Tuesday, August 17, 2010

weigh in #8 and reward day

Today I got to go to the chiropractor, it was great! I had some difficulty taking deep breaths while I was running last night. So, a little adjustment, and my lungs opened right up.

easy day at work with some activity, but not too much..I'm sure that Alex will make up for it tomorrow in hockey games when I see him!!

Tonight I finally took my reward for moving 20 pounds closer to my goal a couple of weeks back. I decided to see the new Julia Roberts movie, "Eat, Pray, Love". It was such a fabulous movie!! It was perfect timing to see it too. I left feeling so at peace. A movie always helps me just decompress. I brought my air popped popcorn and an apple and my 1 gluten free cookie in. It's funny, I saved the cookie for last, but when I ate it, it tasted good, but it was pretty sweet. Not too sure that I will eat many more of them. Nice to have something here that I can give to someone if they stop by though. :) The movie helped me see some things that I need to think about in my life. The funny part was the eating part of the movie. She ate sooo many things that I don't, it was funny. the spaghetti sure did look good though!!

The move lasted longer than I anticipated and I didn't get home until about 10pm. I thought that I would go to the gym, but figured thaT I would lose time, so I just did the Wii and my push ups and crunches here.

Here are my stats:
only 6 hours of sleep

calories burned:3250
calories consumed: 1632
calorie deficit: 1618

so, didn't hit my deficit goal, since I had the movie, I sort of expectetd that, but when I did the Wii, I didn't feel that I had the energy that I normally do. It could be that I didn't get enough sleep, but part of me thinks it was the cookie..the sugar and butter in it, ya know what I mean? who knows. I will figure it out next time that I decide to try one of those cookies.

OH, I almost forgot!! At my weigh in this morning, I moved 3.4 closer to my goal! making that a total of 27.4 closer to my goal!

off to sleep now.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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