Tuesday, August 31, 2010

breaking through the barrier

First, I forgot to tell you that yesterday I did my daily things of 250 crunches, 60 wall push ups, 15 bent knee push ups.

I moved closer to my goal, as you could see by my weigh in post. However, I had other things on my mind when I went to bed last night besides the weigh in. I knew that today, Monday, would be week 5, day 3 of my C25K challenge, and it was 5 min warm up, 20 min run, and 5 min cool down..my thoughts, "20 minute run, are you kidding me??!!!" I was thinking about it quite a bit today. I knew that I could wait a day, but also knew that week 5 I planned on finishing yesterday and didn't. So, I went to the gym, and my good treadmill was free. I did my stretching and then got on. During the warm up I was psyching myself out a bit, thinking, okay, it's 20 minutes, big deal, you can do it....but was still trying to convince myself, ya know? The warm up was counting down, then the timer rang and I started running at 4.5. I decided that it would be silly to look at the countdown timer, as usual, I just looked out into the sea of machines and people working out. I looked down at various times throughout the run. At 4 minutes, I said to myself, "you ran 8 minutes straight last night, you're half way there." I wasn't feeling out of breath or fatigued, though my knee was a little sore. Then, I hit right around 16 minutes(11 minutes into the run), and I was still feeling good, just reminded myself, "you are half way there, and you are doing totally fine." I got to where I had about 3 minutes left to run, and just told myself, "3 minutes man, you have been able to run that for awhile, you can do this, you are so close!" Then I couldn't stop looking. I didn't really feel that bad or anything, I think it was getting to a point that I was just so excited that I was going to be able to finish the run! I finished the run, and went into cool down. I did 2 sprints at 7.5 for 30 seconds during the cool down. During the run I reflected a bit on when I first started this challenge, when I has to psych myself up for 60 seconds of running. It made me smile throughout most of my run. I broke the barrier/limiting belief that I had in my brain, and I feel so good!

My next run will be on Wednesday, and it actually goes back to breaking up the running and walking, but just for the next 2 days. After that, it will only be running. So, Shay suggested moving up the speed just .1 just every other week would challenge my body and help me, so that is what I plan to do on Wednesday, I will move up to 4.6 run, and I will increase by .1 each week that I have left of the challenge.

Pictures--well, I have been taking them, but have had some difficulty uploading to twitter and will find the thing to add to the blog to post some on here.

When I did the weigh in this morning, I also did all of my measurements. Here are the stats for that:

neck: -.5
chest: -.2
upper arms: -1.3
forearm: -.4
waist: -2.0
hips: -5.0
calf: this stayed the same, but it seems more solid to me..go figure.

Today's stats:
7.5 hours of sleep, woke up on my own

calories burned:3214
calories consumed:1272
calorie deficit:1942

SO, my goal for 1900 calorie deficit was hit, I broke the run for 20 minute barrier, OH, and I tried chocolate soy milk. Didn't love the after taste, but moved away from cow's milk, and I feel better about that. So, tried something new the first day of the week!

Okay, sorry that this was so long, just a bunch to report today!

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Learning and growing into a healthier me!-----------what about you? how did you get healthier today??

~Cindy Lou

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