Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weigh in and WHAT do I do?????

It is Tuesday night, and I did not get any time today to write about yesterday!

It's about time, and well, I have made a decision, after weighing in and being up almost 2 pounds, I am frustrated. I know that everything goes up and down and could be muscle that I gained, but it's just bumming me out everytime I weigh in. I did a big amount of Yoga, less cardio, I felt good about how I was feeling, which is the most important thing, right? I remember when Hoss talked about hitting his plateau, and deciding not to weigh himself for awhile. I think that I need to just focus on doing the right things, the things that are working for me, and not focus so much on the numbers. Today I started out with a sleep deficit, a not so chipper attitude because of the weigh in and then the day spiraled down hill. There was no additional physical activity, and my eating was way messed up. I got many computer things done, but stayed up way too late obsesing about various things in my life and what I think that I need to do, that I forgot about doing and the things that I really want to do but feel like I don't know how to get it all in.

So, do you ever feel like that? Well, it got me thinking last night as I was trying to fall asleep. I had powered off the computer, so I grabbed some paper and a pen and started to write. I had trouble keeping up the writing because my thoughts just kept flying out of my head. Well, when I woke up this morning, here's what I had:

"Just do what??

8 minute abs
200 crunches
3 mile run
30 min cardio
eat protien at every meal
eat green veggies at every meal
don't drink your calories
Have a smoothie at breakfast
eat before you workout
don't eat for an hour, 2 hours...whatever, after you workout
make sure you avoid carbs after you work out and before bed

We always read books, blogs, magazine and newspaper articles, you have it and they tell us things like what I listed above. So how do we make sense of it all? Great question!!!!! I personaly go to sources that have proven results with the background and research to back them up. But what if they have conficting points of view? then what?? Well, then you dig deeper and get more information about WHY they believe what they believe and do. But even then, there is no ONE right answer!! One thing that they all agree on is that CALORIES IN/CALORIES OUT is the bottom line of reachign your desired weight. How you go about fine tuning that or choosing the foods to make the healthiest choices is up to you. What is your motivation for moving to a healthier weight? Is it a Look or a lifestyle?

You use the expert's guidlines adn maybe you combine diferent ideas, but the bottom line is that it all goes back to what Allison said, "you need to do what works best for you"

To add a little more...I have said this before, that I need to figure what works for me, but it does take time to really figure that out!

So, my final note about this, the thing that I have figured out is that I need to avoid looking at the scale for awhile. I will not be looking at the scale until March 28. I am going to focus on ALL of the information that I have been taking in and I will be really just focus on the day to day things and entering my calories, syncing my bodybugg and seeign my deficits, setting daily goals and managing my time and my workouts better. The apartment complex where I live is opening a new club type area. They are going to be offering a ton of classes every week. I am hoping to do some of the classes, meet some new people and then maybe I can have a workout buddy or more than one!!

So, with a smile on my face, I have put the scale in the closet, I am looking ahead to the upcoming choices I have and the decisions that I get to make about my life and I look forward to the adventure of really listening to my body and heping it feel better and heathier in the coming month!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou Herriges

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