Monday, March 14, 2011

screen time

Here is another great article from Sheila French, 3rd grade teacher. The link to her other article about no homework, is posted on a previous post of mine.

As a nanny, I see issues with screen time all the time!! It is very rare that I have kids watching TV while I am around. If they do, it's usually educational, and I sit with them. Very rare that we do video games, unless it's Wii, and we are doing an active game. computers are generally for homework when i'm around.

I know it is hard for so many of you, especially single parents. But when I am with kids, I include them in the meal preparations, even if they are just 2! If they need to read to me, I have them read to me while preparing dinner or doing another kitchen task. Have them help you make their lunches, have them sort the laundry, sweep the kitchen..whatever it is that will get them involved in being responsible in a family AND feel included AND it will cut down on screen time. I know that at the end of a long day, you are tired, so are they, but all kids really want is to spend time with their parents..why not teach them some life skills and spend the time time talking with your kids instead of sitting them in front of a screen. After dinner, instead of going your separate ways, why not take a walk before bath and bed, huh? and if the child needs to do homework, a 20 minute walk will help refocus the child too.

let's take Sheila's advice and cut out some screen time, gang!!

Learning and growing into a heathier me!
~Cindy Lou

1 comment:

  1. I have to add that after 6 days doing a job watching a 5 year old, I'm happy to report that she has logged just about 2 hours of screen time. Those 2 hours were spent watching 20 min of yoga and the DVD Shrek 3. So happy that when put to the test, I was able to "practice what I preached" to you. she helped with dinner, looked at books, did lots of art, read books with me, did some outside activities too! It was a pretty great time!

    Learning and growing into a healthier me!
    ~Cindy Lou
