Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Quitting...yeah, not really an option for me

off to bed in a few minutes, but had to let you know that i was able to start out the day with yoga, and it was great! I was a bit off on food, but got in my water and my mile walk, along with my 200 crunches. I will be back at home and on my regular schedule tomorrow, and will do c25K, even if my shin hurts still.

I am noticing that in the morning, I am realy stiff and doing more than just a 20 minute yoga thing would be a good. Now, to figure out how to get the sleep that I need to be able to do that!!

feeling a bit dissapointed that I need to stay late at work because I probably won't make kickboxing at my apartment complex. I am looking at different gyms to see if there are any classes that I can try and take tomorrow night.

today while Julia played softball, I was able to get 1 mile of walking in, so I'm so glad that I made use of that time!!

In reflecting on the past weekend, I remember a quote that I heard at my TEAM seminar, here it is: FAILURE IS A REQUIREMENT OF SUCCESS

wow, it's so true, and it is such a good reminder!! I also remember that THE OPPOSITE OF SUCCESS ISN'T FAILURE, IT'S QUITTING. Quitting is something that I will never do. I might have some stalls, derailings, huge pot holes to get through, but quitting will not happen. I'm in this until I reach my goal, and I'm sorry if it seems to be taking such a crazy path. I hope that all of you reading this see that for some of us, it's not as simple as doing the work, there are often other issues to work through, and honestly, I think that we all have issues, but some work through them faster than others. That's why I am blogging! I hope that something I say helps someone realize that it's not just them having a certain struggle, and that struggles are okay, they are necessary to success, just like failures. A FAILURE IS JUST AN EVENT IN YOUR LIFE!!

so, one more day to to figure out the Goliath that I need to face to move forward and pull more of this together for myself!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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