Friday, April 29, 2011

support, and everything does happen for a reason

So, do you have a support system?

I remember a time when I went to meetings for weight watchers..YEARS ago. They always said, "tell everyone that you are doing this, you will have support and they can help keep you on track." I would tell a couple of people, in retrospect, I told the ones that wouldn't call me on anything if I went off course with food, or didn't want to work out. Ummm...not exactly a good plan, right? I also like to think I could do everything help..I'm strong enough to handle it all. UM, HELLO!!! If I was strong enough to handle it alone, I probably wouldn't actually be in the mess I was in. Like so many of us, I was afraid of failing. It wasn't until years later that I learned the only way to fail is to quit. Funny what things you can learn if you actually listen, ya know?

Okay, well, fast forward to 2010...I started this blog. I told everyone I could think of, and though many read it, it wasn't getting out there. Even the people that did read it, they weren't commenting, so no feed back for me or for others who were reading it. That's fine, I know that most of you people are just voyuers, want to be mysterious. HAHA Sorry, I just love to tease some of my friends on facebook about that. You know who I'm talking about, the ones that always read and rarely comment on your posts, and you have no idea what's going on with them, because they never post!! Well, then we're back to the same problem as before, I need people to call me on my stuff! Yes, I know, we need to discipline ourselves, but sometimes, we all need a kick in the head..right?

October, 2010, a MAJOR turning point in my life...Jillian Michaels wellness cruise!! This one decision has changed my life, forever! I met people that I NEVER would have met had I not been on this journey and thus gone on the cruise. Everything does happen for a reason. Even though you think there could be no good reason for me to be overweight still, at this age, there is. Here's what I have figured out..If I was not overweight, I don't think I would have gone on the cruise. If I didn't go on the cruise, I wouldn't know Krista Harris, Sabra Bodzioney, Allison Geis, Megan Krotz, Joslyn Baca and Hoss Parvizian and soooo many more. **I use the word "know" loosely, since I have never met Krista or Megan, and they are two people that I can't imagine this journey, or my life without! You might could you be that close, but never have met? Well, they went on the cruise, and after the cruise, most of the people who went, changed their profile pic on facebook to be the one with them and Jillian. We all started to "friend" each other, and friendships began! Now it is like one giant group of people who support each other in their health and wellness endeavors. It's a pretty cool thing to me!!

So, 2011 hits..I am bogged down..and it really stinks. Luckily, Allison has been a constant since the cruise and is always full of feedback and support. Joslyn I met after the cruise at the Monterey 5K--but she was on the cruise, we just didn't meet there. Sabra was always in my mind, but we really didn't talk much, it was hard on me, looking back.

April 2011...about 1 year after the "transformation" of my apartment and my life began.
--Allison--the person I aspire to be more like physically and mentally.Just when I am having a tough time with something, I get a text or call and a supportive voice on the other end...often asking, "did you go to the gym?" or "how did you sleep"..or a great kid story, and I LOVE those!!
--Joslyn and I reconnect on a deeper level and start doing "walking, phone dates". She lives an hour away, so if we both put headsets on, and start to walk, we can chat and make the time go faster while we get fit too. We learn more about each other and we talk about how to stay healthy and get healthier too!
--Megan...when did we connect?? I have no idea, I feel like I have known her forever. She totally calls me on my stuff..."did you walk?", "how was the gym?", "go to bed, you need your sleep".
--Hoss, seriously, do I even need to say it? "He IS inspiration"-Jillian Michaels..yes, that is how his book is signed. He inspires just by being Hoss. It is insane to me that he can just send a text and say, "hey, thought of you, i'm doing a run for celiac research!" ..okay, he is signed up for 5 races in May..he is a maniac!!!!..and I love it! Can't wait until I can run again..geeze!
--Sabra, UM, DUH!!! since the cruise, even when we weren't in touch, I would hear her just wasn't quite loud enough apparently, because I was falling behind. NOW...we have reconnected, and seriously, I know the gift that I have been given! People rave about the opportunity that the Biggest Loser is. They are right, it is a big opportunity! However, they can be booted off the ranch. I know by her gently questions, "WHAT ARE YOU EATING???" that she cares and is NOT booting me out of her life. She will be there to help me with whatever obstacle I need to work through, and she is doing it from a very long distance too! She is designing a workout for me...hello, all of you that think you have the best trainer, you are absolutely WRONG! not only is Sabra a great trainer, she is a kind and supportive friend too!
--Krista, just 23, but making a huge impact in my life..though she often makes my life crazy, I hear her voice in my head and it usually says things like, "you forgot to eat?? how is that possible?" Krista eats like a 15 year old boy. I have never seen it, except a picture of her with ice cream, but she talks about food all the time. She makes me laugh and says, "go to the gym, it's not that big of a deal."..or "how many pages do you think I can read in this crazy personal trainer book?"

As you can see, I've changed my mind about support! I talk to or text with these people so often, some are daily..and multiple times a's kinda crazy, but the support helps to keep me on track and gives me more of a purpose. I get so many helpful hints from them..except when Krista tells me her meal choices..I just know that 3000+ calories a day isn't the plan for me(by the way, she is the tiniest thing you can imagine, and incredibly strong) so those calories miraculously evaporate. :) There are so many other people in my life..sharon, ellen, my mom and countless others to say "way to go", "congrats"...etc.

My days of "who needs support?" are over. I have realized that if I am having a hard time, someone(probably my trainer) will know the best course of action. I have also realized that just as it takes a village to raise a child, I need at a minimum, a table for 12 (at a healthy restaurant) to help me!!!

thanks again to all of you who are always there to help, listen, and cheer me on. You mean more to me than you will probably ever realize!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


  1. Thank You!! Talking to you on the phone (and i'm sorry I usually have to hang up super!lol) and getting your texts means more to me than you know too :) We were meant to be friends! So glad we did meet on the cruise and got to know each other! You are kicking butt now, keep it up or we will all come and kick yours!! Seriously though, you just made me tear up! Love You Lou!

  2. Wow, thanks, Allison, and I didn't even say as much as I could have about you. You have a special place in my heart. Thanks for everything!

  3. Wow, Cindy! Loved the blog! You hare so right about the need for support and everything happening for a reason. So glad you have your support TEAM that is in sync with you and knows exactly what you need for continued success. Just like others are an inspiration to you, you are an inspiration to others! So neat to read your posts and follow your journey and successes. Way to go!
