Sunday, January 9, 2011

moving furniture, the Biggest Loser and Jillian

It was the end of a very long week with the new schedule! HOwever, I did it!!

I worked a total of 51 hours. It felt good, but need to work on getting the workouts in. Sleep was way more important this week than anything.

for today, I got to work at 7:15am. The kids were in a great mood..luckily! I had volunteered to move the girls' room around earlier that week, but mom hadn't decided on it yet. Last night she gave it the okay, and I moved a bunch of it within 15 minutes..then took the older one to school and the younger one and I finished the room. That was the only major activity today. Food was pretty good overall, but I did feel hungry a lot today. Allison and I have talked about that, and we agree that when you are eat scientific proof..just an overall observation. I used green tea this morning too.

I got home and was so tired!! I had my gym bag in the car, and just couldn't go. I knew I could sleep in, but I was beat! I took a long bath and watched the Biggest Loser on my laptop while I soaked :) Hoss Parvisian talked about this episode in his blog: if you want his slant on it. He has amazing insights and is a great writer and story teller. If you haven't checked out his blog, please do, it's wonderful!!

so, regarding the Biggest Loser...
SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it yet, and don't want to read about it until you do..skip this blog until later :)

It was really cool to see that it has changed a bit. With Jillian leaving after this season, I knew that this season would be different. I was very excited to NOT see anyone at my weight on the show, that felt really neat! I know that Hoss mentioned that it bothered him that there were people on there at his weight. I have to say, Hoss, look at how tall that person was..waaay different, right? :) I agree with Hoss, they do show the loud and crazy side of Jillian. As a Jillian fan, that is one thing that I love about her. She will get in your face, push you as far as she can to break down that wall that you have up that is stopping you from moving on. Crashing through the fear, the hurt, the pain of the past that has put you in the position you are in. Then, she takes you outside and talks with you, shows you how much she cares and wants to help that person. Last year they showed that calmer and caring side so much more than the other years. I will also agree with Hoss, she is one of the most thoughtful and caring people!! I will write the cruise blogs by tomorrow, you will see that side. She gives so much to everyone, especially her fans. Her heart for people is really big and I think that when people give up on themselves and she is working so hard to help, she just yells because she is trying to get them to see that. I don't know if I am right, but that is what I see on the show and what I saw and felt when I met her and talked with her. I'm not trying to say she is perfect or the most amazing person, but before I even met her, I started this blog and named it with her in, yeah, she makes a difference to millions every week! Not that she will ever read this blog, but I'm saying it again..thank you, Jillian, for all that you do for all of us. You are such a thoughtful person for sharing your time with us so that we can learn and grow into healthier, and hopefully happier, people!

I fell asleep about midnight. I have grand plans for Saturday, but with going to bed so late, not sure how it will play out. This is the first week and I am not setting an alarm to get up.

calorie deficit:1422

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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