Sunday, January 2, 2011

getting ready

getting ready for the new schedule and the new work week! food is packed for tomorrow and clothes are ready, and I still need to work out. my schedule changed for tomorrow, I don't need to be there until 9am, so I will be able to sleep an hour later..whoo hoo! I am going to do a 30 minute work out on my new step that I got from my sister, Barbara. It came with a DVD, so I will do that work out, shower and head to bed by about 10:30.

I got my 8 hours of sleep, met some family for brunch, but I ate before I went and just enjoyed some green tea that I brought. BAck to my mom's to visit for a few hours. I was starving and looked at the time and it was abou 4.5 hours since I had eaten!! However, today I lucked out, I had left the leftovers (stirfy and rice) at her house last night. I grabbed that and some peanuts and a kiwi..felt sooo much better!!

Once I got home, I took care of the kitchen and then prepared dinner and my meals for tomorrow and now, blogging...where does the time go?!?!? It worries me a bit about when I will have time to do everything that i need to get done during the week. i just remembered that I needed to look up the closest gym between the 2 jobs tomorrow..uggg..that took way longer to map out.

i need to go work out, and in the morning, I will finish blogging....okay, did 30 minutes on step aerobics at home with new step!! whoo hoo!

Jeanette Jenkins day 2 challenges were to eat green veggies at 3 meals and do 30-60 min body sculpt.. I met those challenges(aerobics instead of body sculpt)!!

calorie deficit: 324 (this is sooo terrible, but better than a +, right?)
steps: 6859 (I don't think I have ever been that low!)

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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