Sunday, March 6, 2011

C25K, and update on challenges

I woke up on my own after 8 wonderful hours of sleep. I have been waking up after 6 hours, but going back to sleep right away. Then, got up and did Am yoga "twists" today. I was so incredibly stiff, but the twists helped. I didn't have time to do another one, but I would have if there was time. Then, I headed to my friend's house to help her with some household things. I was there about 4 hours and burned plenty of calories there! I had prepared food, but left it on the counter at home, so I ended up eating an orange at my friend's house and then stopping at jamba juice on my way home.

I got home and did a few things, then went to the gym and did C25K: week 2, day 3! It was great!! My knee had a few twinges, and I felt something similar to a cramp in my calf. I got worried that I would have to stop, but I finished the run part. However, when I lowered my speed to walk, I stretched my calf and it felt fine. I drank a ton of water after to avoid any issue with getting a charlie horse later!! My running was at 5.0, and during the cool down I did a 30 second sprint at 7.5!! Week 3 is a little more challenging, and I am a little nervous about it. Seems strange to me since I have done it before and I have run an entire 5K, but I haven't done either of those things at this speed. I don't want to lower my speed at all, so I am just a little nervous. After, I did some weights, it felt great!

I got home and was very hungry, but needed to wait a bit to eat so that I could "refuel your muscles after cardio with your bodyfat or with a meal it's your choice"--Jeanette Jenkins

I did a mini dinner since I don't want a ton of calories before bed, but knew that I needed something to eat. My 200 crunches are done and I am feeling sooo good!!

It is Sunday and it is time check my progress on the challenges I posted and a couple that I gave myself from March 1 through today.

1 mile walk/run every day:done
remove consumeable toxic products in kitchen:done
7-8 hours of sleep: the first few days, no, but 4th, 5th I did, and will tonight
200 crunches per day:done
drink appropriate amount of water daily:done
try new exercise class or DVD:done-various yoga ones
Log everything that I ate:done, but can't find Wednesdays to put on bodybugg program
book progress:have been reading in "YOGA FOR DUMMIES" book
download Jillian's podcasts: done, but can't find my mini ipod to add it to, will do that this week and will listen to them.
marco's challenge:done!!!
3days of C25K program:done
How about you? How are your challenges that you set for yourself going?

calories burned(as of 9:30pm, this number will be a little higher): 2849
calories consumed:1633
calorie deficit:1216

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

1 comment:

  1. Way to go on the C25K...I'm proud of you!!!
    I have to download Jillians podcasts too...keep forgetting. thanks for reminder! Keep it up!
