Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Yoga, 30 day shred with Jillian and food I GET IT moment

Okay, Monday was just fantastic! This week of challenges with Krista is pushing me to do things that I wouldn't have done, and my body is so happy about it!!

The day was a bit of a struggle with being hungry all day and then having a headache later in the afternoon. It was so frustrating, but when you read below, you'll find out what I learned from that!

Let's start with yoga, because that is how I am starting my day each day. I feel great all day. Standing poses today, and I am finding that my reach is farther and my hamstrings are a bit less tight. Mymind was not very focused though, and I think it was just because I was tired from only 6.5 hours of sleep. That is an area to really get back in line with the 7-8 hours a night. I am feeling it for sure!!

I worked my 7.5 hours and then went to a softball game that a little girl I used to nanny was playing in. So, I got my time with her and her older sister which filled my heart so much!!!


All day I was worried about this, but determined to do the DVD. It has beginner level, so I didn't need to stress, and as Megan pointed out, duh...I could pause the DVD if I was dying while I did it!! I started the DVD..I needed hand weights, and didn't have any..I just used my weighted gloves and that was light, but better than nothing. I will pick some up tonight. The other thing that I didn't realize is that it is 20 minutes long. That's it!! She started in, and it was Jillian, the Jillian that I met on the cruise, the one that you think she is, caring and supportive. She wants you to work and not stand still at all, but she even says if you need it, you can take 5 seconds at one point in the CD. She wants this workout to count so you don't have to spend hours and hours at the gym and not make any progress. I was able to do everything on the DVD! For those of you thinking, "yeah, but I have never done a fitness DVD" well, that's okay!! Really, I'm not just saying that. She has 2 people doing the exercises while she does them and teaches them. One is doing the regular version, and the other is doing the adapted version of the exercise for the people that just can't do the regular one! It was a great way to start! In addition, it was fast moving as far as doing things. It wasn't repetetive for hours, she worked you, but I didn't keep thinking to myself, "when will this end?" I recommend this DVD to anyone, and I really hope to get it into my daily routine as soon as I can figure out how with the other things that I have to do.


I think after a few days of just not getting why I was hungry and trying to just really analyze what foods I need at what times of the day, yesterday, it totally clicked! I NEED MORE CARBS FOR BREAKFAST!!! If I increase my veggies or protien or anything, I am still feeling like I am playing catch up all day and I am hungry and yesterday even had a headache by around 4pm!! So, when I got home, I made a baked potato and an artichoke, and yes, I did put butter and sunflower seeds on the potato. I actually didn't go much over my calories, don't know the exact amount, but it was close. I will be making sure that the morning meal is dense with good carbs to start my day, that will make for a more successful day with food for sure!

I had a discussion with my friend today, and she was talking about craving red meat sometimes, but she really doesn't like to eat a ton of it. Well, I told her about this I GET IT moment and about the calcium that I talked about last week. I said that in the past when I craved me(and now I'm coming up on 14 years of not eating it) it meant my iron was low. She was so quiet and said, "wow, I am amazed! I need to think about that too, thanks!"

So happy that I was able to help someone a litte bit! That's what it's all about to me, and getting your input helps me too!! Thanks!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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