Monday, September 6, 2010


Sunday was quite a day. I got my 7 hours of sleep, but woke up at 5 hours and then at 6 hours. Not too sure what is going on with me. Hoping to figure it out SOOON!! I got all of my things packed up, including meals for a day at the ocean, for a nanny job. While the baby slept in the room, I did my crunches, and all of my push ups, and I took her for a ton of walks too. Unfortunately, my calorie deficit was not at my goal. I am trying to figure out what I could have done differently, but the only conclusion that I come to is that I need to go to the gym 6 out of 7 days. The challenge is when I have a really long day at jobs. Do I get the sleep, or get to the gym. I want to do both, but don't always have enough hours in the day. Though I would prefer to not have those really long days, I have financial obligations to make and I can't turn the work down because I don't know when I will get more. As far as work goes, was offered a job a couple of mornings a week. By the end of next week, I hope to have a fairly set schedule so that I can plan everything around those work hours.

I got home, packed all of my food for Monday, including a salad for myself for the BBQ that I am going to. That is a tip I have seen throughout the day on healthy when you go to a party by bringing your own food..for yourself or to share.

stats for the day:
calories burned:2844
calories consumed:1487
calorie deficit:1357

Jillian tip:
Occasionally eating something from a can is okay, but most cans are lined with plastic that is not BPA free..more toxins...yuck!

weigh in #11 tomorrow!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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