Wednesday, July 7, 2010

keep moving

Okay, it has been a long day, and I just need to get to bed so this will be short!

above on calorie consumed and burn targets, but overall deficit is 1528. So, if i just go by my deficits, then I have burned 1 pound in the last 2 days. I will have a more successful activity level the rest of the week, because I need to hit 5 pounds closer to my goal this week.

Okay, since I had a meeting late, didn't have a ton of time and just did Wii for about 45 minutes. The cool thing that I have been doing each night at the end of every Wii session is the thing where you sit on the Wii balance board, and just relax and focus. I do it the max time..3 minutes. I use that time for meditating and visualizing. I visualize me at my goal weight, and doing the things that I want to do when I hit that weight. I feel so peaceful when I am done.

I have rewritten my goals with dates on them. I will really work on the blog tomorrow night and post the updates with dates. After I type this, I will be doing my crunches..I just remembered..ugg. I plan to do 100 per day. Each week I will increase that goal by 25 crunches. My friend's 14 year old son, Marcus, does 200 sit ups per night and some push ups too, it's impressive. I'm not to the push ups yet. I will add that into my goals and pick a date to start them.

Need sleep!!

Oh, thought for the day...Revisiting and visualizing goals daily and course correcting as needed helps keep you focused on the end result!

Thanks for reading! What are some of your goals?? Mine for tomorrow is to tackle a task in Jillian's book, "Master your Metabolism". I'll let you know how it goes.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

1 comment:

  1. Wholly Smokes Woman! I am so like proud and amazed with your determination. You are an inspiration to me. Where this 100 lbs is gonna come from I dont know, I have seen pics of you and ya dont look that overweight. I know the routine and focus on health becomes addictive for me once I get it rolling, maybe following you here will get Julie rolling before she has any more rolls, he he. I would wish you luck, but looks like you got that handled, God Bless, j
