11 moved me 1.6 closer to my goal for a total of 35 pounds. more tonight after my 25 minute run at 4.7!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


Sunday was quite a day. I got my 7 hours of sleep, but woke up at 5 hours and then at 6 hours. Not too sure what is going on with me. Hoping to figure it out SOOON!! I got all of my things packed up, including meals for a day at the ocean, for a nanny job. While the baby slept in the room, I did my crunches, and all of my push ups, and I took her for a ton of walks too. Unfortunately, my calorie deficit was not at my goal. I am trying to figure out what I could have done differently, but the only conclusion that I come to is that I need to go to the gym 6 out of 7 days. The challenge is when I have a really long day at jobs. Do I get the sleep, or get to the gym. I want to do both, but don't always have enough hours in the day. Though I would prefer to not have those really long days, I have financial obligations to make and I can't turn the work down because I don't know when I will get more. As far as work goes, was offered a job a couple of mornings a week. By the end of next week, I hope to have a fairly set schedule so that I can plan everything around those work hours.

I got home, packed all of my food for Monday, including a salad for myself for the BBQ that I am going to. That is a tip I have seen throughout the day on Twitter..eat healthy when you go to a party by bringing your own food..for yourself or to share.

stats for the day:
calories burned:2844
calories consumed:1487
calorie deficit:1357

Jillian tip:
Occasionally eating something from a can is okay, but most cans are lined with plastic that is not BPA free..more toxins...yuck!

weigh in #11 tomorrow!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Saturday, September 4, 2010

blog info

Hi, exploring the blog a bit. so, if you go into settings on your page, there is a tab that says "email and mobile". some of you have asked that the blogs that I write get sent to you in an email..if you click on that tab, you can set it up so that it gets sent to you. I will give you more info when I get it!!

if that doesn't work, let me know, you can give me your email address and then I can add you to have the email sent..i think. please give me some feedback to let me know if this works.

Also, if you post a comment, you can click below on the link that says something like, "subscribe by email". and then if someone posts after you, you will get an email notification.

thanks again for reading!

Maybe now that I'm figuring it all out we can help each other learn and grow together!!

thanks for your patience in me figuring it out!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


I did absolutely nothing for the majority of Friday. Then at about 10pm, I got up, went to the gym an did some working out. I felt guilt for doing little to nothing all day, and stress too, I think. I searched online for work, did some email, stuff around the house, but really no major physical activity at all. My stats are pretty ridiculous. The worst that I have had since the start of the journey, but I know that it is really important to listen to my body.

Here are the stats:
calories burned:2283
calories consumed:1548
calorie deficit: 735

see, totally awful deficit.

Okay, now onto some other stuff. First, I was thinking that noone every does comments..well, I never got the way the blog works, I guess. Today I clicked on comments..duh!! Okay, so thank you to those of you that have commented. I guess that I thought I would get a notification or something, but I didn't. I will look and see if there is a way to set up the blog so I do get notifications.. So, in response to some of them...
Jessica--yes, I will post pictures, I just don't really have someone to take them. I will ask my friend, Julie, to take some Monday, and will post on Monday night, and it will be my #11 weigh in, okay?
For the rest of you, thank you so much for your comments!! Now I will check every day!
There are some of you that I don't know, and I have to figure out a way to comment back..the comments don't show.
When someone posts a comment, does it give you the option to make it viewable to all of the readers or just me?
Leigh-Ann---thanks for the encouragement, I will do it, looking at dates in November. When I do it, I will put the date on the blog and put a countdown timer for it on the blog too! tonight(Saturday) I will run 25 minutes!!
Dr. Mo--thanks for the feedback!!

I will do some more checking and get this thing rockin!!

sorry again for being a dork about the blog!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Friday, September 3, 2010

I can't believe it!

The day started out as it has in the last few weeks. I have been waking up after about 5 hours of sleep. I have been able to go back to sleep, but it is just so strange. With that wake up, I figure I got about 6.5 hours of sleep..close to 7. I didn't feel tired, but as I have mentioned,sleep is one of the most important things not only for good health, but for for better metabolism and decreasing weight. So, I would really like to make sure that I get my 7 hours in.

I was helping someone with their swimming this morning, so I was in the pool for about 80 minutes. I was moving the majority of the time, no standing around. Then, I had to have lunch, pack up food and then get ready for work. At work, I had sheets to change on 3 beds, 4 loads of laundry, a bunch of dishes, a trip to the grocery store, and when the kids were around, I was lucky enough to play with them. They have one of those parachute things. Well, the 5 year old wanted me to pull her around while she was wrapped up in it, then the 10 year old got on too. It was a great work out for my upper body, and it was fun too!

Home from work, and took a little time to do some job searching activities online. Meal time, and I have no idea what I was thinking. I ate a few too many calories, but they weren't really nutrient rich calories, so I was sort of frustrated with myself. Later I sort of decided that I was just stressed about the work thing, and just wanted to grab something easy because I knew I had to eat. So, how could I have avoided that? Easy, I could have planned out my meals better for the day. tomorrow will be better!

