Tuesday, November 2, 2010

magnificent Monday-weigh in #18

Still going through this crazy thing of waking up at about 5 or 6 hours. I had gone to bed at about 3:30am, and planned to wake up about 11:30am. I was able to go back to sleep for a couple more hours, so that was great!! Got up and got ready for work and had a protien shake for breakfast. It is the second time I did it, and it was sooo good!! It is rice protien with a banana and chocolate milk. I didn't have veggies with it, and surprisingly, I felt like I was missing something. So, I will make sure that I have veggies in the morning for sure!!

I had a 5 hour work day today, I changed sheets on 5 beds, folded 4 loads of clothes, picked up and hung out with kids, unloaded a dishwasher..crazy busy day. Off to buy a wok today because making my stir fry in that small pan again is just sooo challenging and messy! I didn't want to spend the money, but I know that one of the reasons that I don't make this stir fry more often is because of the challenge and mess. Now I can try other wok recipes too! I stopped at whole foods to get some organic produce, and decided to just browse a bit because I never really get the time to do that. There were some beautiful globe artichokes there. They weren't organic which I usually try to get, but occassionally, that's okay, so picked a couple up so I could have one for dinner. I got home and just totally went to town where I finished putting away luggage from the cruise and dishes and just stupid little things that I never really take time for. I cooked one of those amazing artichokes and an Amy's Bistro burger with grilled onions..that was an amazing dinner for sure...it was at 10pm, which was strange, but since it's now 1am on Tuesday, I know it's okay..plus, am going to do a mini work out as soon as I blog today :)

I know that I have said it before, but really, I have never realized how much my body responds negatively to lack of sleep. I also know for a fact, and have known for years, that I do better in the late evening hours than the morning hours. It has me worried about the 5K at 9am on the 13th, but I know that I will be able to do it, just need to prepare, right?

Last night when I was at the gym with Jon, I realized how much I really like biking. I don't have a bike and will be looking on craigslist and freecycle.org to fine one to get. I also have been realizing that as excited as I am about doing the 5K, I don't anticipate doing a longer one like 10K anytime in the near future. I had originally talked about registering for a 10K before I even did the 5K so that I would have a goal to work towards. However, I think the plan will be to keep improving my speed and doing more 5K's with different terrain. I think that after this 5k in November, I am going to focus on biking and swiming.

Weigh-in #18.....after a disappointing weigh-in when I returned from the cruise, I was hopeful for today. I moved 2.8 closer to my goal (from wed to today) for a total of 52.8 pounds closer to my goal! Last night, Jon asked me my goal weight, and I realized that I haven't really ever mentioned here on the blog my actual weight, just how many pounds I am moving towards my goal and what my actual goal is. So, my goal weight as of now is 140. With that as the goal, I have 48.6 to go to reach my goal.

7 hours of sleep
calories burned: 3259(and that is without going to the gym)

Oh I forgot...when I got home, I put on my ankle weights on, I figure it will burn a few more calories when I am running around my apartment. Every little bit helps, but it is never as good as a work out that will boost your heart rate, right?

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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