Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fabulous Friday and more YOGA info

Yes, it's early Sunday morning and I am posting. I know that I don't have to blog every day, but I do write things out to transfer to here. I also think that maybe I will say something that will help someone else move on, but more than anything, I hope that I will hear something from you about how your journey might be going!

How are you doing on the challenges that I listed? Have you taken any of them on and if so, how are you doing on it?

So, do you ever set your alarm, even set a back up alarm, only to oversleep because you forgot to turn the alarm switch to "on"? I got up close to when I wanted to, on my own, but it didn't allow me to do any yoga, so that kinda stunk! Luckily I had prepared food the night before, and so I was able to get those veggies started right away.

My morning job is never very active, which is a challenge for me, and there isn't really any way to change that at all, so I have to make sure that I get some activity in other ways. Since I had some time this morning at my job, I did start on one of the other challenges that I posted and that is to read a book in the fitness area. I began to read "Yoga for Dummies" and I will finish it before the month is up for sure. Hopefully before that, though, so I can start another one. I read some great things in the book! Here are a few things:

"If you are overweight or have problem with overeating, yoga is the perfect exercise for you because it's gentle on the out-of-shape body, stiff joints, and heart. You'll feel better about your body as you begin to lose weight and you can achieve an inner peace and confidence that will help you avoid compulive overeating."

Yoga aids in circulation, digestion, respiration, reproduction. Yoga also tones your organs, improves your posture, frees your reathing, is cleansing

so, you're intrigued, but still not convinced that yoga and/or meditation is for you? Just look at some of the 10 great reasons to practice yoga:

will tone your muscles and trim excess weight.

Anyone can do yoga. It's a matter of starting at the appropriate level and rememberig that you aren't competing with anyone.

Yoga doesn't hurt. You go at your own pace, do what feels good, and stop before you feel pain.

It gives you the gift of boundless energy.

You can do as much or little as you would like.

Yoga is definitely not about guilt! You benefit the most from regular yoga practice, but practicing the postures whenever you ahve time is still beneficial and cerntainly better than no yoga at all

Yoga will help ease your aches, pains, and stiffness.

To me, those seem like some great reasons to me!! So, have you tried it yet? I'm really curious! If you have tried it, leave me a post or click on of the boxes either interesting or cool at the bottom of the blog for me, let me know how it's going, okay??

Well, in between my AM and PM job, I parked my car by the school where I had to pick up some kids, and I took a 2 mile walk.. about 34 minutes. Not great speed, but got some activity in the middle of the day. I made great use of my time at the second job by doing a ton of calf raises throughout the evening when the kids were busy watching the movie their mom said they could watch. These things were good because when I got home I was so beat, I sat down to gather my energy, and fell asleep! When I woke up, I ended up taking a bath and then heading to bed...I was so relaxed, it was wonderful! Oh, I did my 200 crunches when I woke up too!

I am feeling good about this week so far, can't wait to keep it going in a positive direction!

my stats
calories burned:2785
calories consumed:1726
calorie deficit:1059

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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