Tuesday, October 12, 2010

back on track and weigh in #16

Well, pretty cool day I followed the schedule perfectly, but at work in the afternoon, I decided that it would be best to go to target tonight in addition to the already scheduled whole foods, followed by the gym. I kept thinking about it decided that I was going to go to Target tonight. I knew that the list of things to get was just weighing on my mind, so thought I would have better sleep and everything if I just got it done. So, I went to whole foods and then had 1.5 hours at Target. First stop...clothes. I had much better luck at this Target than the other one!! I got a ton of stuff, and feel really good about it. I had a very long list of other things to get, and tomorrow I will return some of the things that I got and pick up the few things that I missed. I really wanted to finish, but only a couple of things that I ran out of time to get. My focus was clothes. When I was there, I started to look at the clothes and when I was so critical before, I started to say to myself things like, "well, you haven't hit your goal, they aren't going to fit perfectly. How do they fit with the body you currently have?" I had a lot more postive experience this time, and found some great things.

when I got home, I put the groceries away, changed my clothes, and went to the gym to run. I ran at 4.6 for the first 15 minutes, and 4.5 for the last. that is 5 min more at 4.6 than I did last time. So, it didn't give me much more distance, surprisingly, in 30 minutes, 2.29miles total. I worked until 6:30 this morning, came home and did a few things that I had to get done, then took a 2.5 hour nap. Walked a dog, went to work, and you know what happened after work. So, a very active day, and my stats reflect that too. Oh, after my shower when I was going through things that I purchased, and then went through more clothes in my drawers and closet and found a bunch of new clothes to try on. some totally fit!! and I got to take some more "too big" clothes in the heap on the floor :) So, I will probably be able to return some of the clothes that I purchased. very cool that some of my stuff fit that had been tucked into my drawer!!

sleep..not much
calories burned:3525
calories consumed: 1381
calorie deficit: 2144

so, tomorrow night, I will watch the second episode of the biggest loser, since I hit 19oo calorie deficit.

Weigh in today move me 2.4 closer to my goal this past week for a total of 47.4. I just haven't hit the deficits that I set as goals, but this week will be higher burn, and more sleep for sure!! With that in mind, I'm going to go for now and sleep.

Plan for tomorrow...go see my mom show clothes for trip and narrow it down, go to target, get remaining items and return items, take 2 dogs for a walk, run at the gym, work, and then go to my TEAM meeting..and just today, the twins' parents called me..they need help on tuesday night.

Learning and growing into a healthier me!
~Cindy Lou

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