Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Brenda Wherry, 22 DAYS bars and March challenges

Special congratulations to Brenda Wherry for taking on the C25K challenge and making it through the entire 9 week program. I knew you could do it, Brenda, way to go!! Can’t wait to hear about the first 5k you run!! Let me know when you plan to do it, maybe I’ll meet you and we can run together!

Let’s see, due to the late Monday night, I did not have time for yoga in the morning. I look forward to focusing on sleep, yoga, C25K training, and what foods make me feel good and healthy and fill me up and fuel my body for the day ahead of me!!!

Today my eating was great! Two of my meals consisted of one of Marcos’ 22 DAYS bars and a piece of fruit. Can I just say that I can not believe how full they make me feel and how long they sustain me! The worst part of the day was that I needed to eat around 6:30, but was picking up that meal on my way home from work, and my stomach started to growl really loud! I didn’t like the hunger feeling, but I survived. My biggest problem of feeling that way is that if I get too hungry, then I often get a headache. Luckily, tonight I got my dinner and felt just fine!

I did 200 crunches and no other activity and since Tuesday is set as my “no workout day”, I am feeling okay with that.

Hoss has put out a challenge for the month of March, and I told him that I would post it here so that if you wanted to take on his challenge, you could. In Addition, I am throwing out some challenges to all of you and would LOVE to get some daily feedback on if you are taking on the challenge and how you are doing with it!! Some of you will probably read these challenges and think, “wow, I have already done all of that!” others will say, “you have got to be kidding me, how on earth could I ever do that?!?!” Where ever you are on your journey, it is possible to take on one of these challenges and just take one little step at a time.

If you decide to take on all of these challenges, fabulous!!! However, if it all just seems too overwhelming, then consider one of them!! I will be starting the challenges a day late, but that’s okay, better late than not at all!!

Hoss’ challenge:

On Jillian Michaels’ Facebook page, she issued a challenge:
Ready for a challenge? Starting tomorrow remove all the toxic products in your kitchen that contain Trans Fat (hydrogenated oils), HFC or “corn sugar”, artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, saccharin). Up for it? If so, get started tonight so you are ready to start you week healthier. And, every day Monday through Friday I want you to complete a 1 mile run/walk.

My challenges to you:

Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night
--200 crunches per day
--Each week try one new exercise DVD, class at the gym, or Wii exercise game
--Drink the appropriate amount of water that you need every day (remember, 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of your weight. For example: if you weigh 180 pounds, then you need to drink 90 ounces of water)
--Keep a log of every single thing that you consume. I’m not telling you to count the calories, though you can add that in as a challenge if you would like, just put a notebook in the kitchen and write it all down. For a little added benefit, write in you moods, how you feel when you are eating certain foods, and how long the food sustains you.
--Read one book about your journey, obviously, a great one to start with is Master your metabolism by Jillian, but you can pick others like The Hollywood Trainer Weight-Loss Plan: 21 Days to Make Healthy Living a Lifetime Habit by Jeanette Jenkins or Power Moves: The Four Motions to Transform Your Body For Life by Marcos Borges ***if you choose to do this challenge, let us know some tips that you found to be really interesting or helpful to you, then we can all learn more!!
--Download Jillian’s FREE podcasts from itunes and listen to them.

I almost forgot!!! My challenge this week from Marcos Borges:
Eliminate soda, alcohol, and adding sugar or sweeteners to foods. eliminate all animal products. ***if you are not interested in becoming a vegetarian, maybe you could do one day with no meat, if you already do that, then maybe two, ya know?

So, what are you going to do to help your body to get healthier? If you respond here on the blog, then other people can see and hear about what you are doing, and you could be their inspiration for the change that they need in their life! Let’s build up this supportive community and help other people learn and grow into a healthier person!! I will be checking in with all of you on this too!

My stats for today:
Calories consumed: 1529
Calories burned: 2974
Calorie deficit: 1445

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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