Saturday, September 4, 2010


I did absolutely nothing for the majority of Friday. Then at about 10pm, I got up, went to the gym an did some working out. I felt guilt for doing little to nothing all day, and stress too, I think. I searched online for work, did some email, stuff around the house, but really no major physical activity at all. My stats are pretty ridiculous. The worst that I have had since the start of the journey, but I know that it is really important to listen to my body.

Here are the stats:
calories burned:2283
calories consumed:1548
calorie deficit: 735

see, totally awful deficit.

Okay, now onto some other stuff. First, I was thinking that noone every does comments..well, I never got the way the blog works, I guess. Today I clicked on comments..duh!! Okay, so thank you to those of you that have commented. I guess that I thought I would get a notification or something, but I didn't. I will look and see if there is a way to set up the blog so I do get notifications.. So, in response to some of them...
Jessica--yes, I will post pictures, I just don't really have someone to take them. I will ask my friend, Julie, to take some Monday, and will post on Monday night, and it will be my #11 weigh in, okay?
For the rest of you, thank you so much for your comments!! Now I will check every day!
There are some of you that I don't know, and I have to figure out a way to comment back..the comments don't show.
When someone posts a comment, does it give you the option to make it viewable to all of the readers or just me?
Leigh-Ann---thanks for the encouragement, I will do it, looking at dates in November. When I do it, I will put the date on the blog and put a countdown timer for it on the blog too! tonight(Saturday) I will run 25 minutes!!
Dr. Mo--thanks for the feedback!!

I will do some more checking and get this thing rockin!!

sorry again for being a dork about the blog!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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