Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jillian's yoga info, finding it within myself

It has been a week since I posted anything, and for those of you that keep checking back, thanks for your support! For those of you that are first time readers, thanks for checking it out too!!

I have spent this week, feeling anxious, nervouse, worried and a bit overwhelmed. the same things as before, my apartment is disorganized, or my routine is off, or didn't plan...sometimes all the same day, sometimes, just one of them. I find myself wondering why it was going so wonderfully and then doubting how I am going to stay on track even after I am finally able to get to a healthy weight. I am talking to new people, but missing the people that have been such a support that I didn't even realized how much, even though I thought I got it...does that make sense? Allison and Meghan were not around for various reasons, and not chatting with them has been odd. I need to find it within myself to get things done and stay focused on my goals. The weather was AWFUL and though I don't have that seasonal disorder, not being able to be outside and be in my "cave" of an apartment does play a role in my mood I am realizing. I also haven't been doing yoga in the morning due to not getting enough sleep. I have felt like the old me, before this journey, and it just kinda stinks! OKAY, it REALLY STINKS!! SO, I did look within and started thinking about what it is that I really want in my life. the firt thing is something I have talkd about, BALANCE. I don't have that, and just when I think I do, it goes away. In retrospect, I think that it is me sabotaging myself though, not some crazy outside force. If i blame it on those, I really am just making up excuses, because my inner strength is bigger than those excuses. I know it is!

So, though I was tired Monday morning, I got up after 7.5 hours of sleep and I did yoga and...(cue harp)"aaaahhhh" BALANCE, centeredness, calm, peace... I've said it before, and I KNOW that I will say it again, but yoga is it for me. Unfortunately, it can't be all for me. Jillian's comments about yoga are below. if you haven't signed up to get Jillian's newsletters, go to jillianmichaels.com, and get them, they are worth the read!

Yesterday I walked 1.37 miles, many hills, with a 5 year old, so pretty slow. The plan was to do c25K...why didn't I do it?? have absolutely no idea except I was tired, and had a headache. I opted for more sleep, and got up and did yoga this morning. Again, feeling amazing! My schedule will change a bit tomorrow since my friend's son, Evan, will be coming to visit until sunday morning. I can't wait!! He is very active, loves playing outside, doing wii, and I think he will enjoy doing yoga with me in the morning. Oh, he is an early riser too, so we are going to have an awesome time being together!!! I am still looking for more inner strength and belief in myself, like I had before I gained back a little of the weight. I know I will find it, and have started fresh this week. I hope to maintain my focus and belief..Like I said in my last post, I will never quit, but there are going to be some hurdles along the way..those will only make me stronger!!


By all means, be sure to incorporate any exercise you enjoy. I would have an issue if you ONLY wanted to do a typical yoga routine for your exercise regimen, for two reasons: First, you need variety in your routine, and if you do the same thing repeatedly, your body will not get the best results; second, most forms of yoga do not burn as many calories as cardio or traditional resistance training. However, I do have a solution if you want to do yoga AND burn a lot of calories. My DVD, Yoga Meltdown, combines hard-core yoga power poses with dynamic-training techniques to deliver a true calorie-burning workout. It's not the yoga you might currently practice, but you can get the positive feelings you talked about while melting away the pounds.
That said all types of yoga do have all the benefits you mention and would be an excellent addition to your fitness regimen!

Learning and growing into a heathier me!
~Cindy Lou

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