Friday, March 25, 2011

C25K, and having a wonderful visitor

Hi all!! I would love to go into a ton of details, but I am beat, and Friday will be another busy day!

Well, Evan arrived and we got back really late on Wednesday night. Since he's ony 7..almost 8, getting back at 12am, was even more awful) It was such a long day and so much driving, only burned about 2800 calories..ugg! But, I ended up getting about 6.5 hours of sleep, and then couldn't go back to sleep! no clue why.

With Evan visiting, we are trying to get a lot of things crammed into a just a few days. I want to make it just so much fun, but I also want to make sure that he doesn't get so tired that he can't function, ya know? I also want to make sure that I get my exercise in. So, being at home with the treadmill and bike available are beneficial for sure!

So, we got up, had some breakfast, then did AM yoga, which started the day out just amazingly! Evan really wanted to get a wallet, so we headed to the mall. (lots of walking, yeah!!) wallet done, and he sees Jamba Juice. he says, "OH, can we get JAMBA JUICE???!!!" So, Jamba Juice for lunch :) Headed off to work with Evan. As usual at this job, I am very busy and thus, very active, whoo hoo!! (Evan kept active walking on his hands and playing with the cats, a ton!!) Off to a gluten free dinner at Amici's pizza place! Then, Chuck E Cheese so that Evan could play a ton of games, (walking, walking another whoo hoo!!) Then, dessert at Wild Berry for frozen yogurt. Yes, I did have some, but not too much, it was a fun more stop to get a couple movies for Friday and Saturday night and home at 9:35pm..another long day for Evan! He was pretty wiped out, but took a little time to wind down. I changed clothes and it was time for C25K, week 3, day 1.

This week is warm up for 5 minutes, run for 90 seconds, walk for 90 seconds, run for 3 minutes, walk for 3 minutes, and repeat it one time, then 5 minute cool down. I can tell that I have not been working out like I need to be. I started the run at speed of 5.0, but it was too much, so lowered to 4.5. I finished the first 90 seconds, and was breathing so heavy, I couldn't believe it!!! Ugg, I was frustrated, how could I go from finishing a 5K, to having trouble with 90 second run?? So, time to run 3 minutes. I got to about 100 seconds, and it was getting harder to breathe, but I just said to myself,"you just ran 90 seconds, this is just double that. You have run a 5K! If jillian was here, would you even consider stopping? If you stop now, you're just going to have to start it over tomorrow!..keep running!!!" Then a few seconds later, I heard that wonderful "ding" signalling that it was time to walk for 3 minutes! the breathing was just shocking to me, I am frustrated with myself for not stiking to my good habits, for falling out of that habit. Well, I got to the next run for 90 seconds, and I ran without looking at the timer, and it was easier!! Okay, then the next 3 minute run, OMG, still tough... getting better..oh, breathing harder...I can't take a deep breath..UGGG..why did I back off of the training so much, I was only hurting myself and deaying my dream...ony 1 minute left(my eyes start to look at the bindings of the books on the bookshelf across the room. I see my books about health and nutritional healing and my pictures of all of the people in my life(my neice, Elizabeth, was for some reason staring me down..thanks, Elizabeth!!)...I'm not gonna quit, my health and life are too important..I'm not gonna quit...DING!! down...VICTORY!!

I did it, I am so proud of myself, and feel just amazing, though tired and ready for bed! At 10:25 I had already burned about 3500 calories for the day. How cool is that?!?!? Headed to bed and predict only 6-7 hours of sleep. Tomorrow and Saturday will be early nights for sure, but Evan is ooking forward to yoga in the morning and I will be doing C25K in the eveing for sure!

Thanks for reading, and when you think that you can't do something, just dig a little deeper, think about the people in your life that you made promises to, think about how far you have come, think about the commitments that you have made for yourself and remember that You are worthy of winning, you're worthy of the best, and YOU ARE REMARKABLE AND WORTH IT!!

i forgot to tell ya, now I have to do 2 more days of C25K, Krista is part way through chapter 5,she has to finish it an do chapter 6 to beat me..I feel a win coming on!!
Learning and growing into a heathier me!
Cindy LOu

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