Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday..slug day

Hi, well, I got my 8 hours of sleep and a nap, that's the good news. I had a very small calorie deficit..less than 1000. I had a very full day of activities around the house and then driving and a lot of sitting..ugg. I was below on consumed calories, which is fabulous!! Everything I read says that having one day of not being active is important. I don't think it means I need to do nothing, but that is what I had time for today. Tomorrow will be an active day around the house and working out after I get a very full night of just a few minutes!!

I talked to a couple of friends that are nurses about my "goal weight". One said to just make sure that you are happy, that your blood work is good and pay more attention to how your body feels and how you feel about yourself. Oh, and that she doesn't go off of the weight/height charts. The other one told me to focus on BMI, but if I had to put a weight on it, then I might want to shoot for 10 pounds heavier than my current goal. Well, good info from both. As far as the BMI, like I told her, when I hit the 60 pound mark, I will reevaluate my goal and when I get to 80 pounds, I will focus more on BMI. I also agree with the first friend. It is very important how your body feels when exercise(especially paying attention to my joints) and how I feel about myself.

I guess I feel like I need to address this. Most people, myself included, say "it isn't about the size you are, it is about how you feel about yourself, and if you are healthy, and if you are a good person." By all of my stats, with the exception of my weight, I am in good health. I do my best to treat others well, and overall, I feel good about the person that I am. However, for better or worse, I look at the person I want to be and the life that I would like to have and the example that I want to set, and I want to make changes. It isn't because I feel that I have to look a certain way, but because the person that I want to be is a person that can conquer this challenge to be a healthier weight and feel better and do better when i am doing different sports. Changing will make me feel better about me, not because of how I look, but because of the accomplishment and the example I can set for others. Does that make any sense to you? I hope so. with that said, I am leaving my goal weight where it was, and will make adjustments as I move closer to the goal. Muscle weights more than fat, and I already have quite a bit of muscle and the potential for much more. So, I will need to see how my body changes in the next couple of months.

I would love to hear your suggestions on your favorite work-out tunes. My friend, Juile, and I were talking aboutwhat we listen to when we are working out along with where we like to work out. So, I am looking for input from all of you...
1-where to you prefer to work out (like walking or running)?
a. the gym
b. a track
c. the outdoors
2-what do you listen to when you work out?
a. audio books--your favorite ones?
b. music--if you like music, what are some of your top picks to listen to?

I am off to bed for a great 8 hours of sleep and tomorrow I look forward to 2 different work outs!

thanks again for reading. I look forward to your comments!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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