Friday, August 6, 2010


Well, it was really great to get a good 7.5 hours of sleep. I had longer to sleep, but my body woke up on it's own. It was my step dad's birthday, so went over and dropped of his gift and visited for a little while. Ran a couple of errands and then worked for 5 hours. Even though I was organizing and running around with a 4.5 year old, not too many calories burned. Had to go to Whole Foods, so finally when I got home, I planned on working out. I realized I had to pack up my things and food for 2 days at an overnight job tomorrow/sunday. I usually just pack up some food, pots or pans and end up cooking things where I go to do overnight jobs. This time I actually packed every meal. Will only have to cook one. Eveything is measured and weighed, and will pack up in a cooler in the morning. It feels really good that everything is planned out. There is no option to grab something else and nothing to think about as far as when and what to eat.

As far as activity, this will be my "down day" with no working out at all I guess. I am still tired. When I cooked the chocolate chip cookies with the girls last night, I was really careful, but the gluten in the flower really got to me. I used to be able to do a batch here and there, but my system just can't take it. So, feeling really tired.

Oh, I did do my crunches yesterday-175

Today's stats:
7.5 hours of sleep
Calories burned:about 2800
Calories consumed:1545
Calorie deficit: about 1241

So, didn't hit the 1900 goal, but at the house whre I am pet sitting tomorrow, I plan to do the Wii after the 4 year old goes to bed, and probably for a couple of hours, plus running around after him, I think it will be a good "burn" day.

I am off to bed now. The biggest thing that I have learned is that no matter what, I just can't use regular flour. My skin was itchy, my eyes were and are still sore and a bit's crazy! The little particles floating around just really aren't okay for my system in any way, even when I am careful. That's what I learned.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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