Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday, reassurance

I got up earlier than my alarm, unfortunately. I had planned not to set one, but my friend, Sharon, who is now doing the C25K challenge was able to meet at the gym at 10:40, so I planned on that. Got up and actually turned on the computer. I think it was the first time in a couple of days that I was really able to do the things I needed to do.

Then, I went to the gym. Not a pretty site. It was packed, and you know how much I hate that. I hadn't run since Monday, and hadn't been to the gym since monday, it was an early in the day work out, and I was behind on sleep..not a pretty picture, right? I started to run, at 2 minutes it felt like 10, then at 5, I just couldn't believe it wasn't more..kept going, but by about 18, my hip started to hurt. I think it was mainly the early work out, but probably a combination of all of the things that I mentioned above. I ran for about 25 minutes total, and had to stop. I was so mad, but I didn't want to get injured, especiall with the cruise coming up in less than a week.

Then, home, showered, picked up a pay check and went to watch a baseball game (my friend's son was playing). then, I took a nap. Got up, made dinner and got ready, then left for a leadership seminar for the TEAM...more on thaat in a minute.

my stats:
7 hours of sleep
calories burned:
calories consumed:
calorie deficit:

At the seminar I was greeted by so many wonderful people who have been following my progress and some who haven't, but they said things like "wow, you look great!", "I didn't recognize you!", "you have been working so hard!" those things really made me feel good. I have been feeling like I haven't been giving enough attention to my TEAM business, and I haven't, but I had a bit of guilt about it. I know that there are only so many hours in the day and that we have to prioritize what is the most important. Like I have talked about before, this is my focus and the most important thing for my life right now. Then, from stage, George said, "wouldn't you all agree that without your health, nothing else matters?" I have heard that for years in our business, nothing new, but with this struggle I have been having with myself, it was perfect timing for me to hear it again. I know that when I hit my health goals I will be healthier, and thus a bit happier too. I will also be ready to run hard with my business and be in a physical state to do so. He talked about if you are going to go after a goal, you need to have vision, hunger and a vehicle to get you there. I have the vision(my goal weight), I have the hunger to work hard to reach that goal, and the vehicle I am using has many parts. However, I did realize tonight that my biggest inspiration in starting when I did, and the person that I refer to all the time is Jillian Michaels and I have not utilized all of her techniques in her book, so I am not using the vehicle properly. I plan to bring the book on the cruise, and will be looking at what else I need to change. she gives you a step by step approach, and though I have done many of the steps, there are more to do. So, special thanks to George Guzzardo of the TEAM for helping me to realize that about my health journey!

Jill Guzzardo was telling a story I have heard many times, but one thing she said really hit me tonight, "we are all acting like we have so many years left in our lives, but we never really know, so get it done now, so you can enjoy your life and help others". That isn't the exact quote, but very close, I am not a speedy note taker. Though she was referring to the business that I am in, it can pertain to so many aspects in our lives, especially the journey that I am on.

Another great quote tonight, "If you beieve in this, why aren't you doing it?..what excuses are you giving yourself?"--this week, obviously work was the excuse, but also a necessity. But the thing I need to get better at remembering is "I can't be willing to break a promise that I made to myself"-Chris Brady So, after I get sleep, I will do another thing that George reminded us of, "Start to do all that you can everyday".

I hope that these quotes inspired you or caused you to think differently. Maybe they will help you get out of your comfort zone and start to move in a direction towards your goals or maybe they just helped you decide that you wanted goals. Our time passes quickly and making a difference in your life and others is something you can do every day.

So, with all that in mind, as I write this blog for you and for me to learn from,I am off for now as the twins will probably be up soon, and then I will head home to bed.

Have a wonderful day!

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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