Wednesday, March 23, 2011

mom, Jillian's smart tip, cravings, challenge from Krista and, you guessed it..YOGA!!


I promise, one day I will stop talking about yoga and mention other things! This book is just really making me think so much more about me and yoga and all aspects of my journey!!!

If you follow me on facebook (cindy lou herriges) or on twitter (jillianinspired) you may have read these, if not, I got them both from the "Complete Idiot's guide to Yoga":

"moderation is the wisest, most peace-inspiring course. Nothing should be so important that it must be had in excess, and nothing should be so important that it must be utterly denied."-

"Bodies are an opportunity and a tool through which the inner soul can be discovered"-

I just thought these were great things to think about so I thought I would share with you. What do you think about these quotes? would love to hear your comments!

**yoga for me this morning didn't happen. Since I will be up late, picking up Evan, my almost 8 year old visitor, I chose sleep. However, at work, I did some breathing and a couple of poses to help me center. It has worked great today! but I plan to yoga while he is here for sure!

JILLIAN'S Smart Tip - "Taking the stairs" is NOT enough to get you fit. It's a healthier way of life, but no substitute for an exercise regimen. Also, three 10 min workouts over the course of a day isn't as good as doing 1 solid 30 min workout. This is because you release more metabolism boosting hormones over the duration of longer exercise. BUT 10 minute bouts are better than nothing.


My mom has been working hard each day, adding minutes to her routine, walking around Costco for an hour, walking a ton at the gardening store, and even adding climbs up the stairs to her routine! I am very proud of my mom and had to share her accomplishments with you! She isn't able to do vigorous activities-doctor's orders--but she can do these things and walks. She may get up to 30 minutes at a time and she may not, but she is moving, and THAT is the important part!

How about you? have you added anything to your routine to increase your activity?


Okay, not sure if there is anything to this, but i have been craving dairy for over a week. I have actually been eating dairy, but the dairy that I eat always has sugar, which I don't like to have at all!! So, I asked myself..craving dairy..what is your body lacking? Since I take vitamin D already, i realized that I am not taking enough calcium. So, went to Whole foods and found a vegetarian and gluten free calcium supplement. After taking it for 2 days, the dairy cravings are basically gone. I think that my mom is right, again...whatever your body is craving, there is a reason. Listen to your body.--thanks mom!!! xoxo

I have been pretty on track with the yoga, food and my reading. Well, I have a new friend from the cruise, that I never met until online, recently, her name is Krista Harris. She rocks. She is 20 years younger than me, and I have decided to adopt her as a daughter, because she is that amazing to me! ..oh, mom, you're gonna be a grandma again, I guess. :) So, she is studying to be a personal trainer. Well, I am way behind on my C25K and she needs to get cracking on her studying. So, we have a challenge. She needs to finish chapters 4,5 and 6(4 is almost done) before I finish all 3 days of c25k week 3 on Sunday!! I will keep you posted on the winner. This is going to be good!!! I'm gonna take her on this one I'm sure of it!! It's on, Krista!!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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