Wednesday, August 4, 2010

what a day!!!

Can you say busy? I think that today taught me a few things. I generally have a pretty busy schedule, but today was a huge variety with a bunch of challenges thrown in too. Well, I was finishing an overnight pet sitting job, when i got a call from an old friend that an email was delievered saying bad things happened to me in London, and could he send money. Well, you guessed it, SCAM!! My email got hacked. I got more texts and calls from people both checking on me to make sure I was okay and to let me know that they got it and my email must have been hacked. Such thoughtful friends and family! Then, read a text from my boss at 10am job that said she was sick and could I come at 12 and bring some things. Since I was headed home, I stopped, got the things, dropped them off, got home, made breakfast and packed a snack for Ellen's kids while Ellen packed the car. Said a sad good bye to them, washed the sheets, and picked up the kitchen a little. Then did some computer stuff to try and change passwords and contact proper athorities and things like that(still not done, need to finish that after this). Then, when trying to get onto facebook, found out that not only had the hacker changed my email password, but my facebook one too. I know I was a little frenzied, but mainly just because I wanted to get things done to make sure no more damage was done. All of sudden I realized, "wow, I got up 2.5 hours ago and haven't eaten, maybe that would be a good idea!"....can I just say...DUH!! Well, after some eggs and a gluten free tortilla, my brain was doing a little bit better. I still had to get ready for work, but luckily I had planned ahead and packed my food the night before! I got to hang out with Alex today. Thank goodness he loves his hockey, because with the way the day was shaping up, I really didn't know if I would make it to the gym. So, hockey, monopoly, a little Wii and a trip to visit some pets while I was there. Finally, after work, things slowed down a bit. Got home and returned things to my mom's, got home and left again to return a key to a family where I had been pet sitting. I really wanted to hear about their trip, so got home for the final time about 10/10:30..not sure exactly. ~~are you tired yet?? I sure am~~ Then, took a look around the house. If you have been reading my blog at all, you know that I kind of like things in their place and cleaned up. Well, after having house guests(and I LOVED having them), I needed to remake my bed, do some laundry, load the dishwasher, wipe down the kitchen and bathroom, vacuum and pick up some toys that were left out. Then, realized I needed to do my crunches. Oh,I almost forgot, I left my mom's and realized my tire was low, I joked with her, "with the day I had, there's probably a nail in it. haha!" Then, when I went to fill it are not going to believe this..a screw was in the tire and it has a slow leak! I was laughing so hard!

Okay, all that I can say is that after this type of day, I could be angry, stressed and just overwhelmed. I know when I left my mom's I was a little hyped, but like I said earlier, it was more about things I had to finish, not the incident. The hacking thing didn't upset me as much as it bugged me that I had to be hassled with dealing with all the stuff. Does that make any sense? hope so! A few years ago, I know I would have flipped out and screamed and let it ruin my day. But I had fun losing in hockey and Monopoly to Alex. I didn't really think much about the hacking thing unless someone texted or called to check on me.

I could use this busy day or the hacking incident as an excuse to not get anything done at home, or get the things back to my mom that I had borrowed, or take care of logging my food, doing my crunches or doing this blog. I could also just grab some food and sit on the couch and have a pitty party. I am so happy to say that I didn't even think about getting food and wallowing! I did what I needed to do to move towards my goal. We can focus on what we are going through, or set our sites on what we are going to. Another great thing I have learned from TEAM.

With all of that said, I was a little worried about calories burned today. I was happy that I got 7 hours of sleep last night, though tonight will not be the same, unfortunately. Back to normal tomorrow night for sure!! well, as usual, here are my stats:

calories burned:3307
calories consumed:1289
calorie deficit:2018.

So, even without going to the gym, and with having a busy day, by watching the calories, I was able to hit my calorie deficit. Whoo hoo!! I will sleep good knowing that I made good health choices today!

I hope that you know that if you have a challenge that you are going through right now, it is temporary, it will not be part of your life forever, and look at where you are trying to get to and move in that direction. You can do it if it is really what you want in your life!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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