Wednesday, March 30, 2011

STRETCHING...seriously, now Jillian is reading my mind..getting freaky :)

As with all things, we get the information that we need, when we are ready to hear it.

I was just thinking to myself about the "stretching for dummies book" I had been reading. I know so many things have changed over the years, so was this information still the correct way to do things? Were there more effective stretches? was it better to stretch before working out? If so, are there better stretches to do before vs after the work out?

I had just finished Jillian's 30 day shred DVD, and she talked about dynamic stretching vs static stretching. WHAT????!!!! okay, either I have totally been out of the loop, or missed it in her book, or something, but this was new information, that I guess my body was ready to hear. I finished the workout, did a couple of things, and then went to check email. When I opened my email on Monday night, I saw an email from Jillian(daily email from her website). It looks like it came Sunday night, but I hadn't looked at email on Monday. I opened it, and it was all about warming up and cooling down!! Here is the information that I got that I thought I would pass on to you. Also, if you aren't subscribing to Jillian's website, I totally recommend that you do, it has so much amazing information!!! This is just a snipit from the email:

How to Warm Up and Cool Down

Q: What do you suggest for warm-up and cool-down exercises?
A: The best kind of warm up before a tough workout is a few minutes of cardio (such as jumping rope or jumping jacks) followed by dynamic stretching. We were taught years ago to sit or stand and stretch one muscle group at a time. Contrary to popular belief, this kind of static stretching — which helps prevent muscle soreness and improves flexibility — is best performed AFTER a workout, when your muscles are very warm and loose.
In the past several years, fitness experts have discovered that there is a much more effective and healthy way to stretch BEFORE a workout: the dynamic stretch. Dynamic stretching is basically stretching with motion, so your body gets a chance to warm up the muscles slowly and in a functional way. It's a 1-2-3 punch: You warm up your body, get your heart rate up, and stretch all at the same time!

Below are some examples of dynamic stretches. Do them on a level surface for a total of about five minutes before you begin your workout. You will notice that with time the exercises will become easier and they will help improve your coordination, flexibility, and balance. Start by performing the exercises over a distance of about 30 yards; increase to 50 yards as you get more comfortable.

If you want to see the examples, you'll have to get on her web site :)
As for my Tuesday, just AM yoga and a very busy day. Today, Wednesday, I finish work at 1, and will be doing a few things, including picking up hand weights and then, C25K AND 30 day shred. Wish me luck, my quads still are sore from Monday's 30 day shred!!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!!
~Cindy Lou

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Cindy! Your consistency on your journey to being healthy is an inspiration! Your awesome and keep up the good job!!! so what is the the deal with this 30 day shred?????? Sulia Osai
