Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thursday..lots of driving

Howdy from Grants Pass, OR(on Friday night). I came here to actually take a job caring for my friend's two children. It has been a bit hectic on my end with work and packing to come here for 4 days. Originally I had a leadership convention to attend in Wisconsin this weekend. It was incredibly difficult not to go, but realized that all the teachings of the TEAM are that you have to have a laser focus on what your goal and dream is. Though my long term goals all have to do with the TEAM and Mona Vie, this short term goal(and continuing these habits the rest of my life), is where I am laser focused. In order to get to where I need to go with my health, I need to be consistent and persistent until the goal is met. Going to the leadership convention would have created obstacles(work out time, adequate sleep each night, and food and eating schedule) to my health goal and right now, I feel that is more important to my life. Jillian Michael's wellness cruise has been a goal in this journey since the beginning. Not only as a goal for hitting 60 pounds, but because I need to get more information from someone that has the results that I want and the person/people that I can get that from will be on the Cruise.

I woke up after 8 hours of sleep, I think, packed up my car for a 9 hour day at work and then headed off to work. It was an active day with the kids, so that was great! Since the drive to Grants Pass is about 7 hours, I knew that I wouldn't be working out. So, when the kids went to bed, I finished straightening up, then did my 325 crunches, 90 wall push ups and 60 bent knee push ups. Then I started to just sort of walk laps to keep active. I ended up having a cup of green tea since I thought I might need the caffine to keep me going. In addition, my lack of sleep on Monday and Tuesday nights, has caused me to have a little bit of congestion, causing me to sleep with my mouth open, causing my throat to be very irritated. I planned a snack on the drive, but decided to go with my mom's long time cure for a sore throat, a bag of corn chips. Yes, I measured them, and I barely went over my calories consumed for the day and that was the honey I used in my green tea more than anything. I also drank a ton of water so that was good for the symptoms too. On the drive, I even did "punches" alternating arms to keep moving and active. Not much calorie burn, but it was better than sitting like a lump. I arrived in Grants Pass about 5:15am, and was able to sleep for about 6 hours or so.

Here were my stats for the day:
calories burned:3072
calories consumed:1637
calorie deficit:1435

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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