Monday, September 27, 2010


All that I can say about Friday is that I was very unproductive and even though I worked, it was only for a few hours and I was not active at all. I even got off earlier than planned, and though mentally I told myself to go to the gym, I was not up for it.

I brought food to the job, as usual, but I had to take the kids out to dinner. The cool thing was that they were having milk shakes, and though I never really ate them frequently, they looked sooo good, but I really wasn't craving to have one or feeling super sad that I couldn't. When I got home, I didn't do much of anything. I still needed to finish unpacking things and puting them away, along with dishes in the kitchen. I did a little of those things, but that's about it. Not even my push ups or crunches. It was a sorry sight for sure. I ended up getting to bed with enough time to be able to get in 8 hours of sleep, so that was good.

It just dawned on me. I knew that Saturday was a 9 hour work day, with a family that I had never worked for. I was unsure about the job because of certain challenges that the children had. In addition, one parent would be there with her 3 children, I would be responsible for the other 3. Obviously, I would help all the kids if needed, but the situation was quite different than what I am accustomed to. I guess that might explain part of my day on Friday, but I'm not sure.

calories burned:2212
calories consumed: 1270
calorie deficit:942

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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