Monday, August 30, 2010

stressed sunday

Why was I stressed? Well, I got up with no work planned for the day, which sounds like a great thing, right? For me, I like to have something planned in the morning so that I don't just sit around and do very little. Again, I know this sounds strange, but it's the way my brain works.

I am feeling stress for a few reasons, but mainly 1, money. Many people are going through tough times financially, and though I have this focus, I am trying to get jobs to keep me going. I have some things booked, which is totally fabulous, but each day I work more towards getting more work. I have money that I owe to my mom and I have booked the wellness cruise and don't want to back out of that due to money. I will figure out a way to make sure those two financial obligations are taken care of before the cruise, but it is something that is on my mind constantly. I am happy that I am not eating my way through that stress, but unfortunately, I got in a "thinking and reflective" mood today. I did accomplish things around my apartment that needed to be done, but that wasn't until about 10pm. During the day, I ate my meals when I was supposed to, and ate great, healthy meals, though nothing very creative, so strange since I was home and had the ability to cook. I pulled out a couple of movies. Million Dollar Baby was the first one. It is so inspiring to see her working towards her dream and goal, and the fact that Hillary Swank had to prepare so intensly for that role is inspiring too. Near the end of that movie, I got a "tweet" on twitter from Shay who had been on the Biggest Loser. She recently asked if we had any questions to go ahead and ask. I did, and it was great to get some feedback about my running. There were a couple of other exchanges, which was so nice, but the last one, she congratulated me on what I have accomplished so far. Since I don't have a support system in my home, and I really don't have people that comment on here or contact me much regarding this, it can get a little challenging to want to get up and go to the gym on a day when you are having challenges. Her words of encouragement got me off of the couch and into the gym, it was the little push that I needed!! Thanks Shay for continuing to be an inspiration and encourager even after the Biggest Loser show, you don't know how much your words helped me today!

So, what did I do at the gym? Week 5, day 2 of C25K when I first got there, it was GREAT!!! I had to do the 5min warm up, then 8 min run, 5 min walk, 8 min run, then cool down. I have been a little freaked out about doing 8 min straight of running, and it was totally not a big deal at all!! I was mentally prepared, and my breathing was good, and my knee was a little shaky at one point, but it worked out totally fine. I even did 30 second sprints at 7.5 during the cool down!! Then an hour of weights, and then I actually went back to the treadmill and did some more walking and only a little running and then 2 more sprints like the others!! with all of the treadmill work, I walked or ran for a total of 3.1 miles. That is basically a 5K. Now to just accomplish it all together! My next C25K day is a 20 minute run!!
we'll see how far that gets me!

When I got home, did a ton of stuff around the apartment, and burned some more calories. It's amazing how many calories you burn just cleaning and folding laundry!

okay, my stas for the day:
8 hours of sleep

Calories burned: 2869
calories consumed:1481
calorie deficit:1388

so, again, didn't hit my calorie deficit, but I accomplished something I was dreading and worried about. I ran for 8 min straight, 2 times in 21 minutes!!!

Off to bed with new plans and goals for a better week. Tomorrow is weigh in #10, and I need a good night of sleep! Plans for some job prospecting before work!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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