Friday, February 18, 2011

Priorities, Stretching, NoOodles, Jillian on too much sleep...AND Hoss Parvizian

Hello to all of you, and how is your journey going? I would LOVE to hear about all of you! Think of how many people you could help with YOUR story. You are an amazing person that has great gifts to offer and we want you around to hear your story and see your wonderful life unfold!!!!

This might be a bit long, becuase thoughts just keep flying out of my head, but I am hoping that you read until the end when I talk about Hoss.


First, regarding sleep, I forgot to mention that in Jillian's article she talks about the hormone effects of too much sleep also. Here's what she said:

If you sleep 10 hours a night, you might face some of the same hormonal risks as those who sleep too little. A recent Canadian study found that people who sleep fewer than seven hours or more than nine hours weigh an average of four more pounds (and had wider waists) than people who sleep eight hours every night. Researchers believe that having too much or too little sleep interferes with your ability to control your appetite, because it simultaneously increases hunger hormone ghrelin while it decreases satisfaction hormone leptin.

I got my 7 hours of sleep and then, I did my exercises from a book that I got at the library, Stretching for Dummies. I am not done reading yet, but I decided to skip to morning stretches because I am usually very stiff in the morning. It gives examples of stretching to do before you get out of bed to wake up your body. It states, "The goal of these stretches is to oosen up your joints and get your muscles lengthened after moving so little for so long while sleeping Just like breakfast being a healthy start to my day, and somthing that my body craves, stretching is a great way to get my body ready for the activities that I need to do throughout the day too! Stretching once a day is great, athletes often strtech 2-3 times a day! Remember, stretching helps to prevent injuries, muscles from feeling achy, stress from getting the best of you.

As for the rest of my day, absolutely no activity outside of my daily moving around. I worked at two jobs and did a bunch of walking around, but there was a ton of rain, so we didn't get outside at all. I made a tough choice though. I could have gotten my C25K in after work, but I chose to sleep. The only reason I slept is because I took a job overnight, because I lost sight of my priorities. I didn't have my goal in front of me. I got a text from the family that needed help, and I took the job tonight, thursday, and friday night from midnight-6:30/7am. So, later in the day, when I realized what I had done, I made a game plan to maximize my sleep time. Once again, I made a game plan while driving home from work, and I stuck to it. I packed 3 meals and was in bed by about 7:40pm and slept until 11:20pm. After I finish this, and do a couple of baby things, I will get more sleep. I have to be at a job at 7:15am, so the sleep will be an issue. Luckily, afterwards, I will be able to sleep 7 hours before returning here. Even though my priorities were out of allignment with my goals, I was able to come up with a solution that would make the most of the less desireable choice I had made previously. I don't plan to eat overnight here, I will eat the meal that I packed, with a cup of green tea with honey, when I leave at 6:30am.

Even though my activity was diminished, my eating was right on track. I will have to post stats later, I forgot to put syncing cable in my bag, but I think my cals were 1900. I am working on the calorie thing. This weekend I will be looking back at what I was doing before to try and get a beter handle on it. I have found that preparing everything at night is workign better for me than in the morning, so I am going to stick with that. It seems to be that since I have things to do when I get home, I can multi-task by cooking while I am doing those things. Not as much to do in the morning, so it's not as efficient to prepare food in the morning.

Now, I have to tell you about a product that I heard about and finally found at the store. The product is called NoOodles. What is it? AMAZING!!

NoOodle™ is made from high-fiber yam flour and water. As you are most probably aware, soluble fiber and water have no calories, thus NoOodle™ is entirely devoid of calories. NoOodle™ is the healthy alternative.

You can eat it by itself, just by rinsing. I added it to my regular pasta because I was unsure of the texture and how I would like it and because I needed the nutritional value. It has no flavor really, and you can use it instead of your regular pasta. No calories because it is a soluable fiber, no gluten, and it expands slightly after consuming, so you feel full. Check out the website, it's pretty amazing!! I found it at Whole foods.

Remember, you need calories and nutrients to make your body run efficiently. WE NEED GRAINS, don't cut them out completely!! I felt full after eating them, it was great! I have tweeted Jillian and Jeanette Jenkins and am emailing Marco Borges to get their feedback since they are the experts. But with all that I have read and learned from them, it looks like an good thing to have. Oh, and it's all natural, no chemicals or anything. I'll let you know what I find out!

You can find on FB and Twitter and the website link is posted on the right of the page, they have recipes there too! I am also posting link to the 10 health benefits of NoOodle too.

Hoss Parvizian
I have to mention Hoss today. He posted on his blog yesterday something that is really worth your time to read. I posted comments on there too, both of us are hoping that we can help people to make healthy choices in their lives, and you can really see that in Hoss' post. I am mentioning it because it gives some insight into how overweight people respond differently to the same information, and it helps to illustrate how it really is about overcoming a fear, embracing change and making a decision every day. Hoss's web address link is on right side of my blog.

Hoss is in the hunt for a victory, as am I and many of you, I'm sure. I know that none of our victories will end our journey of a heathly lifestyle though. We will need to make healthy choices every day, even though there will be temptations to settle into a comfort zone. Oh, that reminds me of a great book, "The Dream Giver" I highly recommend it to anyone trying to overcome, find their dream and stay out of your comfort zone.

Please read his blog, especially yesterday's post. Also, if you ever have any comments, I encourage you to reply both on his blog or mine. Your insight or story might impact someone you may have never met! What a great way to make a difference!!

I am having trouble posting links to site, will try later today. Here they are, you can cut and paste them:

NoOodle 10 health benefits:

Calories burned:
calories consumed:
calorie deficit:

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

1 comment:

  1. my friend on FB said "One of my fave japanese restaurants serves a soup with yam noodles that I love sooooo much. It's ridiculously low cal and filling. They say Americans never order it, apparently my hubby and i the only ones who do and they know us by name now bc of that lol. Glad to see others discovering the awesomeness that is the yam noodle!"
