Thursday, January 27, 2011

scheduled jobs. and weigh in #31

I am someone who likes a plan and schedule to follow, but I also don't like to have to be committed to one set mundane thing day after day. So, the multiple jobs, but at the same times each day, seemed like the perfect solution. I was concerned about having everything set at certain times, and very little flexibility. Here's what I found out...

This thing where sometimes I do overnights, sometimes mid day, sometimes mornings, well, I like the variety, but it is not working as far as when to eat and when to exercise and how to get adequate sleep.

Today I got home from the overnight job at 7:30am. I was so incredibly tired, but I told Allison that I would walk in the morning. So, I parked my car and didn't even go inside. I just walked to the park that is just outside my apartment complex. I put on "mapmyrun" app, and started to walk. the first lap I was thinking about how tired I was and how cold it was, I knew it would warm up, but I wasn't going to be any less tired, ya know? I hit .87 miles, and was thinking,"okay, my battery on my phone is dying, and I don't want to do this long walk and have no idea how far I walked!" so, I kept trying to calculate in my head, "well, .87 miles was 3 laps, so how many laps to hit 3 miles?" The math wasn't working in my head! I was tired, but my brain just started saying," well, you can't calculate it right, so just walk faster so your battery doesn't die!" Then, I remembered about Steve Prefontaine. I remembered his will, and I remembered what his coach said about running. Now, I was walking, but I thought about my posture. I realized that I was walking faster, but I wasn't walking very alligned at all!! I tightened my abs, focused on my posture and my stride, and I felt faster and more capable of finishing! I finally hit 3 miles..I think it took about 51 minutes, but not completely sure. I went inside, ate a banana, showered and slept. I planned on 8 hours, but my body woke up after just 5.5.

So, once again, I am reminded that, "if I want to change something in my life, I need to change something in my life." I guess for now, that means that I need to embrace this new schedule, not fight it. I know that m/w/f are still a bit up in the air, but financially, I am making enough, and so the extra hours can only help my work outs, right?

though I was incredibly tired after the walk, it felt good to be walking in the morning in the crisp air. I actually am considering getting up at 5am to walk each morning. Then, I have that as a minimum for the day, but i can focus on my day and not be stressing about having to work out later and feeling too tired to. But, I will still be able to go work out later in the day too, it just won't be hanging over my head. hope that makes some sense!!

Oh, the remainder of my day was spent doing things at home, looking for some extra work, and putting goals up on the wall in my room. I did weigh in, and I was +2 pounds. I'm not sure how accurate that was because I didn't weigh in until about 5pm, usually I do it at 6am, and my sleep was totally off too. So, now I have to say that I am back in the 200's @201. I am not happy about it, and that is probably part of the reason that I was sulking today. Just kind of frustrated....again!

I will never give up and I will keep learning from this process.
Through struggle comes victory.
...fall down...get up....fall down....get up...fall down...GET UP!!
fall down 99 times, get up on the 100th.

these are things that I try and remind myself of.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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