Friday, September 24, 2010

30 min run and new machines too!

My interenet connection was down last night, so I am posting now. I wanted to post last night because I was so excited about my day.

I was able to sleep in on Thursday and get a little bit done in the morning, then off to work. Not too active at work, but was also mentally gearing up for my first 30 minute run. I did get some great news though, my friend, Sharon, did day 2 of the C25K challenge!! I am so proud of her and I hope that we can run together on Saturday night after I get off of work.

After work, I headed to my moms to help out with something, then home for some dinner. I thought it would be fun to work out with someone so posted on facebook, and the person that I am doing the 5k with said she could meet me! Well, she isn't doing the C25k like me, but she has done a 5K. Tracey is a skating coach, so she is pretty active, so she just decided to do whatever I did for my run. Well, we did it!! I ran for 30 minutes @4.5 for a total of 2.75 miles(with the 5 min warm up and cool down). I have 2 more of these runs to complete before Monday, then I up the speed and incline a bit. Afterwards, I needed to do weights. Tracey joined me, so it was kind of fun having someone to talk with during weights. I actually did my regular arm weight work out, but upped my weight on a couple of them. In addition, I did a few of those knee lift things that I did way back when with my friend, Jon. The ones where you stand on this machine, put your back against the pad and support your weight on your forearms and lift your legs. I only did 3, but that is 3 more than I did the day before, right? then, we had been watching these two guys using the machine that always looks so intimidating to me. Tracey and I were talking about it and how to do the machine. I decided to just ask those guys, and they were really nice and told us how to set the weight and adjust it accordingly. It is the assisted chin up machine. Basically, you put the weight about at your weight, step up and kneel on a pad and grab the chin up bar. I did 3 sets!! The first one was with close to my actual weight, but the second 2 sets, I lowered the weight(that makes it a harder to do the chin up, it's the opposite of regular machines). It felt great that I could do it and now I will add it into my regular work out.

The gym was a great time and I felt so good that I was able to accomplish the run and some new things on the machines.

I got home from the gym and did my 100 wall push ups, 35 bent knee push ups and 350 crunches. They were tough tonight, but after the arm work out, I could understand why.

Oh, the stats:
calories burned:3154
calories consumed:1226
calorie deficit:1928

I went to bed by 1, and got almost 8 full hours of sleep.

Oh, a little note from Jillian...I heard about this recently, but was going to research it a bit before I mentioned it. Then, Jillian tweeted about it the other day, so thought I would make sure you knew. You know how we talk about "high fructose corn syrup"? well, now there are companies that will be using the name "corn sugar" instead, to make is sound more appealing or something different. so, keep that in mind when buying things, okay?

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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