So, by now it is almost 10pm, and I finish entering all of my food and then sync my arm band to find out how many calories I had burned to that point. Bad news...only 1192!(later realized that I had entered my swimming wrong, so it was really about 1292. PANIC!!! I jumped into my gym clothes and headed out to the gym. I planned to run on Friday, but knew there were calories to be burned, so, I stretched and got on the treadmill. It was a great day of C25K!!! 10 min run, 3 min walk, 10 min run. I ran at 4.6 again tonight, with no sprints. I really had no challenge with it after the first 2 minutes. It is so great to think back and remember how hard it was to run just 1 minute back about 8 or 9 weeks ago!! I got off and went straight to the "crunch machine". Did 100 crunches, 50 wall push ups, 50 more crunches, 25 more push ups, then over to do weights. Not really sure why I didn't finish the crunches then. Weights, then treadmill for 5 minutes and did sprints, then back to finish the crunches. Then, 10 minutes left, and I decided that it was time to try the eliptical machine. I have done one before, but since I started this journey, I have only tried it once, and it really burned the muscles just above my knees, so I didn't continue. Well, time to conquer the fear. I got on, and my quads burned, but I kept going. I notice the time thing really helps me when I'm struggling. Then, after about 2 minutes, the burning went away. My calves were feeling more of the pain, but overall, when it ended, all I felt was excitement that I had accomplished it.

Now, if sweat were the measure of calories burned, then I woudl have burned like 10000 tonight! I worked hard and non stop and not slow. I will be doing that more often, that's for sure!

So, here are the stats:
calories burned:3885
calories consumed:1862(too high)
calorie deficit:2023

As you can see, I did it! I can not believe that I burned enough calories to make my deficit! It really showed me what I can do when I am pushed to the wire. Now to remember that when I really don't want to work out..sort of like tonight.

Jillian's tip:
this one is about romoving toxins from your kitchen. There are soooo many things that I could go into here, but one thing that I never really thought about was keeping the dishwasher closed during the wash cycle. The steam that comes out releases toxic volatized chlorine from the combo of detergent and tap water! She is all about removing all toxic cleaning materials from your home too. I have moved closer to that, and only have a couple that are not a "greener" option. However, I am almost there, and plan to be by the end of the year.

Okay, it is 2:40am, and I am really getting tired now, so off to bed. Luckily, no work tomorrow, just some business plans.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

Thursday, September 2, 2010

old information, relearned

First, thanks to those of you who are checking the boxes at the bottom of each blog post. It's cool to me to see the feedback. You can also post to twitter or facebook by clicking on the icon below each blog too.

So, today I knew that I had a goal of 2000 calorie deficit. So, after breakfast and a couple of things around the apartment, I went to the gym and did my C25K challenge. Mentally, I'm good, and my breathing is fine. The only challenge that I am having is my knees. I will be running again on Friday and then Sunday.

Well, at work, I was physically active, and even took the dog for a walk in addition to playing 1 short game of hockey with Alex. When I got home tonight I felt a bit tired, and just hung out for a little while, then went to the gym to do weights. I did some walking, running-only a little, and some sprints. I did some new things with weights, and I hoping to continue those exercises to help my triceps!

I did my 275 crunches, 70 wall push ups and 20 bent knee push ups. Usually at about 6 of the bent knee push ups, my shoulder gets a bit fatigued. Today when I did them, I didn't feel any fatigue until eleven! It is good to see that the upper body is geting stronger.

So, I opened up Jillian's "Master your Metabolism" book to go back and reread portions of it. After moving forward in my journey, I think it is good to go back and revisit books. New things just seem to appear the second, third and fourth time :) There are so many things that I have to share with you. So, each day I am going to give you one little tip that she shares. Obviously getting her book and following it would be the best thing, but starting slow is sometimes a little easier until you get up to speed, right?

Jillian's tip:
this tip has to do with sleep

"A full night's sleep is not a luxury-it is a basic necessity for healthy hormone balance."
There is so much she writes about this, you just have to get the book!!!
The other thing she says, "....you need to get at least seven hours a night."

so, get your sleep!!! I have noticed how much better I am feeling getting more sleep. Sure, there are nights that things happen, but if you read her book, you will see how that can affect your weight a lot!!

Last night seven hours of sleep for me.
my other stats:
calories burned:3307
calories consumed:1410
calorie deficit:1897

I didn't hit my 2000 deficit goal, but i was only off by 103, that's pretty close! Tomorrow will be a better day. I will be swimming in the morning and will be busy at work and then will work out again tomorrow night.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


I can't believe I forgot to post last night!! I guess that I just got tired and went to bed. strange for sure. so sorry!!

Tuesday is supposed to be my down day, but I had 2 friends that had time to play racquetball, so we did in the morning. It was so much fun! It was also a good reminder that you don't need to "workout" on a treadmill or a bike or swim all the time, you can burn quite a few calories and have fun with friends too! It was not as big of a work out as when I play with just one other person, but it was a good work out. I had to get home so that I could do a couple of things so I didn't work out afterwards. I had a fairly slow work day, and then had a meeting in the evening...so more inactivity. I am getting into the swing of things with the current work schedule. I think that in the next couple of weeks I will be able to figure out the workout/activity schedule.

Sleep has been a big focus, and I once again got all of my sleep in.

here are the stats for the day:
calories burned:2876
calories consumed:1492
calorie deficit:1386

oh, did my 275 crunches, 70 wall push ups and 20 knee push ups.

Like I said before, it was my down day, and so I figured that I wouldn't make the 1900 calorie deficit. However, I really do need to figure out how to get the most of my calories on days that I won't be going to the gym.

okay, off to tell you about today, Wednesday!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou