Saturday, June 11, 2011

time keeps on tickin''s what I have been doing...

If you are still reading and have been checking back, wondering what's going on and where I have been, I will do my best to clear it up today. If you have never checked out my blog before, welcome, and thank you so much for stopping by.

So, I will be adding a bunch of additional blogs in the next few days, but wanted to just check in an give a mini update. I'm sure some of you are thinking, oh, she quit, she gained weight so she doesn't want to blog, she lost hope..well, if so, you would be wrong on all counts. If you were thinking "oh, she is too busy kickin' butt to blog about it." YOU would be correct. Well, I don't know if "kickin' butt" would be exactly true, but I have been progressing even without as much physical activity as I had been doing. I will do more detailed blogs about some of the points I list below, but want to give you a summary for now.

In the past 4 weeks, I have moved 11 pounds closer to my goal. Sabra Bodzioney is teaching me more than you can imagine. It's hard for people to understand that I have a trainer that lives so far away, but a trainer doesn't need to be just someone with you in the gym, working you out, there is so much more to it than I ever knew. I will say it again, I am fortunate to have her voice in my head..slowly my voice is stepping in, but her voice generally guides me when I feel like I can't move forward.

Most of you know that last Thanksgiving I had gained back a few pounds, and then I ran a 5K and really messed up my hip. Well, I am happy to report that last Sunday, I put on my new running shoes that I got from Running Revolution in Campbell, CA. They video you running, they size you, they have you stand on a machine that checks where you put the most pressure on your feet, etc. I got the best shoes for me, I love them!! So, with being 25 pounds lighter and having these amazing shoes, I got on the treadmill and ran 5K at 4.0. I wanted to go faster and I did do sprints at 7.0 three times, but had to keep my heart rate in range. When i finihed the run, i could have kept going. I felt great and couldn't believe that I had no pain the entire run!

cruise friends
I have mentioned that the cruise in October, 2010 was amazing and life changing. I have mentioned some friends from there that have made a huge impact on my life, and I am connecting with even more of them through facebook and friends that we have in common. It seems that everyone that I talk to said that the cruise changed their life in one way or another, so I know it's not just a handful of us. Though i have thanked so many for support, i think these relationships need to be talked about a little more because i think about these every day..really, they are a driving force day to day.
Hoss Pravizian is such an amazing person. To quote Jillian Michaels, Hoss, you ARE inspiration! That is the truth to me! We met on the cruise and we chat off and on. He is constantly challenging himself to have a happier, healthier life. 5 runs in May I think he did, including one for Celiac awareness--thanks, buddy!!-- and the Warrior Dash. Please check out his blog, it is amazing what insight he has!!
Meghan Krotz and I chat frequently and have formed a really cool bond even though we have never met. We talk about work, fitness, life in general. She is a tough karate instructor and nanny and I would be afraid to go to a kick boxing class with her, I think! She is amazing!
Joslyn Baca is like taking the sun and squishing it into a ball and then it bursts with happiness. Honestly, I have not other way to describe her. She is the happiest person that I know.the one thing that is so great is that she lives about an hour from me and we have been able to meet up and go for long walks on the ocean and just chat about life, fitness and the world. Pretty cool stuff!!
Allison Geis is that friend that just gets you and that you ahve so much in common with. Though we only spent a couple of days getting to know each other on the cruise..not even full days, I feel like I have known her for years. Very much like me in so many ways and all of her kid stories are fabulous to hear. She helps me see that where I am is fine and that i will get where I need to go, just stay persistent.
Sabra Bodzioney yes, my trainer, but my "little sister" too. I can't believe that 3 days of time together with a perfect stranger could form this type of bond. the voice in my head and the one that surprises me with stories that I would have never expected to hear about. She challenges my thinking in so many ways and opens my mind to other possibilities.
Jaelynn Harris aka Krista Harris is the daughter that I have always wanted. She is the driving force that motivates me to keep going when I want to quit, but I won't because that teaches her that quuitting would be okay. There will be much more about her in another blog, i'm sure, but the update is that she has been for a visit and will be moving to CA for an extended period of time. So, my focus has been on this relationship and getting ready for her to move out here. My heart is happy that I can help someone so young with such a promising future ahead of her. What is best for her is what guides my thoughts. I never met her on the cruise, but she came for a 4 day visit that turned into 10 and the bond we have is something that won't be broken. It is the strangest and yet most incredible thing I have ever experienced in my life.

Spending time with Jaelynn has slowed my progress a bit, but Sabra told me, "look you're losing weight, and you haven't been working out like normal, you know what that tells me?" "no, what?", her: "that food isn't an issue anymore. You just are eating to fuel yourself and you aren't stressing about it." OMG, how exciting is that!! Sure we all have a few moments of weekness, but basically, yes, the food thing is set..I need to refocus on activity now. With the new shoes and realization that I can run again and hopefully racquetball will make an appearance more often now that Jaelynn will be here, I know that this part of the journey is going to kick into high gear!!

So, walking, running, time with Jaelynn, work, goal setting. All of these are part of my life and can't wait to see where more of this good stuff will take me. How about you? What is feeding you besides food? what stirs you to push through and hit that goal??

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou