Saturday, January 8, 2011

i'm changing..but missing some things

this was written Wed morning on paper..just transferring now.

Wow, well, went to bed closer to 11:30 last night. Not good, but Like I have said, this is just the 1st week and I am working out all of the kinks in the new schdule, right? Scheduling my time has always been easy, but sometimes other things get in the way because I haven't had a priority to focus on. I have one now though, so that is helping!! Sometiems I will work a few hours later or go in a couple earlier for a family and will have to rearrange work out schedules. I the past that would have made me stresssed and frustrated..mainly just internally, but I'm sure that then I would respond in a not-so-nice tone sometimes because of the underling frustration. That is terrible to think about how I affected people with my words!!

What I am noticing is that I miss catching up with people in the evenings and on facebok/twitter..luckily I get texts from people and updates from facebook and twitter on my phone too, so that's nice. I know I will have weekdnds to do that and I will be able to meet even more people on my journey when I take some wekend classes at the gym. Those people will be like minded as me on my health journey and motivate me too, so that will be awesome!! Like I have said, I am just trying to be honest about the journey because someone reading this might say, "if i work out, I can't keep in contact with my friends, I miss facebook, I miss my tv show". So, I guess I'm writing this to help all of us work through that. Do things with your goal in mind. If you love a TV show, set a goal to watch it, for example: when I eat my meals within my calorie budget, I get to watch one show. OR I will get a stair stepper and step during every commercial or every show that I want to watch. OR if I hit my calorie burn I get 30 minutes uninterrupted time on facebook. Whatever it is for you, set a goal and get your reward if that helps.

I can't believe I am getting up and making 4 meals each morning. Breakfast is the only one I really get to eat at home. Today I got up, went straight to thekitchen and steamed some brocolli, whewn that was done, I steamed the spinach and snow peas together, then used the water to make my pasta for my lunch. I plan to try out new recipes on the weekend and make more elaborate meals then, but during the week, meals need to be portable.

I would love comments on some of your favorite on-the-go meals you pack for yoursleves!

later I added.....

I ended up finishing one job, going straight to the other with no gym time in between. I did 20 wall push ups in the morning at a job. At work, not super active all day. I got off a bit early then helped my mom with something then headed home, made my meals and went to bed. no work out because sleep is more important so that I can do a good job with the children that I care for and for a better workout later.

I am disappointed that I didn't work out, but know that in the long run, all the kinks will be out of the system and I will have my workouts when I need to.

calorie deficit for the day: 1711
** had green tea with honey today as I needed a little boost. Seems that warm beverages seem to satisfy my gut.

think I did pretty well, considering I didn't go to the gym!!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!!
~Cindy Lou

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