Monday, September 13, 2010

slow down day-Saturday

It is Sunday, but this is my post for Saturday, what a very inactive day. The day started out getting up at 6:30am, with only 6 hours of sleep, and I knew that it would be a long day. I wrote out my meals last night, so when I got up this morning, it was pretty easy to get everything done before leaving to get to a job at 8:30am. I decided to drink some green tea to give me just a little boost.

I ate a breakfast that was NOT protien rich, and I seemed hungry all day, but I'm sure that's why. Not too active at the job, unfortunately. Then, after getting home, having an early dinner, then a long drive, and a leadership seminar which meant more sitting. I don't know why I didn't do my cruches or push ups when I ran home before leaving for the seminar. When you read Sunday's blog, you'll understand why I said that!

I know that in general, I am used to being active, even if I am just working. So, when I got to the seminar, it was really hard to just stay in my seat. I ended up doing some pacing in the back, but right about 9:30, my need to do something was killing me. I couldn't do anything about it, and then I had another hour+ ride home. I wanted to work out then, but knew that I had to get up by 7:30, so the work out idea couldn't work. Luckily, I was tired and I fell right to sleep.

Here are my stats for this very boring day:
calories burned:2702
calories consumed:2001
calorie deficit:701

see, just pitiful!!!

tomorrow I still won't have a ton of time for working out because I have 2 different jobs to do.

Jillian tip:

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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