Thursday, September 23, 2010

Weary Wednesday..and a new recipe!

I had a great start to the day by getting about 7 hours of sleep. Then I went and saw my mom and step dad and helped them with a couple of things. I really needed some produce and my friend, Ellen, gave me a recipe that would be high protien, virtually impossible to mess up, and can cook in the crock pot.

Then, I hit a wall. I think that all the traveling, strange schedule and everything just kind of hit a wall. I originally had a job tonight, but it got cancelled, and so I did a bunch of napping today, no gym, but I did laundry and straightening up my apartment and unpacking from the trip. I did make the new recipe. It is called Taco Soup. It is so easy to do, I used canned beans because I wanted to see if I enjoyed it before soaking beans for hours and then not enjoying the recipe. 3 cans of beans, crushed tomatoes, a package of taco seasonings and an chopped up onion. Ellen tops it with cheese and sometimes some chopped up corn chips. I decided to put mine in a taco shell with onions, lettuce and sprouts. It was soooo good!! I haven't figured out the total calories/serving, but will add in my food later.

You may have noticed that I haven't posted anything about crunches or push ups. Well, with the travel on Monday, I got behind, and then last night, I forgot until I was in bed. So, today I did 1050 crunches, 300 wall push ups and 105 bent knee push ups. I obviously didn't do them all at once, but I did them. I don't want that to happen again. I need to make it a daily thing to create the habit, the travel really put me behind.

I got plenty of sleep, but haven't entered my food for the day, so all I can tell you is that my calories burned was: 2184

so, I am off for now.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou


  1. Don't forget that we put a package of frozen mixed veggies in there so it is half beans, half veggies! Glad you liked it!

  2. oh, yeah, I used a bag of frozen corn!
