Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve!!!

This is the day that I celebrate Christmas with my family. I had a family call me last night and ask if I could come watch their children this morning because they had a family emergency. I also had 2 houses to go to for pet sitting, so it was a very busy morning! I had lots of fun with the kids and we did things around the house to get them ready for the holiday also. I left and got ready to leave for my mom's house, and headed over there.

It was such a great time with my family. My brother in law usually doesn't come on Christmas, only Thanksgiving, but he did this year, and it was so nice to have him there! My sister, Barbie, also came with her husband, and in the past she usually hasn't been able to make it, so I had fun catching up and getting to know them better. On this side of the family there are 7 of us(6 girls and 1 boy), we were all there except Catie..maybe next year we will all be there. A couple of years back, we started to "draw names" for buying gifts so we would each only buy for one person. This year my sister, Barbie, got my name. She was so incredibly generous and she got something I had mentioned to my mom that I would like and I KNOW I will be using and it will move me along on my fitness journey. She got me a "stair stepper", you know,the green one with the purple risers that go underneath? It will have multiple uses in workouts that I do, and my wii fit balance board fits safely on top, so when I do wii fit activities, I will be able to intensify my workouts with that. Heck, I can use it when I am watching a DVD and just step for the entire thing. I know there is a disc that goes with it too, so that will have some great workouts for sure! a couple of other things that I got that will be supporting me on my journey..a great water bottle along with some cool socks from a long time friend , Jillian's yoga meltdown DVD and a workout shirt from my mom! Oh, to add to my workout playlists..Barbie also gave me an itunes gift card. EVeryone is always so generous, and this year the gifts were so thoughtful too! THANKS ALL!!!

Barbie has run multiple marathons, it was neat to talk with her and get support from her and get knowledge about running from her too. That talk came at the perfect time and I can't wait to get back to running! I grew up across the street from 4 of my sisters, obviously before they became my sisters, and I remember watching Barbie play tennis against the garage door. She was so athletic and I just remember wanting to be like her. I was on the tennis team in jr. college, never competed just practiced with the team, but I always thought of her when I strange that now I'm running and she is such an incredible runner.

As far as food and getting sucked into holiday food challenges, I did well. I planned ahead and budgeted calories so that I could eat a small piece of gluten free pecan pie. I remember when Jillian was talking with Tara, and she talked a lot about not obsessing and making sure to have balance.

tomorrow is the day where I do the same thing almost every year...
Merry Christmas!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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