Tuesday, November 2, 2010

so much fun--Halloween

no work scheduled today, just things around the house and off to see Charlotte and Grace, the girls that I used to nanny. The goal is to complete the blog tonight and get some working out in too.

My big debate, if you followed it on facebook you already know, was what to do about giving things out to trick or treaters. I didn't want to give out candy and knew that I was going to be gone for part of the trick or treating hours. I figured that it would be good to have something just in case. I didn't want to be the lady who gave out toothbrushes or pennies so, I got some all natural fruit leathers. Then, no trick or treaters. The good thing is that I can eat those and will have them when I feel like I need something sweet.

So, here's what happened....
got up, did a ton around the house and then went to see the girls. Grocery shopping to get a few things so that I could make stir fry and then home. I made an incredible stir fry at about 8. It was so good and I just wanted to eat a ton of it. I added cashews and asparagus to it which I have never done before, and it made it even better than before. Then, met my good friend, Jon, at the gym. I biked for 60 minutes about 15 miles. We did some weights and then headed home. I felt like I could run when I got home, but decided not to overdue it and just did some weights in the gym at my apartment complex and then in my apartment did some rhythm boxing and 30 minutes of stepping on the Wii. I did a ton online, made some gluten free chex mix--it's pretty high in calories to have often, but it's nice to have for an occasional treat. I didn't finish the cruise info on the blog though..arg. Monday night I need to get it done!! I keep saying that, and I really want to get it done and share the info about it with all of you, but don't just want to give a couple of details, so I know it will take a bit of time to do.

about 8 hours of sleep
calories burned:
haven't been good about entering food, just been crazy.
** goal for this week is to make sure that I enter all food correctly so that I can use the body media appropriately to monitor everything so I can reach my goals.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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