Sunday, July 4, 2010

couch to 5-death..I mean 5K

Saturday: a day of no work, and lots of errands and things to do.

Let's start with the positive:
Calorie intake: below target
Calorie burn: above target
Calorie deficit: 1807!!!!
Sleep: 8 hours plus a nap in the middle of the day! fun bonus :)

Well, the couch to 5K, day 2 was hard, but mainly easier than yesterday. So all I have to say is running is just wrong. I mean if we were meant to run, then we would have saber tooth tigers chasing us all day, right? I hope you're laughing a little after that one!! I could walk miles and miles, but this running thing, I'm not so sure about. I know it is something that I WILL be able to do, and it will just take time to train my body to do it, but I can't see me saying "I love to run!"...ever. I think that I subconsciously I want to be able to say that I love it, but mainly because then it means I have a cut, ripped and healthy body. I am thinking that I may need to redo week one next week to make sure that I am ready for week 2.

I had a somewhat busy day, but as far as working out...I did the C25K program, lifted a few weights, and then home to do the Wii for 30 minutes. I just LOVE rhythm parade on the Wii. All of those years of marching band are paying off :)

Tomorrow is Independence Day, and I will be blasting Martina McBride's song with the same title, along with celebrating my new found independence. I will also be unloading the remainder of my car and loading up stuff from the place I was petsitting and unloading that--that sounds like a big enough work out for me, LOL. New goals will be posted at home. Last chance work out before weigh-in on Monday!!

Thanks for reading and have a safe and happy 4th of July!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


  1. Cindy,
    You CAN do this 5k! I'm living proof of it. I've done a total of 4 (not many), but 2 of those were in the last two months. I can honestly say that once you start running, you will like it -- after you've done it. I can't stand running while I'm doing it, but the feeling afterward is great and that's what will get you doing it more often. So keep it up!

  2. Thanks so much..just figured out this comment thing, sorry it took so long. thanks for reading. I responded to your comment on the blog for 9/3(friday).

    cindy lou
