Tuesday, July 13, 2010

weigh in #3 and C25K..week 2

How are all of you doing? Have any of you set any goals?

Weigh in...4.1 pounds closer to my goal!!!

Well, I set out to get 8 hours of sleep, but woke up after 6...I was able to go back to sleep and got in another hour. So, I guess I met my sleep goal. I actually did a little working out this morning, worked and then did a work out tonight!! So, overall calorie deficit of 1985!!

Tonight's workout I did the C25K..this routine is 90 seconds of running and 2 minutes of walking. Since my knee is bothering me, I slowed both the walk and run by .2. My mental attitude and breathing was good, but my right knee seemed worse tonight. I iced my knee and will double up on my mona vie active blend for the next couple of days, I am hoping that helps. I think some Ben Gay might help a little too; We'll see if it is needed.

I made a purchase tonight to improve any workouts I do at home and to add to my overall activity at home too. I bought some ankle/wrist weights($14) and a set of dumbells that can be as heavy as 40 pounds each($20)..both at walmart! I will be using the ankle weights when I do the free step and when I do the boxing, I'll put on my wrists, it will be great to increase the calorie burn! In addition, I purchased what I hope to be the last of the glass containers(instead of plastic). I am following Jillian's advice and I have gotten rid of all of my plastic storage containers, plastic utensils, teflon pans...more on the steps in the book another time.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. Remember me being a slug on Saturday? Well, I did 200 crunches on Sunday to make up for Saturday. Also, today I increased my crunches to 125.

Tomorrow I am determined to try Jillian's Wii 2010 ultimatum. I might take a break from the gym, or maybe I'll just do the eliptical or swimming!

I am off for now, thanks for reading!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

1 comment:

  1. Hope your knee is treating you well- you're doing AWESOME!!! :)
