Sunday, January 2, 2011


No, I'm not stuttering. Not only is 1-1-11 the date, it's a reminder to me that this is the start of making sure I just take it 1 day at a time :)

I slept for almost 9 hours. I sat up and actually said, "it's a new day, a new year and it is going to be a great new adventure." That is how I felt when I woke up. I felt groggy(later I realized that I think it was/is a gluten fog from being contaminated). But, I felt hope for this start of the second leg of my journey.

I started with a healthy breakfast right when I got up, around noon. Then ran an errand and then went to my mom's because my Aunt and Uncle were visiting. On the menu for dinner...ginger stir fry with cashews, yum!! I realized that we weren't going to eat at 4, so grabbed an apple to tide me over. Not ideal, but not eating at all would have been worse. I was very hungry and ate a second serving of the stir fry, it hit the spot!! After the meal, we opened our fortune cookies(I couldn't eat one, but got my "fortune"). I loved my message, it said, "You will be famous and marry a beautiful person". What a great way to start a new year!!! Can't wait for that to come true :) My mom gave us each a copy of our horoscope for the year, it was so fun!! Mine said, "Your New year's resolutions might be to climb every mountain and cross every river. Make a resolution that this year, you will find a way to do the things you always wanted to do but were afraid to try". (Yes, Allison, I will try a spin class, and I will set a goal to do a mud run, but might run it in a year...we'll see) She also gave us each a copy of what "Dear Abby" posts each year..I will share that tomorrow with my goals.

Today, I knew that I was going to get to go to the gym. I have been so lazy all month! I could have gone to the gym and done upper body, I could have gone swimming, I didn't. I don't regret it, but I do know that if an injury occurs again, I will respond differently. So, I got home and was feeling tired, and really wanted to just colapse on the couch and do nothing. However, I went to the gym at my apartment complex. Jeanette Jenkins put out a challenge...

Day 1-Healthy Living Challenge: Do a 3mile jog/walk/run & focus on increasing Oxygen intake which is necessary to burn fat!

I got to the gym, and made a decision to walk 3 miles at 3.0(my regular pace is 3.5). I did my warm up and stretches, then started to walk. I pod was playing my 5K playlist, and I was feeling so great about being in the gym, but not excited that it was going to take me an hour to do this 3 miles! about 4 minutes in, I increased speed to 4.0 and started to jog/run(my regular run speed is 4.5). I ran some more for a total of 1 minute, and I caught myself grinning from ear to ear. Decrease speed and walk again...I was breathing, even during the run, through my nose, not my mouth, so that was exciting. I figured that about every 5 min I would do a one minute run. I couldn't wait for the 5 minute mark--sorry mom, I tried to take it easy! I was just sooo excited that I could run, and it wasn't killing me, that I just kept going. I still only did about one minute, and i did this throughout my work out. When I hit 2.95 miles, I increased my speed to 4.5 and ran until I hit 3 miles. I felt so incredibly excited. My hip felt used, but it felt good!!! I hopped off and stretched a bit and then did some upper body weights until my arms were shaking, and it felt amazing!! Can't wait to go back tomorrow!

I came home and made some roasted vegetables so that I could have some "dinner". I forgot protien, but I will survive :) I really wanted more because it tasted soo yummy, but I refrained so now I have 3 more servings of it for the next few days..whoo hoo! Nice hot bath and now blogging before bed.

calorie deficit: 1735
steps: 14489

It is 2am,and I am beat, so I will post my goals tomorrow in a separate post.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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