Thursday, November 10, 2011

Surprising myself, and lifestyle change

I know, I know, it has been quite awhile since my last post. Well, that brings me to my first topic...a lifestyle change.

I was saying to someone the other day that I am feeling frustrated because I just want to be able to get this goal done. But isn't that always how it is? Well, it is for me! Most people want an instant fix, no delayed gratification. I CAN be like that, but for the most part I have learned that delaying my gratification and working through the struggles will bring me a victory like no other and it will make me stronger too. However, when It comes to hitting my 100 pound goal, I have to tell you, it is frustrating to not be there yet. I know that a laser focus on my goal is what will get me there. Unfortunately, obstacles come up, I am learning, they aren't always obstacles, but different priorities, like I talked about regarding Jaelynn in a previous post. With that said, I think that I have been using that and figuring that the transition and things going on is just too much to do both on somedays. To an extent, that is true, but now, I that we are both to the point where I can just plan on going to work out and just saying, this is what I need to do, I hope you can join me when I work out. Then, even when i want to just spend time with her, I go, even if I need to adjust my schedule more. I might have mentioned that I decided I would just go in the morning because I changed my schedule at work. Well, I am finding it is not as easy as I thought. I need to work with what I have and who I am, and I am not a morning work out person on a regular basis.

So, lifestyle change...things are always going to happen in life, and we may have set backs occasionally, or have to make adjustments to our schedule and sometimes the transition time is longer than you would like and people may say you are making excuses,only you know the truth on that. But, in the end, that is life and fitting these things into your new lifestyle is really all you have to do. Nothing to stress about, things are going to happen in life no matter what we do. Only you know when these transitions are done and you are ready to refocus..just remember that along the way, you need to be mentoring with a coach so that you can get honest feedback and guidance, have some accountability, and someone to help you really look at things to see if you are being true to yourself and your goals.

Surprising myself...jaelynn has a friend visiting, so i saw this as the opportunity to really make sur I get my workouts in, because she won't be alone all day, and will need interaction less, and I will feel less guilty about going to the gym instead of doing something at home. So, I mentioned this to Sabra, my awesome trainer, and she sent me a work out schedule. I have to say, I expected it to be much more difficult than it is, but I know I can always do more. Well, the first thing on the list was for Wednesday night, I had run on Monday and I take Tuesday's off. I only had a short time slot, so thought I would probably end up skipping work out on we'd, but do all of the other days of the week..well, she listed 30 minutes on elliptical. WHAT!?!? I do not Ike that machine. I never understood when people said, "oh, I love how I feel when I do that, it never hurts my knees, and it is so much easier than running!" I have never felt that way. I have always just tried it and felt so much burning in my quads, I hated it. So, I got to the gym, left jaelynn and her friend in the apartment and justmwent, even though I wanted to hang out. Started the elliptical.
2, this isn't too bad yet, cool!
5 minutes in...hey, nothing hurts, this is very cool!
8 minutes in...thank you Sabra for having me do this to change up my routine, seriously, what was I worried about?
15 minutes...only cow, I have gone over a mile, and my calves are h urging a bit, but overall, I feel awesome!
I just kept speeding up a bit for the rest of the time on the machine. Finished at 2.22 miles.

Okay..ip was feeling to great about doing it that ask went over to the treadmill and decided to do some sprints. I decided to push myself. I did a 60 second sprint at 8.0! Since my usual pace is between 4.0-4.5, I was pretty excited at this! I walked for a minute or so. Then did a 7.5 sprint for 60 seconds! Holy cow, this was cool! A little walking then a 30 second sprint at 6.0. Walked a minute or so, and did a total of .47 miles..whoo hoo!

After, Jaelynn helped me learn how to better do some ab exercises that I will be working on in the next couple of days too.

Yes, I surprised myself!

I think that I am telling your this because unless you have someone coaching you in some way, you might not realize that you can do things and push yourself much more than you realized.

so, who is your mentor on your journey to a healthier life?

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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