Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Grand plans for the day, but well, things happen. I actually am worried about the 5K and not staying on task about when to run inside/outside/early in the day/morning. With that said, I don't regret anything that day at all!

I got to see my mom, finally!!! I have talked to her numerous times since the cruise, but I haven't seen her at all! So, it was so great to see her. I missed her so much, and it was a great visit, though it was too short.

From there I went to see a great friend, Barb. I spent a couple of hours there catching up and talking about caring for her son in the coming months. I hope that we can make things work out for both of us!

Then, packed up some stuff and headed to an overnight job. It was from 6pm to monday at 10am. The boy was up most of the night and I got only broken sleep for about a total of 4 or 5 hours. Thought that I might be able to do some working out with resistance band or push ups or something, but no such luck.

dreading weigh in tomorrow, food and exercise has been waaaay messed up this week!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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