Friday, August 20, 2010

rest and listening to my body

I am going to make this quick again, because I neeeed sleep. It is 9:30, and last night, it took me hours to fall asleep early, and then I only got 3.5 hours of sleep. I ended up taking a nap for 3 hours today. I listened to my body. I know that if I don't get the sleep, it's not healthy and I will probably get sick.

The day started at 4:30am, I left for my job at 5:40am. I got a lot of walking in and it was along the coast while pushing the stroller with a 1 year old in it.

NO working out at the gym today, and more calories than anticipated. Tomorrow will be better, and I still had a calorie deficit, so that's the important thing. I had to rest, and need to rest now. Here are the stats for today:

calories burned: 2772
calories consumed:1704
calorie deficit:1068

I have made a game plan for tomorrow, and I know that the possibility of gym time is small. I will be going to watch a roller derby game that my former boss will be in. I will also be going out to dinner with a good friend, so need to balance the calories really well tomorrow for sure!!

okay, talk with you later!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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