Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday and C25K progession

Tuesday was a busy day, but in a good way! I got home late from oregon, and wanted to sleep in, which I did, it was great. I had very little food in the house since I had been gone, but I did have eggs and bread, so that made a tasty breakfast, and it was something different than the last few days.

I had a couple of appointments, shared a business plan, and then back home to do a little. I was tired, but had to empty some other things out of the car still, and had to work at 2:30, then directly from there to my TEAM meeting. I had grabbed clothes to change into, a pair of slacks and a blouse. I had worn the pants, and they were a smaller size, but the shirt I hadn't worn before, so I tried it on before I left. I was excited because it was a smaller size too, and I hadn't worn it in quite awhile, over a year, I'm sure. When I put it on that night, I realized that it was even bigger than I thought. Not sure that I can actually wear it again. Kind of exciting, but now I am realizing that I need to go through all of my clothes again. When I did my huge clean out and reorganization back in April, I got rid of clothes that were too small for the most part, but I kept a few pair of pants, shirts and blouses in each size that I had. So, for now, it is good, because I don't have to spend money on new clothes.

The meeting was so amazing, and my energy was so high after I left! That was such a good thing, because I needed to do week 8, day 3 of C25K. I got home and really didn't want to go out and run, but I knew that I wanted to finish the entire C25K challenge by sunday, so I needed to make sure that I ran. I did it!! I finished the 28 minutes, and this run was a bit different than other ones. I started to run, and had the usual twinges in my knees, but I felt strong. I felt great throughout the entire run, and even took the advice of a personal trainer who said to increase my speed to 5 for 1 minute, then back to 4.5 for four minutes and keep doing that. I only did it one or two times, but it felt good to challenge myself and succeed.

I have to add something about my friend, Sharon. We have been friends for over 30 years, and she has supported me in so many things, including this part of my journey. She and I had a great talk on the phone, once we had a good connection, and we talked about the C25K program. Well, since she doesn't have a smart phone, I typed out what week one of the program is. Today, Tuesday, she tried it and did it!!! I still haven't talked to her about the details, and I think she is going to do day 2 on Thursday, so hopefully I will get an update and see how it went for her. I just wanted to share this for those of you that wanted to hear another story of someone who doesn't like to run, but gave it a try. I am so proud of her!! Even if she doesn't decide to ever run a 5K, she decided to try to run, and that is so cool to me!

I was tired afterwards, but had a bunch of nervous energy too. My goal was a 1900 calorie deficit in order to watch the biggest loser season premiere. are the stats:
calories burned: 3348
calories consumed:1412
calorie deficit: 1936

So, I actually did a few things around my apartment, did some research on the computer and watched Biggest Loser. It was really neat to see the challenges that they had the people do to try and get on the show. One of the things is that 3 people had to compete by racing to see who could do 500 steps onto a step that had 2 risers under it. The other challenge for some of the groups was that they had to complete one mile run or walk, but the first 2 people to finish would go to the biggest loser ranch, the third person would go home.

Each week there will be challenges on the show, and I hope that I can take on some of those challenges in my own work out. I don't know how I would have done with the step and mile challenge in the beginning, but I am pretty confident that I would have been able to complete both. I was already able to walk a mile fairly quickly and I had been doing 3000 steps, though on a lower step, since the beginning of the challenge.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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