Friday, December 31, 2010

gearing up

What am I gearing up for?? the second leg of this journey.

I was able to get 8 hours of sleep in before my day started on Wednesday, so that was a great start!! Yesterday and today were both very busy days! Yesterday I worked, did all the pets, worked some more, worked overnight and then got 3 hours of sleep, headed out to do some work at 2 different places today, plus a bunch of errands! I was just finishing preparing food for tomorrow...the day that is often the most lucrative of the year, New Year's Eve. 2 jobs planned for tomorrow, then the entire weekend off!

The last 2 days have I have felt even more out of balance, and have not been eating properly which makes me feel even more out of balance. The journey to a healthy lifestyle is different for everyone. For me, my ultimate goal is to learn how to have a more balance life. There was a great exercise that Jeanette Jenkins did on the cruise. She talked about many different areas in our lives and had us rate ourselves in each given area. (the entire thing was drawn on spokes of a wheel) Then, after we rated each area, we connected the dots. If you have a round circle, you are in balance, and if not, it will reveal where you may need to put your focus to balance out the cirlce. Most people are always out of balance in some area of their lives, but getting it close to being balanced is the goal. Some of the areas are personal life, spirituality, fitness, social life, family, etc. I will be sharing more with you about this in the coming days.

For now, just something for all of us on our journey to think about. The other big thing is goals. Not just what I want my ideal weight, BMI or pant size to be. It's not even about how far I can run or how much weight I can bench press, though goals for those are important too. I am talking about what do I want my life to look like. What are the ultimate goal I want for my life. This is important because if I say that one of my ultimate goals in life is to write a children's book about health and nutrition, then doing something day to day that is counter to that goal would be silly. So deciding on where I want your life to go is what is important. The best thing I can say is what I learned from the TEAM, specifically Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady: Define, Learn, Do!! Define what you want out of life, learn from those who have what you want, and do what they did to get there. That can apply to finances or a healthy lifestyle or any aspect of your life. So, my homework, and maybe yours too, is to define the lifestyle that I(you) would like for my(your)self.

okay, I know, strange last sentence, but you get the point, right? I told you from the beginning, I'm not all about grammar, punctuation or perfect sentence structure. I would like to get better at those, but the most important thing to me is getting the information down on the page, ya know?

Okay off to bed to get 7 hours of sleep before the busy days starts!!
2 days until I can do a regular work out at the gym, hopefully the hip will cooperate!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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